I really like lay on hands, it’s a solid one of that is more versitile than it looks–had it in one of my arena decks. I really wanted to draw it this one game where the other guy was extremely aggressive, but I didn’t get to live the dream. The games that I did cast it though were a beating.
Been on an awfully unlucky arena run recently, running into lots of mercenaries, really sick overload decks–like I was 0-2 and I ran into the sickest overload deck that just destroyed me.
Then I’ll turn around and be matched against people running mindgames.
Thankfully the based RNG gods smiled upon me when he copied a 1 cost creature from my deck.
Like seriously mindgames is a terrible card, super fun though, I can’t argue that, but there’s no place for that card outside of casual queue.
My first time in arena, I drafted 4 Explosive Traps. My last Arena run, I drafted 3 polymorphs, I skipped out on the 4th. Then all the games I’ve lost I never drew a polymorph.
Yeah I wouldn’t draft 5 Flametongue totems normally, but I had really poor drafts in general as one might see with the Frostwolf Grunt.
5-3, lost to +4 AoE on the first two and bad Mulligans on third. I didn’t really end up with a situation where the totems were a liability except the last game, my lack of AoE spells compared to theirs was the real deal breaker.
Thats gonna shake up the meta quite a bit. 2 cost unleash the hounds sounds about right, and the change I would have liked. Pyro to 10 makes sense but I worry that mages already are having a tough time right now. Novice engineer to 1/1 will make him played way less than loot hoarder, if at all. Blood imp change is quite a nerf. Removal of the one turn kill (warsong commander, charge costing mana) warrior is gonna be interesting, but it was definitely too hard to play around. Dark Iron Dwarf and Defender of Argus changes make sense too in that they were really strong… Dark Iron Dwarf tended to use the +2 buff just to trade up anyway, so not much change there, but argus at 2/3 does feel like a big change, but the double +1/+1 is really strong still. Surprised they didn’t make him a 3/3 that does +0/+1 and taunt.
typical, tons of cards that I like and enjoy are getting gutted.
Rip Argus, Dark Iron, Blood Imp, Warsong.
It’s probably for the best though, I played against some guy in ranked who sort of durdled around as I crushed him with paladins, defender and dark iron–the incremental advantage really adds up, and while the dorf does tend to trade up there’s tons of situations where the perma +2 was amazing, especially on shamans where your random 0/2 totem suddenly becomes a real dude.
Almost everyone is playing 2x engineer (I don’t know why because even at 1/2 it’s a horrible card, drawing a card with a 1/2 isn’t good when you could just draw the good card and not play the 1/2)
So obviously blizzard is unhappy with the extremely high play rate that all these cards that are getting nerfed has, and I’ll admit that argus, dark iron, warsong and imp are all way too good (like warsong is the only reason to play warrior imo)
We were discussing how in arena spell-decks do better because spells always get their full value (unless counter spell) and charge is easily the most powerful creature mechanic because charge lets you attack how you want to get full value out of your creature (usually you’ll get a 2 for 1). Giving every creature charge is amazing, but I don’t agree with the warsong nerf, imo why play warrior now?
Its because any card that replaces itself draws through your deck faster, making your deck essentially 28 cards instead of 30. It lets you get some presence on the board without giving up a card from your hand. Its essentialy a “free” 1/2, in terms of the fact that it replaces itself card advantage wise
But it costs 2 mana, that’s some tempo and it being a 1/2 is only marginally relevant.
Like engineer -> shattered sun cleric-> defender or dark iron dwarf
is a sick curve, (post patch not nearly as much though) but many decks don’t care about having a 1/2
Like control decks shouldn’t run it, like gnomish inventor is more reasonable in control decks because it’s a “3 for 1” against aggressive decks if it manages to eat two dudes (or one dude and a spell)
Most of the time the 1/2 isn’t a 2 for 1, it’s a 1/2 that does nothing. If you’re aggressive/midrangy with lots of buffs then it becomes more reasonable, but most of the time you’re better off playing a real 2 drop and then spending other mana on drawing cards.
Like loot hoarder is better (despite getting “got” by silence, which I need to get more quality silence creatures because golem too good) because it’s a 2/1, it can trade with a ton of dudes, it can be iron dwarf’d to trade with more dudes, and it’s better aggressively because it deals mroe damage.
Having an instant card is way better it can’t get silenced and it cycles that turn for you. especially important for a rogue. I think it will still get played as a 1/1 in most rogue decks because it it really only loses its pressence in 3 match ups mage/druid/rogue
Loot hoarder dying is fine, you want the card draw anyway.
But think about end game. If you are on turn 13 and top decking and you draw loot hoarder, you sigh. If you draw Novice engineer, you fist pump. That’s the biggest difference.
Mage can ping it and cycle for a card, but every other class is kind of like “well, there goes this turn”
thats the reason instant draw is infinitely better than deathrattle draw.
But, using the 2/1 limits your opponents 2 drops, as they can’t really drop Knife Juggler or Faerie Dragon at that point without it just dying. They each have their uses, but there’s a reason novice engineer is in 99% of decks and loot hoarder is in much less.