Hatin' from experience, the LouisianA Thread Live by our rep

Toi, they should make a bounce remix out of this jpop song :slight_smile:

if this doesnt motivate you, julioā€¦


see yall tmmrw

Lol, my friend won 10 tickets to that tekken showingā€¦but they sent him tickets to a theatre in mississippiā€¦

Love that WoW. :rolleyes:

^^ Lol, some chinese people sold their kid for a cellphoneā€¦ as well as a kid selling his kidney for a ipadā€¦ geez.

Any last games at dibbz before everyone leaves for evo?

see yall in vegas <3

Well, at least they didnā€™t left their children in the car.

To those going to Evo, remember that all glory is fleeting



I was thinking it was better than the kids that kill their parents for taking away their Xbox. But itā€™s all shameful. :frowning:


Hit me up 3184709802. Also just found out clakeyd is in my pool hmmmm

Ssfpool 79 mvc3 pool 20

Yo, vegeta12, youā€™re in Shreveport, too?


Iā€™ll just leave this here.

Doesnā€™t work for me. But this one did.

ggs citays, we need to play more. guile is making me lose my hair.

Yes sir

lol cities you seen this?

of course he doesnā€™t post every match that I beat him after that

who are you anyway?