When you land, dash in with the st.lp.
Edit: Tested the re-stand into double super combo. It ends up doing less damage.
When you land, dash in with the st.lp.
Edit: Tested the re-stand into double super combo. It ends up doing less damage.
What I’ve been using is same thing as the old standby except instead of st.HP into qcf+HP, I use st.HK, qcb+HP,(move forward a bit)cr.HP, qcf+PP.
Some decent Meterless damage.
st.lp, st.mp, st.hk, qcb+hp, run in st.lp, st.mk, j.hp, ADC, (delayed) j.lk(3 hits), j.hk, land, j.lp, j.mp, j. hp
4952 damage. Might be able to get a bit more.
Edit: Hmm. I want to test if Item drop > Re-stand > Super2 does better than Re-stand > Item drop > Super2, but I a re-stand string that won’t trigger IPS.
Posted this somewhere else but I figure I’ll leave it here too…
st.LP st.MP st.MK JC delayed j.MP delayed j.HK land qcb+HP j.HP air dash j.LP j.MP cr.LK st.MP st.HP qcf+PP. You can probably tack on an assist and maybe another item drop for more extension there, I know I’ve done after the last st.HP:
call double hornet bomber > HK teleport cr.LP st.MP st.HP super afterwards… and double pushes so far I imagine you can start the charlie brown loop in the corner off that.
Yea that’s legit. Pretty interesting actually.
It’s legit, but it’s not optimal. You can get the same damage, without meter.
st.lp, st.mp, st.hk, qcb+hp, run in st.lp, st.mk, j.hp, ADC, (delayed) j.lk(3 hits), j.hk, land, j.lp, j.mp, j. hp, ADC, j.hp
5252 damage. Same as the one I posted above, but with the extra hit. It triggers IPS, but the burst whiffs. It should count as a physical hit, meaning you get a free punish, if they try to burst. Otherwise, you get as much as a 1 super combo and still end up almost a full screen apart.
Unfortunately, it doesn’t work on Double. On Cerebella, delay the j.hk as much as possible.
On Cerebella you can also do st.lp, st.mp, st.hk, qcb+hp, run in st.lp, st.mk, j.hp, ADC, (delayed) j.lk(3 hits), j.hk, land, c.lk, etc. Haven’t worked out the rest yet.
Yeah, charlie brown loops are amazing damage.
That’s a slightly easier version. I added a st.mp before the st.mk and took out the last j.mp, because it makes it harder to land. the 2 j.hp’s. Does like 30 less damage.
Edit: Looking at that one, the last hit looks close enough for the burst to hit. I’ll have to test and adjust. Switching from forward jump to neutral jump will probably do the trick.
Also, a Double version.
st.lp, st.mp, st.hk, qcb+hp, run in st.lp, st.mp, st.mk, j.lp, j.lk(1hit), j.mp, j.mk, ADC, (delayed) j.hk, land, j.hp, ADC, j.hp
Not as damaging. Only does 4950. You can go right into super after landing, which is about 500 more, but I’m sure there’s a way to squeeze more meterless damage out of it.
Edit: Even better Double version.
st.lp, st.mp, st.hk, qcb+hp, run in st.lp, st.mp, st.mk, j.hk, ADC, j.lk, j.hk, land j.lp, j.mp, j.hk, land, j.hp, ADC, j.hp
Does 5470.
Hey guys! I’ve finally found some time to start grinding away in training mode with my team of Peacock/Double and have been trying to find some effective corner combos.
This probably isn’t very practical or anything but I’m just going to post whatever stuff I come up with.
Get in some dirty damage. Basically, take the combo I posted and change the ending from (j.lp, j.hp, adc j.hp) to (j.lp, j.mp, j.hk, land, qcb+hp(hold) xx qcf+pp). The part before Argus does ~5k and the super does 1-2k in chip, depending on whether the opponent is crouch or stand blocing. Release the shadow during the gap, if they block. Use it to tack on another, if they don’t.
