Hawaiian pizza. Yay or nay?

Pineapple is to pizza as coriander is to everything.

fruit on pizza to make it healthy

Just like a taco salad has got to be healthy. It’s a salad, right?

Hawaiian pizza has always been my -ish. I can see why some people don’t like it on pizza, but most of the time i get it, it’s at legit pizza places so i never got to worry about a “runny” hawaiian.

Pineapple, salami, prosciutto, pancetta, white onion, sausage, mushroom, spinach, garlic

I will not turn away a good Hawaiian.

Isn’t that what the tomato base is for? According to Congress it is https://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/ezra-klein/post/did-congress-declare-pizza-as-a-vegetable-not-exactly/2011/11/20/gIQABXgmhN_blog.html

Only if it’s homemade and at a good restaurant. I can’t stand commercialized foods. They are never good.

Hell nah, keep fucking fruit off my pizza.

what this guy said

edit : smh

Hell yeah but been having something called a delight which is even better recently.

Salami, peperoni, pineapple and onion with garlic butter, I think mushrooms are involved too but can’t remember, it’s bloody awesome.

You guys eat some weird pizza.

How about a pizza with hambugers inside? Also known as a Calskrove.

Why is there a dick with a cock ring in the photo?

In my state the food companies have lobbied politicians to allow pizza to count as a vegetable (tomato sauce) in school lunches. True story.

No mention of Ranch Dressing on pizza? smh, srk

As previously stated, my ancestors didn’t die so we could put pineapples on pizza.

Granted, I’m Hawaiian like Tiger Woods is Asian, only 1/4 and only when its convenient, but you take what you can get.

Far as I’m concerned pineapple is too sweet for a pizza. Onion or barbecue sauce is about as far as I’m willing to go in that direction.

I hear marshmallow and pepperoni is pretty good

I see no tittles here.

I’m OK with Hawaiian. I don’t order it often because I don’t usually eat pizza all that much either way. Just hasn’t wowed me for a long time. Sausage Mushroom is my go-to.

thats the joke