Congratulations to Cole for reppin Sim … and for beating Daigo in a clutch match.
Any Sim players who haven’t seen his 2 Evo performances for ST are missing some great stuff really.
Congratulations to Cole for reppin Sim … and for beating Daigo in a clutch match.
Any Sim players who haven’t seen his 2 Evo performances for ST are missing some great stuff really.
I missed the stream cuz of work, but I am so glad that there is a top Dhalsim, Vega and Balrog to counter the wave of Ryus we’ve seen at previous tournies. At least now people will see that Ryu is not number 1. LOL It sucks that Choi and damdai are out, but I’m still rooting for DGV! Good shit to Snake Eyez for taking Zangief this far! Finals is gonna be hype yo!
Dammit. I’ve had parties I had to be at, which were great and all, but I’ve been watching as much stream as I can inbetween times, but all I saw was TvC and SSFIV. They didn’t even say there was any more HDR gonna be shown though, or maybe I could’ve made it Gah! I am gutted to miss it, can’t wait for all the finals tonight though.
I also say Congratulations to JC. I missed the stream which sucks. Hopefully it will go on youtube. Anyhow it will be interesting how JC does against Snake Eyes Zangief if they have to play one another. I’ve seen SnakeEyes destroy Sim players. He understands that many of the trades work in his favor. I cant wait to check it out.
Yoga all the way.
Ditto. People go play DGV and whine that Ryu is broken. Nonsense. If people ban DGV, then I can understand it!
I have a story about this. Snake was using mostly shotos then went back to Zangief pretty much full time and was wrecking everyone. Me, Jimmy, and a few others play a really good anti Zangief E Honda. At first it worked E Honda used to do the trick and counter Zangief no problem. We played it the real turtling style too.
He then adapted and learned the counters to all of that. We went from getting easy wins to even wins. More time and then he started beating our E Honda easily with Zangief. I say wow you can’t even counter pick you with E Honda you know this match so well. After that he really mastered gief vs e honda and no one was beating him with e honda anymore because he knew how to counter everything.
I had learned after playing him and Jodim that counterpicking is not the way to go and just learn a character with at least decent match ups all around. He wrecks E Hondas so do yourself a favor and use your main character vs him because using E Honda vs gief is distasteful anyway unless its your main.
I remember once there was a full room full of E Hondas trying to take his gief out once and none could.
What are you guys talking about? There are a ton of ryu players left for the finals. 4 of the 8 players use Ryu. Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo HD Remix Top 8
Winners: DGV (Ryu), Snake Eyez (Zangief), Tokido (Vega, E. Honda), Jason Cole (Dhalsim)
Losers: Daigo Umehara (Ryu), AfroLegends (Balrog, Dee Jay), Alex Valle (Ryu), RyRy (Ryu)
Ryu is top tier definitely in HDR. In terms of matchups you have to think Dhalsim is in the best position to win. Yes all players are good but I think with exception to Tokido who uses Vega and Honda (not good matchups for Sim) the other players and their choices favor Sim. My prediction is if JC doesnt win then Ryu wins and that Ryu will be DGV.
It should be interesting how this pans out though. Should be good stuff no matter what.
Anybody know how Sirlin did?
Evo 2010 Top 8 SSF2 Turbo HD Remix Finalists
Snake Eyez (Zangief) vs. Tokido (Vega, Honda)
Jason Cole (Dhalsim) vs. DGV (Ryu)
Daigo (Ryu) vs. Alex Valle (Ryu)
AfroLegends (Balrog, Dee Jay) vs. RyRy (Ryu)
I do not envy DGV or RyRy’s matches. I’m calling Daigo over Valle, bet it. It’ll be interesting to see how Snake Eyez does vs Tokido’s Vega.
Nobody is saying Ryu is not top tier. I’m saying he’s not number 1 due to difficult matchups vs the top tier. I hope DGV wins, but I think Cole will have the upperhand.
Is there a link to watch yesterday’s HDR evo 2k10 matches?
I wish Jason Cole would rep HDR more in the Northwest…I didn’t get a chance to play against him in the Portland tournament. I might take the 2hr drive to play in his dojo though
? Tokido (Vega) beat AfroLegends (Dee Jay) 2-1.
? Ryry (Ryu) beat NKI (Chun-Li) 2-0.
? DGV (Ryu) beat Alex Valle (Ryu) 2-1.
? Jason Cole (Dhalsim) beat Daigo Umehara (Ryu) 2-1.
? Alex Valle (Ryu) beat BC Choi (Dhalsim) 2-0.
? Jason Cole (Dhalsim) beat BBH (Chun-Li) 2-0.
? Daigo Umehara (Ryu) beats Hugo101 (Balrog) 2-0.
? Snake Eyez (Zangief) beat John Choi (Ryu) 2-0.
? AfroLegends (Balrog) beat AquaSnake (Fei Long) 2-0.
? DNGR Papercut (T. Hawk) eliminates Thai Vega (Vega) 2-0.
? Ken Ching (Ken) beats Chunbelieable (Chun-Li) 2-1.
? DGV (Ryu) beat Thelo (E. Honda) 2-1.
? RyRy (Ryu) beats Axel K (Guile) 2-1.
? Kajod (Ryu) beats DNGR Papercut (E. Honda, Chun-Li) 2-0.
? Tokido (Vega) beats FMLA (Dee Jay) 2-0.
? BC Choi (Dhalsim) beats Chunbelieavle (Chun-Li) 2-0.
Goddammit get these bitches off the screen and gimme my HDR finals >:|
Starting in 5… Wooh.
Yeah, I can’t stand shit on the stream anymore. And What a video from Maj, damn it!
BTW, it’s going live soon.
SKill on Tokido: “Not just a great Vega player but, also a jerk.”
Sounds about right.
Omfg is it just me or is HDR SO MUCH MORE HYPE THAN LAST YEAR!?!?!?
Snake Eyez eliminates Afro!
OMFG Gief in Finals! This game rocks!