Hdr semi on stream

Is there a list of the top 8 for tomorrow yet?

Well, I hope this puts “Snake Eyes, the turbo user” cry to bed. He showed and proved that at EVO for people to witness. I agree with Czar about the OGs vs the New Blood of HDR. At this point, I’m hoping DGV goes all the way, I think his time is now.

And yeah, where is the list for top 8?

Top 8 from memory here…

Winners: Jason Cole, SnakeEyez
Losers: Daigo Umehara, Alex Valle, AfroLegends
Unsure which category: dngrspapercut, DGV, Tokido

Stop accusing me of turbo also. Lol.

I’m going to guess that Snake is going to struggle against high play Sim or DJ. Still, awesome stuff.

People think I’m a turbo user also XD.

Winners is dgv, snake eyes, tokido, Cole. Losers is daigo, Afro, valle, ryry. I made 2nd round in finals pool and got knocked out by afrolegend and hugo101. There were 32 I think in finals pool. Congrats to see some new blood in the last pool, hop Vo, rice247, marsgatti, aquasnake, and few others.

What happened to John Choi? Who knocked him out?

I think you are too!!! LOL j/k

Snake Eyes

And in quite a convincing fashion, too!

Any word on what happened to Mars and Damdai? How’d they not make it?

I thought SnakeEyez just sent John Choi to losers…

Snake eyes gief is absolutely ludicrous. I’m not surprised at all he made it through pools.

I watched damdai lose to snake eyes using Honda. I think he should’ve went with his ken. I didnt see who Mars lost to but there were heavy hitters in losers bracket including Ryan Hart. Choi lost a close one to daigo.

John Choi vs. Daigo? Ryu vs. Ryu? I hope someone recorded that shit…

Where can I watch any of this? Dying to see these matches!

Click on that EVO2010 banner on the top of this forum and you should be good to go.

Congrats to all the online HDR getting top 8, that’s what those fools get for not practicing with us! Evo good job in representing Gief, we still got one left hopefully he can take it home to mother russia!

I was busy with work related stuff tonight. Did anyone record the stream? I can’t wait to watch the finals tomorrow.

So fucking annoyed that I missed it because I was working. Thankfully I should be able to watch it tonight.

Tokido was [media=youtube]9pOHzN-7Li4&#t=1m05s"[/media] from ARG for EVO. Twice Tokido was one special move away from having a full meter, and both times he was sitting full screen away from Afro who was using DJ. Every time Tokido went off the wall Afro would try to go air to air. So Tokido would do a backflip to build a full meter, then go off the wall immediately after the backflip, almost in one smooth motion, and then grab Afro out of the air with a super. He sneakily did it two times (announcers didn’t even notice) and they were both spectacular. Who said Tokido needs wall dives that knock down?