Can somebody confirm if Fake Teleport effectively punishes whiffed bursts? I go for baits with teleport, but I can never punish effectively before the opponent recovers. Maybe the bomb on Fake works, and may act as some cover if the bait fails.
Just figured I’d share some of the stuff I’ve been using in matches lately.
-After any combo with a restand, go for a throw or an instant overhead with IAD j.MP. Pretty self explanatory. Gets beaten by DPs and most supers so I prefer not to use it if I think my opponent will favor that option. That last sentence was real hard to write without using the word “mash”, and I’m proud of myself that I found a way to word it that avoids that word. Good job, me.
-After a throw, do George’s Day Out, then Boxcar George, then teleport. The Boxcar George isn’t really necessary, it’s just to get the timing right and to build a little more meter. It’s harder to combo after if you use MK teleport to fake a crossup, because you’re further away. You can use s.MP but the timing is tight since that normal is pretty slow. Truth be told I haven’t thought about the problem that much cause not enough players are blocking the crossup correctly and I don’t care enough.
-After Argus Agony, call Hornet Bomber and teleport. This works a lot for whatever reason. It shouldn’t, because you’re at frame disadvantage after Argus Agony. I dunno what to tell you. Try it and see.
-End a combo with s.HK xx Item Drop (charge). There’s no guaranteed reset here since s.HK causes a techable knockdown. It’s more freestyle. Jump over them and release the item for a crossup, jump over them and then double jump backwards or straight up to fake a crossup, call Double and jump over them for a crossup then jump over them again and release the item for another crossup. Whatever. The thing I like about this is even if they block it correctly, I’m at frame advantage, and can go for another mixup like an instant overhead or a tick throw or whatever.
-This is my favorite one. From full screen while charging an item, do Boxcar George, release the item, then teleport. If it’s all timed correctly this is a pretty good mixup. First off if they don’t block the item drop, either because it caught them in prejump or they pushed a button, the whole thing combos. If they do block the item drop, there’s a gap in blockstun, and that gap allows the George to cross them up. Again, if the whole thing is blocked you’re at frame advantage and you can go for more stuff, and it’s all pretty safe. I’ve had it defended correctly but I’ve never really been blown up for it.
i came up with this lenny, argus agony x2.
thx brandx for the video.
Better off dropping the lenny and just doing the standard L George, M George, Teleport mix-up. Then on hit, you can use your meter for Argus Agony * 3 instead.
Best peacock throw>lk bomb mixup ive seen… Lower execution than dash into airdash mixups and always gives full combo on hit, no need to waste meter on argus:
Throw> lk bomb, dash forward, mk or hk teleport… Walk towards opponent as you recover from the teleport and combo them. Easy timing, super ambiguous.
Easy “pressure” resets: xx h item drop. If they block the item drop they will be moved toward peacock allowing her to dash under them for the crossup… If they get hit by the item drop peacock can jump hp/mp them into full combo.
St.hp 1st hit xx h item drop hold… Completely safe on hit… Not even punishable by bella command grab super or filia dp super, use it as a safe option into a jumping crossup hk if you expect a reversal from st.hp xx itemdrop release.
St.hp xx item drop release: hits the opponent if they try to jump away and gives full combo. Other than that mixup between high/low and throw on a block or successful hit if not looking for confirm.
Other easy mixup from release item drop variants are to call slower assist like mk bomber and then teleport for the crossup… Easy hard to block stuff here.
Peacock has a bunch of really good resets besides these but these are the basic foundation that most build upon.
Extra credit is st.lp,, blocked into item drop release… Unsafe but gives advantage on block and allows for mixup opportunities. VERY GOOD and a good overall option other than canceling into lk bomb.