you made a scrubby ass remark, i corrected you and now you’re crying.
you lost scrub.
you made a scrubby ass remark, i corrected you and now you’re crying.
you lost scrub.
can’t we all just get along?
Calm down. --TB
Although A-groove is hands down the best groove in the game. The more and more I play CvS2 the more and more I realize that A-groove’ dominance is more of a character issue than anything else. There are three characters that make A-groove a pain to fight against. Those characters are:
Blanka, Bison and Vega.
Whenever I hear someone complaining about A-groove I assume they have seen or fought against someone who is good with at least one of those characters.
You mean 4 you left out Sakura, people play either her or Vega depending on which people prefer.
i think i’ve contributed enough crap to this thread already. the conversation was never about groove dominance, but picking up counter characters. although there is definately an argument for countering with both a character and groove.
absolutely, my problems are Vega (in any groove) and A-Bison
i don’t think anyone outright counters bison, although guile does ok against him. damage is so heavily in his favor that it’s tough to ever count him out of a match if he has that bar flashing.
So this question has already been asked, but I’m looking for a fuller answer:
Who counters Vega, AND who has decent match-ups against Vega?
Right now I’m using N-Hibiki. I really like her, but I’m not outputting enough damage with her in most average matches. Vega is one of my toughest matches, and I’m looking to find another character to train up who is stronger than Hibiki and has at least as good a match up with Vega as Hibiki.
So far the only characters I’ve heard are Cammy and Nak. I can put Cammy up front and that is fine, but I’m not sure I want to run Nak all the time.
Any help would be nice.
a smart vega is really difficult to counter. i don’t know if anyone actually counters him out right. i think some characters do very well against him, but he’s a tough one. the best way to beat vega is to out play the person using him. pressure him when you get a knockdown and watch out for rc ball or flip kick. or go random with the psychic dp’s when he’s poking away. at least that’s my experience.
and challenging vega air to air is a bad idea. he’s too nasty.
vega counters vega
other that do well vs vega: eagle and blanka. i’m pretty sure all of eagle’s pokes out prioritize vega’s, mainly vega’s,, and slide. air to air is in eagle’s favor as well.
Yeah, right now I do just fine with Hibiki. I’m just looking to increase my overall damage, not just against Vega. I just don’t want to learn another character only to find out that one of my hardest matches is impossible. Maybe Hibiki will just become my 4th character, the way that Buktooth has Chun-Li as an alternate.
I’ll keep tha in mind, I played Eagle for a while, he might be a good opener, but yeah Blanka and Cammy are probably better.
List so far: Cammy, Nak, Vega, Blanka, Eagle
popobolo had a lot a good eagle info vs vega. hell, he had a lot of solid eagle info vs almost every character. he made me want to play him but he wasnt really my character. id rather just play guile.
Like noodleman said, play Vega vs Vega. That is the best counter. Vega himself is not that strong of a character. It’s the fact that he’s fucking annoying as hell that makes him such a psychologically dominant character. If you use Vega, 9/10 times, the match seems like a cake walk. Doesn’t mean you’ll win, but it does mean you won’t get an ulcer fighting him.
How does Guile fair against Vega? I really like Guile, but I’ve had a hard time doing enough damage against people with him.
Also, how does Honda do against Vega? I’m just curious.
honda gets raped if vega decides to jump away.
So it’s a turtling game? Awesome…
I think both Guile and Honda do terrible against Vega. I think the following do well against Vega (in no particular order):
Vega (more to it than the fact that it’s the same character)
why haoh and iori?