Hatin' from experience, the LouisianA Thread Live by our rep

I’m sure toi will own all those who will try and mess with Vu :slight_smile:
I cant find the youtube video of toi boxing :frowning:

SEASONS FUCKING BEATINGS!!! but first things first LA must take over Arkansas and even before that there is a MS tourney which i dont expect u guys to go to but me and jeff are pretty much hitting up the MS ARK and finally my favorite major SB is that the final count for whose going? Julio IRV JAZZ yall down?

Unless they play marvel…

after sept 8 im frayyyyy

nigga please dont look for that video of me boxing it was so long ago

no one plays marvel anymore just mvc3

when is ms

I’m down to go to every major possible.

Toi, I’ve seen those boxing videos already…

hope to see at least 8 people go this year, sarah are yall going back this year?

nigga dont be late for work tonight jesus christ

^ This. Seasons Beatings was most hype. Wtf with bodyguards.

@shadowcharlie: We’re hitting up Final Round instead of Ohio this go round. Then evo for the summer.


There will be 16 man MvC2 invitational for SB. So somebody is gonna be playing it.

I and hopefully the rest of Lafayette will be going to ARK.

I think whats worse than claiming you play marvel 3 is claiming you play marvel 3 online.

I’m gonna try and take off for sb but dunno if I’ll have the money I’ll have to see especially with November around the corner and October is the start of our holiday season

I’m in for SB + ARK 4, someone post up the dates so I can be 100%.

How far of a ride is Arkansas? If it’s not that bad i’ll see what I can do. I’m finally making it out of my first 90 days at work soon so I’ll be able to take random days off.

ark is sept 17-18 and sb is oct 14-16

I play marvel 3 online with stone sometimes. Its the same game, but with lesser combos.

BR to the middle of ark is under 7 hours.

For some reason I thought only southern arkansas was going to Ark4. Sweet.

Id be in for ark more than sb tbh