Those are the first quests I reroll, playing 40 spells, or 40 minions above 5, or 40 minions below 3, just takes too damn long for the 40 gold reward. Destroying minions or dealing damage isn’t that bad. But I agree there is more room for quests than “Win X times with priest.”
Managed to get my hands on VanCleef and I’m having a blast with his addition my current deck, but I’m not sure whether or not I could (or should) swap out my pair of Shieldmastas for something else that would fit this kind of deck better, any advice?
What rank are you playing around? I know ranks just got reset, but Im curious how high of a rank that could go. Questing seems good only if you pair it with stealth mechanics to make it really grow (like the old Miracle Rogue deck), does that deck actually do well in ranked?
I’d probably suggesting changing Senjin for Dark Iron Dwarf though for that offensive power, if it needs changing at all.
Went rank 12 with that deck on EU pre-VanCleef, it went up and down a bunch before hitting that rank so I can’t honestly say that it does particularly well, but it doesn’t hurt to work towards making it better.
I tried Conceal but it felt so so and ended up being a dead card a lot of the time sadly, I’ll give it a try again though now that I have some of the better cards. Not sure about Master of Disguise since I don’t have a pair yet.
I can see Dark Iron Dwarf being pretty strong, I’ll give him a try. Cheers.
I would say compare him to my rogue deck on the previous page, I was at Rank 10 (NA) with it, I just didnt have time to play, I didn’t stall out or anything. Not sure if it would have gone higher or not. It doesn’t have the flavor of yours, with the Questing Adventurer, but it does work fairly well
I find that playing 40 minions is quicker than winning 5 games as a class.
Yeah but 5 wins = 60 gold, 40 minions = 40 gold, so that makes sense
Probably just me but I think you’re lacking minions just a bit. Like you can funnel all those cheap spells into questing adventurer/van but if those get knocked out of the way by cost efficient cards/cost efficient trades then you’ll lose momentum super fast when you end up with a lot less cards in your hand and barely anything on the field.
I’d probably drop sinister strike in favor for a cheap mana cost but strong minion. I think you have plenty of removal power already with backstab/evis/agent/poison etc… on top of getting boosted by azure drake. So I might drop 1/2 assassinates.
I believe shiv has more potential within a bit more spell power+ heavy deck, 2x azure drakes aren’t enough imo. Maybe swap for loot hoarders so that you can still draw a card but have some board presence and easier to toss down.
Maybe favor towards getting more minions with useful battle cry effects to get the most out of shadow step. Sun Clerics, Iron dwarves, Ironbeak owl i’d probably recommend 1, Shadow step on Defender of argus would be hilarious , shadow step on Argent commander to refresh the divine shield and maybe make use of the charge + divine shield etc…
Anyways thats just me.
Drop shield masters for defender of argus
Drop sinster strikes for argent squires
Drop questing adventurers for shattered sun clerics
Drop shiv’s for loot hoarders
Drop shadow steps for argent commanders
Drop perditions and one assassinate for harvest golems
2 assassinates is too slow and all the other cards are not efficient enough for constructed play while sinister strike might be one of the worst cards in the game. Shadow step does allow some troll stuff with van cleef but you want consistency not cheese. Besides dropping a vancleef for 6/6 on turn 6 while clearing the board with other things on the same turn is plenty good.
But basing a deck on questing adventurer stuff like sinister strike and head crack are good. Its just too easy to shut down questing unless you go for a 1 turn kill. Its fun but not consistent enough.
so my Paladin Deck, that I was going rank 13 or 14 with last season, was struggling to get wins at rank 25. What gives? Is it too volatile now with all the ranks reset? Did the meta shift that much that this paladin deck isn’t that good anymore? Do i need to rebuild it? I was thinking of dropping Sword of Justice for Blood Knight, if I could actually get some in my collection
I feel like too often I end up with high mana cards in my opening hand… Im not sure what I should cut to make room for 1 more Faerie Dragon? Blessing of Wisdom is really my only card draw outside of Lay on Hands. Maybe I need to work in Divine Favor in place of 1 Sword of Justice?
I really wanna find Artosis and Kripps paladin decklist from that Fight Night tournament that just happened
Neither of them ran Blessing of Wisdom, Blessing of Kings or Knife Juggler and only Kripp had Hammer of Wrath if I recall correctly, they both had Harvest Golems and Guardian of Kings. They didn’t have a lot of card draw in general.
Maybe swap out Knife Juggler, Blessing of Wisdom/Kings for a pair of Harvest Golems, another Shattered Sun Cleric and something else?
@r00ster22 Yeah I’m working on a deck similar to the one Pimp Willy posted on the previous page as well, with -Gnomish Inventor x2, -Knife Juggler, +Argent Squire x2, +X which is nearly the same as the changes you’re suggesting. I enjoy playing the other deck a lot which is why I still want to improve it while keeping the same or similar theme if that makes sense.
@owattjacob I’ll look into having more low cost minions over the low cost spells and see how that works out.
