Have you ever learned a counter-character for nothing?

And that’s a huge thing that a lot of people don’t stress enough…certain characters just fit a person’s style, and being comfortable with who you’re using is just massive…I can’t stress it enough. If you don’t feel right, you’re gonna get rolled, one way or another. That’s why I never said using counter characters/teams is the best. I BELIEVE that it’s the best system, but it doesn’t mean it is. Someone may be able to justify their system better than me, and that’s fine, too. Whatever works for you, as long as you have strong fundamentals (that suit the game, of course).

PS. One of the reasons I like K-Hibiki is overhead xx super. That shit is an auto hit confirm. Doesn’t come out if the overhead was blocked, only if it connected. :wgrin:

C-Groove doesn’t counter A-Groove. C just does better against A than K does. However, A is better than both C and K. The only outright counter is A-Groove beating K-Groove.

It’s closer to: A >>> K | A > C | K > C

C isn’t good because it counters A. The only advantage to C is that if you don’t want to play A, then C is a safer (more consistent) choice than K.

A beats C because A is bullshit. K beats C because K-Sagat beats C-Sagat and because K-Cammy gives all the good C characters trouble.

^^^ thank you. I was waiting for someone to correct that. I’d remove one of the > signs on A vs K though…it’s bad, but not OMG horrible, especially if the a-team doesn’t have sak, or todo.


Why exactly do you think A beats C? Just wondering, I know A’s overall damage output from customs >>> C’s (realistically speaking), but I always felt that C’s access to alpha counters, and it’s safety (which you mentioned) was the best counter to A.

well, this discussion is very interesting.
I’ve spent some time thinking about how to counter Vega (still can’t figure out), tested many team combinations and the usual adivce I get is ‘stick to 1 team only’, but I really can’t. I guess all my teams are evolving together, my C is better than ever, however my K is getting worse and A still can’t fix a team.

In fact I noticed that I got 1 team for each of my opponents here. Maybe I’m countering them without knowing.

Playing C isn’t any safer than playing K or A. In fact, playing C just might be the least safe of the three because C actually needs to fight to win. On the other hand, A just needs to build meter then wait for a mistake, while K just needs to get hit in the face until it turns red.

Picking C is safer than picking K because you don’t really care what groove your opponent picks. C has the same slight disadvantage in either case. However, if you pick K, you’re reeeaaallly hoping that your opponent doesn’t pick A, so in that regard it’s more risky.

Why does A beat C? Because A charges up faster and because it’s more versatile. It all comes down to meter. All of the C-Groove tools are nice, but they pale in comparison to customs. Alpha counter saves you from dying to block damage and guard crush customs but it also refunds half of A-Groove’s meter. How dumb is that? Can you imagine if lvl2 hotfoot only cost 1 level if it got hit in any way?

What constitutes a deadly mistake against A is much smaller than what constitutes a mistake against C or K. Sometimes K punishes you really hard for no good reason, simply because it has (lots of) meter to burn, but at least you can wait it out. It’s so much harder to bait A into anything punishable because CC activation is the answer to goddamn everything (and every character has ultra safe follow-ups).

I don’t think C vs A is a bad fight, and i think smart C players can definately make up for the slight disadvantage. However, A is clearly the king of the hill.

You guys are thinking way too much.

Really nice post, Maj. :sad: but true.

I’ve come to the conclusion that the best thing to do is rather than have a seperate counter team, it’s better to just settle on one team and switch the order of them when necessary.

Or you can, you know, just pick A-groove.

a groove is so severely broken.

no its not

yeah, it is. it’s so much better than every other groove it’s ridiculous.

first of all you dont even know what the word broken is, so stop calling A groove or anything else broken until you know what it really means.

ex: ST akuma is broken, old sagat is not.

reason why ST akuma is broken is because he beats everyone nearly for free, like 9-1 ratio. more than half the cast cant deal with his air fb and his other no recovery/invincibility BS.

old sagat might have an advantage vs almost everyone but it isnt as lopsided as akuma.

as good as A groove is, it dont own every other groove for free. K groove might have the worst matchups vs A groove but vs every other groove, K groove has the advantage. A groove is its achillies heel and even then A vs K isnt as lopsided as ST akuma vs the rest of the cast.

I tend to just pick characters I find have strong overall counter-character ability. They are also the characters I tend to have fun the most with because they give my brain all the tools it needs to defend against your opponent (especially when they abuse something they shouldn’t get away with).

ex. K- Cammy counters a lot of characters but also has good options against everyone else. Sagat can murder her but if she plays very patient she can counter all of his attacks and piss him off big time.

another example would be K-Ken. Not top tier but has the ability to beat anyone in the game because he has all the basic tools.

I also stay away from characters like Yamazaki who I love using and can destroy a lot of characters; but has some horrendous matchups against top tier characters and is found out pretty easily.

I use Mai and Vega just to counter the horde of Sakura players that are in my area. Both work good against Honda as well.

I <3 your post. It’s pretty much exactly what I believe, and the Yama example was just spot on. I also used to use him religiously, until I realized he just can’t hang with certain characters.

first of all dick, don’t tell me what i can or can’t say on these forums. if i think something is broken and you don’t, that’s fine. state your opinion, but don’t be an ass about it. now that the word broken has a technical definition according to you, i guess you’re right. a groove isn’t broken. but i definately think everyone can say it is far too dominating a groove.

you can feel free to say whatever, but that doesnt stop from you from sounding like a dumbass. and i already stated my opinion without being an ass about it, its just that you choose to take it personally. not my fault.

you can say something in a cool way or you can be a dick. you spoke like a dick, i responded. when someone makes a statement attempting to belittle someone, don’t wonder why they “take it personal.” so yeah, go take your bitchy attitude and definitions to someone who cares.

who gives a fuck?