12 more files, with multiple matches per video this time, uploading to my youtube. even more to come later tonight hopefully.
New playlist with all matches from 12-2-08, many matches per file this time.
GGs everyone!
This was my first time ever playing Sagat, didn’t even use him in ST. =P
After this, I played ranked matches for awhile longer and got the hang of things a bit more. Was focusing too much on the tiger shots at first, seems like that’s not his main game anymore.
Also, I really need to get a headset. My modded stick won’t have a headset port so I take it I would have to go for a wireless one?
I’ve started recording matches of HD just recently. Nothing high quality yet but thats because I don’t really know any of the top tier players around. If any of the talent here wants some shit up on youtube add me up on XBL, GT is Johoseph. It’d be fun just to watch some high level play in this, was never into the ST type scene until now.
Someone even mentioned setting up a live stream, which I would love to do if the comp is good enough and consistent. All up to the viewers on that really though.
Youtube page: http://www.youtube.com/user/Johoseph
See you on XBL :woot:
Damn, very nice for a first time playing Sagat. Your Balrog was intense, too. Good games to you!
Cammy needs to work on AA, so many j.rh’s from the ken that were left unchecked (its pretty much all he did along with c.rh) and allowed him to keep constant pressure. Also Cannon Drills were rarely used outside of c.mk xx cannon drill link, even then they wern’t hit confirmed drills, but were basically spammed every time c.mk was used. Cannon Drills can be used to punish alot of the stuff Ken was whiffing like the c.rh used body lengths away. Your close range footsie game consisted of nothing but c.lk and c.mk…The Ken would wait it out constantly, mix it up with some overheads or throws.
Ken was terrible, No spacing or zoning at all, just constant jumpin-rh and c.rh along with the occasional fireball (if you have full screen distance away, start spamming them and force the Cammy to work around them and into favorable positions for Shoryu, etc), no use of jumpin.mk at all, so many c.rh’s that whiffed over cammy’s head could have connected with jumpin.mk. On a Dizzy a followup with j.rh into yet another c.rh…
Harsh critique, but seriously that was one of the scrubbiest matches I have ever watched, I would hate to see what the average vids you guys play look like. Seeing as it was the only one posted up on Youtube I guess its one of the better ones?
Didn’t John Choi also lose to a random in the same tournament?
Yes, he lost to Pauls Guile as well. Paul elminated Choi and beat Graham in the finals.
I uploaded a bunch more vids to my youtube.
Link is in my sig. Werd.
Glad the voices made it some of them make me laugh
No, he was the one who was recording, and it was literally the only match he beat me in during that set he recorded.
@Keits: Loving the videos but what happened to the audio on the evening batches? I enjoyed the random strat talk going in the vids. Also, in the afternoon vids of the 2-12 videos were you listening to OC Remix songs? I couldn’t put my finger on it but it didn’t sound like normal music. Keep up the great vids though!
I just came in here to kiss Jinrai’s ass. This video is six minutes of him pushing a bunch of people’s shit in with pure fundamental shenanigans as Zangief, CONSECUTIVELY. Probably the most entertaining video so far.
Ahhh okay, fair enough. I could see you were the better player, just alot of stuff he did was incredibly simple and wasnt dealt with. Do some recording on your end and put a proper set up, I might have some video’s of my Blanka playing in a mini tournament up over the weekend so it will be your turn to critique
Im honestly not sure what happened to the sound in that batch. I checked the source videos and there was no sound in those either. I’ll be careful to make sure that doesnt happen again, as we were having some nice laughs that evening too.
Shhhh! Jinrai isnt supposted to know I recorded him! :woot:
Anyone here interested in lending a hand for recording some of the final matches of the “Battle Fantastic”? (fuck you, I actually* like *the name I gave it :wgrin:)
Prophestus has already volunteered to help, one or two more people wouldent hurt.
Also, this is looking like a MASSIVE tourney, yet I could use a few more players to fill out the brackets…
damn that gief was on a rampage
The statistics were getting too long for Youtube, so I figured that I may as well post the full statistics here, and the top 15 on Youtube.
Day 1:
Keits: 31-15
LeRaldo: 22-18
Sabre: 11-16
TooTall: 6-14
AngryLobster: 2-5
Halfdolla: 0-1
Decrat: 0-1
Solyayashi: 0-2
Day 2:
Keits: 21-15
Sabre: 19-8
MrWiz: 11-8
BlazingEmperor: 7-5
Xirtam: 4-1
UNV Rasta: 4 - 3
Karate Moses: 4-17
Purrlles: 2-3
WildKitty: 2-11
Critical King: 0-1
Malachi: 0-1
Dragon Fist: 0-1
Day 3:
Keits: 32-16
Poon: 14-12
Garbage: 11-8
Jinrai: 7-3
Immortal: 7-3
Reflection: 6-9
Cvital: 4-2
Kaillera: 4-4
Queen: 4-10
Toshin: 0-1
Prodigy: 0-1
Paynek: 0-2
Tony: 0-2
Bum: 0-2
Outcast: 0-2
Flip: 0-3
Elecutrigger: 0-3
D Arrah: 0-6
Keits: 84-46
Sabre: 30-24
LeRaldo: 22-18
Poon: 14-12
MrWiz: 11-8
Garbage: 11-8
Jinrai: 7-3
Immortal: 7-3
BlazingEmperor: 7-5
Reflection: 6-9
TooTall: 6 - 14
Xirtam: 4 - 1
Cvital: 4-2
UNV Rasta: 4 - 3
Kaillera: 4-4
Queen: 4-10
Karate Moses: 4-17
Purrlles: 2-3
AngryLobster: 2-5
WildKitty: 2-11
Halfdolla: 0-1
Decrat: 0-1
Dragon Fist: 0-1
Critical King: 0-1
Malachi: 0-1
Toshin: 0-1
Prodigy: 0-1
Solyayashi: 0-2
Paynek: 0-2
Tony: 0-2
Bum: 0-2
Outcast: 0-2
Flip: 0-3
Elecutrigger: 0-3
D Arrah: 0-6