Yeah, I have been toying with dropping Knife Juggler, and adding in harvest golem. I think I hit a bad streak last night, I was doing much better this morning, though even then it wasn’t that great. I feel like I may need some damn silence though with all the huge buffing/taunts running around.
Your Paladin deck seems really confused. Sword of justice is generally for early to mid game decks kings is more mid to late and ysera just doesn’t belong in there. As for the lay on hands I am not a huge fan if you just want healing I think holy light is better. You have 2 equalitys but no pyromancers. Generally you want to use that combo where you play the pyro then equality for a complete board wipe.
I think before it can be fixed I would need to know what you want to do with this deck? Things have been going a lot more late game as of late with druid and late game pally decks becoming popular.
Its supposed to be a mid game control deck. The idea is to have my early game minions survive and gain value by trading up consistently. Divine Shield, Shattered Sun cleric, Defender of Argus, Sword of Justice is supposed to help make the weaker minions survive with trades vs the opponent. And in this regard, it tends to work pretty well. It generally takes control around mid game.
It seems late game is where it falls apart. I don’t really have any strong “Closers.” Ysera is there, and she is strong since if you have control you can use her dream cards to push yourself over the edge and get victory. I’d probably replace her with Tirion given the chance, maybe even run Tirion/Rag as closers. But I don’t have them yet, the only legendary closer I have is Ysera.
I disagree on Lay on Hands, it fills 2 purposes: it helps me heal up vs burn decks, and it lets me draw late game when I am running low. I don’t think it needs more than 1 however. Equality is still really powerful without Pyromancer, typically I wouldnt want a full board clear as I’m not running a super strong late game deck, I generally want to have 2-3 more than my opponent and equality pyromancer just takes that away. (I also don’t have any pyromancers sadly yet, but they’re fairly cheap to craft). Equality still works well with equality/consecrate, equality + sword of justice, equality + my 1/1 tokens, basically it allows me to remove threats that otherwise paladins can’t with lack of hard removal.
I do agree that it’s kind of all over the place, it was originally built out of getting value for Sword of Justice and the play I saw from Artosis at Blizzcon.
You’re likely to run into former rank 1-10s and even legendary ranks so give ranked some time to level up those higher leveled players and to settle the brackets.
The meta probably didn’t change too much, just that you’re running into the higher ranked players.
Not sure if they resetted everyone’s MMR too.
Double post for story time
Just started leveling warrior from 1 and ran into a druid. I went second and my hand had a execute, Harvest golem and these two;
Made me chuckle abit so I went with the hand.
Turn 1- we both immediately ended turn
Turn 2 - both used hero power
Turn 3 - I threw down the harvest golem, opponent just used his hero power.
Turn 4 - Druid popped 2 innervates and threw down Ironbark protector aka the 8/8 taunt minion. My turn came around and I drew a sunwell cleric. Welp. Attacked the ironbark, -> executed it, then buffed the respawned damaged golem from 2-1 to 3-2 with Cleric.
Druid conceded.
Well you asked an open question from what I understood it sounds like you don’t want to change it. Since you don’t want to take my word for it though here is a deck that can full fill what you are looking for.
The main thing i would change about this deck is I would try to slip in a black knight.
Did my first arena game and got 7 wins. Reached 2 losses around the 3-4 win mark and drafted a mage deck with I think
2 flame strikes
1 ancient mage
1-2 kobolds
1-2 arcane missiles
2 arcane explosions
1-2 fireballs
1-2 mirror images
1-2 harvest golems
2 defenders of argus
1 abusive sergeant
1-2 faerie dragons
2 mad bombers
1 earthen ring farseer
1-2 scarlet crusader
1-2 azure drakes
1 mana wraith
1-2 gnomish inventors
and I think thats about it.
Was fairly solid and that 1 ancient mage/kobolds/azure drakes spell powers+1 saved my ass SOOOOO MANY times with buffed arcane explosion wiping a board without me having to use a flamestrike. Ancient mage saved my ass more than 2-3 times. Him and the kobold were mvps of the deck, with azure drake/flame strike as runner ups.
There was one moment in the late game where I was up against a damaged 6-3 minion and a untouched gurabashi zerker and in my hand there was several minions and 1 kobold, an arcane explosion and an arcane missile. I had no board control at the time.
I was pretty beat up too and needed a momentum shift badly. So I prayed to jesus that match and did yolo kobold arcane missile. 2 shots on the damaged minion 2 on the opposing hero.
Reminds me of that one time where I had a gurubashi zerker out already in casuals and then threw mad bomber. All three bombs landed on the zerker. I felt so bad for the other guy.
I really REALLY like how arena is played. It’s really freeform and intense.
Nah I’m open to suggestions, I don’t have Pyromancer currently so using him isn’t really possible anyway. He seems to work in a deck that is minion light and focuses on control until end game, not so much one intended to buff your own creatures. The deck you posted looks interesting, but it uses rag, tirion, 2x pyromancer, and a tinkmaster overspark, all of which I have none. A modified version of it could work though with what I have, I may give it a try.