Hdr semi on stream

Hurry up and get on.

Score! I’m hype already.

Finally, been waiting all day! Anyone know who’s in the semis? Or the brackets?

Why did Thelo have to get stuck facing DGV… not FAIR!!! lol

Snake Eyez just BEASTED John Choi!

The commentators aren’t completely braindead. This is a plus.

Well James Chen may be an HDR hater (well that might be a little strong… Chen you know I think you’re awesome! lol) but he knows what he’s talking about!

Cole vs daigo

Daigo goes down to jason cole in amazing sim v ryu match!


I am so winning that bet.

Rage, I missed it, was it recorded anywhere?

I missed it, damn. Who is in top 8?

lol who raged this time?

Spoilers below

No one raged he was talking about his own emotions I think.

My homie Snake Eyez made Choi look free. I don’t think Pony has anything on you now.

Cole vs Daigo was such an amazing set. Probably some of the best HDR matches I have seen. This is a must see if you haven’t seen it. Cole wins down to the last move.

Tokido sent Afro to losers. I think if Afro had Balrog it would have been different. Tokido was on the wall more than on the ground that match. Afro almost had it too so close.

DGV beat Valle for the second time now and it was at Evo this time so DGV may prove to be the #1 Ryu in the US now depending on how he does in the finals.

bcchoi got taken out I think by Valle. Valle played a rushdown Ryu here.

DNGR Papercut represented T Hawk and did two amazing tick supers.

Thelo plays DGV and loses and I don’t want to take anything away from DGV. Man Thelo I remember telling you to switch characters because Honda just has too many bad match ups. This will be a permanent problem for you.

These were some really good matches and I am glad I put the stream on when HDR just came on.

Others played too but those were the main highlights unless I am forgetting something.

Is this gonna be archived somewhere? Where do I watch? Thanks.

Made 9th place.

Cole took me out final hit of round three match three in pools finals. Lost to Valle on the final round final hit also. Made a dumb timing mistake and ate a throw for my troubles. That knocked me out of finals. Shit. Was fun though.

It is hard to say because I think sometimes Evo tries to do a DVD and doesn’t archive it to make you buy it. James Chen if he comes here can maybe answer that.

Ah I didn’t mention you because I don’t think they showed you on the stream. It would have been good to see though.

Double. Yeah I didn’t make big screen cause Cole knocked me out. The stream was winners bracket only :).

I wish I had made it to evo. Oh well, good shit Evo, 9th place is awesome.

Definitely good job on 9th and could have been even better if it wasn’t for that mistake you are talking about. Could you imagine if it was you and Snake Eyez in a gief vs gief finals. People would be arguing gief is top tier.

Honestly though you and Snake Eyez put the time in and thats why you are all doing so well with gief. DGV did too. Most of the OGs are not getting online and are having trouble facing a lot of the new competition and it is showing.