Hatin' from experience, the LouisianA Thread Live by our rep

So after the tourney where cities lost to kuma I attended the next 4 monthly tournies which all occurced during the summer and yet you never showed up…

free money aint so free after all

The vast majority of Akumas are very average.

I had almost forgotten about that, thanks. :shake:

Wait, who are you talking to?

so what happen with you moving to br cities?
have to repost this greatness shout outs to kevin shibumi kensou turner

I still may be. I finally heard back from them on Thursday, and they said there was a very high chance I would be starting early next week, just paperwork they need to do. I may be going to Baton Rouge, but I may be going to another primary state.

Yay. I advanced in the Cross Counter tournament <3

Anyone have experience Versus a guy named BlueBalloon?

must be nice to play chars like ibuki and elf where the strat is the same vs every char

knockdown -> lets play rock paper scissors

thats why the characters are inconsistent


im starting to beat niggas in 3rd strike…nigga…3rd strike kinda…fun nigga yall complain about chun in ssf4 this bitch is TOO good in this shit everything i press hits niggas and its too easy to hit confirm to super also i find alex kinda gangsta… fuck you mike

Toi, sometimes I wonder if you’re an Animal Crossing character.

NIggas is rage quittin on GoL Toi504 lets go! Dubh Bring Dat Ass= DBDA

if by animal crosser character you mean a drunk then yes i am.

He’s calling you the coon, err racoon from animal crossing :-/

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get your lips wet~

Movie sucked, but that last fight scene with Donnie Yen and Tse was awesome!!

i think the last scene along with the movie sucks typical dumb over the top no acting bullshit, but the showdown at the Gate owns!

cancelling Netflix feels good. :tup:


lmao, this made me chuckle a good bit.

Ricky, how come you didn’t announce you filmed an episode of Crosscounter with Gootecks?

i bet you didnt know he was at evo this year either…