Hatin' from experience, the LouisianA Thread Live by our rep

Maybe if I can get some sleep tonight. It’s been a long week already. -_-

The Monday Night Fights were just a regular get together that Ryck started organizing cheap tournies during. Don’t get your panties in a bundle, your camel toe might show. Most of the people that show up regularly probably don’t watch football anyway.

Is there a puz bob machine somewhere in BR? 1st to 20

NO U brad. =} running a 1 dollar tourney on a monday during casual night is wack always has been always will.

not thats readily accessible for you.

Shut up Mike, I wear thong so my panties never bundle up. Wack or not, that is opinion not fact. People show up and participate, so some people like it.

I think it’s good for the newer players anyway. Kills the tournament jitters that make new players puss out on going to other tournaments.

i think that it COULD do that but i have seen very few of the people from those mondays make the transition to tournaments, granted its another city since yall havnt had one in a while… but i somehow think when the time comes the turnover rate is still not impacted by the monday $1 stuff…i dont think running a “tourney” under all possible conditions is always conducive to growing the scene. but like you said that opinion

i won my one match on 3sO i now retire it like MK

That doesn’t sound like ARK IV sir.

Unfortunately it’s the closest thing to a tournament this area will have until Battle. Jon and I don’t have time to organize local events and Ryck is doing a damn fine job keeping Monday Nights going strong. In all honesty I’m just glad to see people playing actively and some of them even improving.

Your right it’s probably the fact of traveling to BR that they don’t go to GW.

Unfortunately it’s the closest thing to a tournament this area will have until Battle. Jon and I don’t have time to organize local events and Ryck is doing a damn fine job keeping Monday Nights going strong. In all honesty I’m just glad to see people playing actively and some of them even improving.

Your right it’s probably the fact of traveling to BR that they don’t go to GW.

There have been at the very least 3-4 people that made the transition from dibbz monday’s tournaments to going to the last gameware. One went to evo. can’t ask for too much more imo

idk for LA yes u cant ask for more, but for the amount of people that are there every week…i think you can

Mike did you get any further details on whether or not you’re coming by this weekend or next weekend? The two orientations from nursing school basically outlined when the clinicals and all that jazz were and I just better pray I get clinicals on a Wednesday or Friday because no day will be spared and Saturday clinicals for Psych will fuck over any plan I have for tournaments next year, especially for Final Round since spring break to them is only Monday through Friday. Guess like my semi retirement will continue on if that’s the case.

why does everyone rave about GGPO netcode? it fucking sucks. Anything besides a green connection skips a ton of frames and takes moves back

it wont be this weekend, no one is going to the houston tourney

idk wtf you are talking about ggpo does not have bars of any color

I’m talking about for 3SO

man what is it with people bashing shit thats done to better the community why bring negativity playboy? u mad? Theres been an extra set up anyways to cater to those who would just rather play casuals anywayz i find no harm in it at all. Also despite the fact that it hasnt had a huge graduation of people to other tourneys it has leveled up low scrubs to mid level scrubs to even average players ive seen hella improvements. Russian ass nigga…

you sound mad a fuck right now . the only reason people are even talking about it is cause YOU brought the ‘tournament’ up trying to use it as an example. i dont like the format and dont see much use for it, CAN I LIVE? swag swag swag

sounds like your internet sucks ggpo netcode is fine for…GGPO =PPPPPPPP

Jacob on Maury?

