Hawk @ Evo 2012

Anyone going?

I’m up in the air…leaning more towards not going.

I’m going. Haven’t registered yet though.

I would REALLY love to go, but as if right now I just can’t afford it. It’s not a lot of money, but my financial situation has had me on thin ice for a few months now and I’m not proud to say this, but I’m actually at a relatively high risk of becoming homeless. If things don’t change for me within the next month or so, it might happen. Hopefully not o_O

I rarely ever go to tournaments, but I love the character just as much as the next person does. I hope I can get myself out of the mess I’m in right now so I set aside some money for a little fun…

Everyone should go, you should form up Team Hawk. Hungbee, Joe Lewis all you guys. You can all wear T. Hawks jeans outfit and paint your faces.

That would be hilarious if there were a group of T. Hawk players that did this. Unfortunately I won’t be able to attend this year because of family obligations. Good luck to all the T. Hawk players going and remember its EVO, just have fun and meet people.

I can’t afford to go this year, although I’m planning to go since 2009.

Flight is ~1000€ from Germany. That is some money just to get schooled in pools, lol.

Maybe I’ll be able to combine EVO with a short holiday next year. ;(

PS: I’d wear that outfit and even paint my face. Gotta wear this one though, lololo:


I was ready to register then I saw the date and found it conflicts with plans I’ve already made :[ Gonna have to be next year!

I will be there. Not wearing a thawk outfit, or maybe i will.

Prove people wrong, and that T.Hawk is not a T.Suck! :slight_smile:

I technically went 1-1 with thawk last evo since i played ken also but lost. lets see what happens this year now that i know the matchups i lost to.

I will be at Evo MiaManny

I registered!

What is going on guys. Ive been slacking hardcore cause of school… All of my info threads and such died along with overstuff…I still play but not as much as I want to. I’m gonna make a come backlit the better of me suggests not to go to evo this year considering I missed a considerable ammount of the evo season due to school. I may go to evo…buti think it may not be a good evo this year…

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Funny story. I was at school and this T.Hawk was paying casuals in my schools game room and then I started to mirror match him. And he goes, (direct wuote) " your t.hawk is really good but I’m friends with joe Lewis and hungbee on Xboxlive and those niggas are godlike"

We’re famous :wink:

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unless i run into a half decent blank or bullshit matchup im very confident ill get deep

im always hovering around 3800pp on XBL then i run into 2 stupid matchups and loose 300 pts

Online doesn’t really say much really

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If your only experience comes from online play, you’ll get schooled.

Obviously nothing replaces live competition but just cause you’re an online player doesn’t mean you’re gonna get schooled or suck. Skill is skill no matter who you play.

im going to evo. made it out of my first pool last year im going to show the world that T.Hawk is not Free.Hawk

Can I look you up on AE PC or youtube? I’m interested in seeing other Hawks play.

Wish you the best, report back afterwards please.