Edit: Forgot to account for push block reducing chip. May not be worth it.
half the cast can punish argus en block from fullscreen so carefull.
Peacock can teleport after the laser. you eat full combo. Parasoul can sniper shot and might confirm into full combo. Painwheel can fly away and get behind (full combo). Double can bionic car, Valentine can use flatline super (projectile invincible). Miss fortune…only if head is close to peacock. Cerebella only on grab range can punish.
Cerebella has her projectile reflector.
Are we talking after the super or during the gap?
during the super or during the gap.
That’s what the qcb+hp(hold) is for. You just better hope you don’t super cancel too early.
against peacock, it does not protect against a counter argus agony on reaction and i think the teleport might get hit by it but you still get fully comboed. Does not protect against parasol sniper shot.
nor cerebella projectile reflect as AndoTheCommando pointed out.
Valentine flatline super is still projectile invincible. so is bionic car.
But i guess it does force painwheel to eat the chip.
Good to know. I haven’t fought anyone who has punished it yet. A Painwheel tried flying over, but the item drop knocked her into the beam.
st.lp, st.mp, st.hk, qcb+hp, run in st.lp, st.mk, j.hp, ADC, (delayed) j.lk(3 hits), j.mp, land, j.lp, j.lk(1hit), j.mp, j.mk, land, st.hp(2hits), (qcf+hpx3,) qcf+pp
Does~5.9k damage. Damage doesn’t seem much different, with or without the qcf+hpx3. Doesn’t work on Cerebella/Double, but on Cerebella you can get just about any ground normal to connect, after the first j.mp.
First of all, kudos and thanks to everyone who’s contributed so far. I’ve been playing around with most of the stuff listed and it’s great.
Second, I’m curious: what kinds of combo starters are you guys landing most often? Mine is mostly just projectiles and other incidental hits canceled into Argus Agony. I rarely find that I land a jump-in or LP combo starter. Am I doing something wrong?
Edit for follow-up: What’s Peacock’s best re-stand combo for resets and such? Thanks!
Also, a thought I want to test when I can get back to it: can Kamikaze George be used after an air combo ending in j.LK -> j.HK to extend into a standing combo?
If you’re starting with lp, it generally means your opponent was pressuring you and made a mistake, you blocked a super, or you released an item drop while defending. As for resets, I’m fairly committed to my air combo, so on the re-jump I’ll do something like j.lp, j.lk, j.mp, adc, j.mk or j.lp, j.lk, j.hk, run under. I don’t like the latter, because I can’t always control whether or not all 3 hits of the j.hk will connect. If I could get that consistently, I’d prefer it.
Got some more damage out of the Double combo.
st.lp, st.mp, st.hk, qcb+hp, run in st.lp, st.mk, j.hk, adc, j.lk, j.hk, land, j.mp, j.hk, land, j.lp, j.lk, j.hk, land, j.hp, adc, j.hp
Does 5766.
Also, an improved version of the general combo.
st.lp, st.mp, st.hk, qcb+hp, run in st.lp, st.mk, j.hp, adc, (delayed)j.lk(3), j.mp, land, j.lp, j.lk(3), j.hp, adc, j.mk, land, qcf+pp
Does ~6-6.2k.
Parasoul/Cerebella variant.
st.lp, st.mp, st.hk, qcb+hp, run in st.lp, st.mp, st.mk, j.hp, adc, (delayed)j.lk(3), j.mp, land, c.lk, st.mp, qcf+hpx3, qcf+pp.
Does ~6.1k on Para, 5.9 on Cere.
Double variant is tough, but damaging (for Peacock, outside the corner).
st.lp, st.mp, st.hk, qcb+hp, run in st.lp, st.mk, j.hk, adc, j.lk, j.hk, land, j.mp, j.hk, land, j.lp, j.lk, j.hp, adc, j.mk, land, qcf+pp.
Does ~6.7k.
Edit: Video
It only did 6.5k there, because the corner prevented her from falling.