Hatin' from experience, the LouisianA Thread Live by our rep

frei toi

Then you aren’t maximizing your damage. If you successfully mix someone up 4 times with Akuma then they should be dead.

But I agree. I wouldn’t say the damage is ‘free’. but it’s not far from it.

lol at akuma players whining

Akuma is more robotic then Sentinel. No respect for players who use that character.

picked up marvel 3 again, sigh. Gonna play viper/doom/dante aka team try hard, but that team should be really good in umvc, might just sub out dante for firebrand, we’ll see. Gonna actually learn to finish combos now, so i’m not ultra fray.

And good lord viper does dmg, once she has optic blast, she should be pretty high tier.

Because someone asked me the other day, just wanted to post that I still do Friday Night Fights at the Atrium Hotel in Monroe. Doesn’t cost anything. Just show up and meet everyone. I’m about to head up there now.

OS has been part of SF in every iteration. ST had them and SF3 had tons of them.

My main point is you need to actually read your opponent in order to maximize your vortex. Brainless vortexing loses very fast. Even Poongko reads his opponent. Just watch the videos of him against people who are use to his antics, he adjusts his mix ups based off what his opponent is trying to do. It may seem random, but at the same time there is some order to what he does.

oh of course, I thought that was understood already. My point is, the mixups work the majority of the time as long as you aren’t super predictable. When you have to guess like 7 different things every time, no one is going to guess right. and you rolling the dice 7-1 every time you get a setup going, is highly favorable odds. It just takes ppl like tokido, latif, and poongko to open everyone eyes to the true potential of mixups. Just do it.

my main issue is unlike viper and seth, akuma doesnt have any real hangups besides his health, which is pretty much a non factor since his offensive turn is usually close to 100-0 someone. also, with ex air fireball, he doesnt have to work as hard to get in. Only time i really feel bad for akuma is vs cammy.

I’m ready for the salty runback at any time.

Also “reading” with akuma is like doing an exchange combo in Mvc3. Sure they can get out but most times the opponent only has a 33% chance of success.

ight, we can run it back when I can actually finish combos. And yeah, Akuma reading you is def him playing Russian roulette with the opponents head. and if you think otherwise, i suggest you watch and learn http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lQcWTj_dOGY

Akuma does have weaknesses that people aren’t really aware of. Akuma seriously gets out poked in several match ups. Especially against Bison, Chun, and Fei since Akuma’s best pokes aren’t that good in those match ups. Akuma’s normals are great when you are in the optimal range, but the range itself isn’t that amazing. You have to create his pokes with his walk speed.

It is true Akuma usually has the tools to deal with nearly every match up, but at the same time Akuma doesn’t really dominate any specific match up. Nearly every match is either even or close to it. Even the best match ups for Akuma like Abel are still very winnable for Abel.

Although I might add EX Airfireballs can be punished heavily if your foe sees them coming. There is a ton of recovery time and anyone with an invincible reversals can usually trade hits or beat it clean.

Overall Akuma is a fundamentally sound character, but at the same time you need to be fundamentally sound to play him. If you don’t know how to play footsies and how to option select you are going to suck with him.

every shoto gets out poked by charge characters, but they have no DP when you knock them down, and you can OS them to hell. At the end of the day, most ppl suck, its the reason Tokido is the only really successful akuma, cause he learned the ins and outs, but that characters offense is pretty amazing. More than makes up for his defensive “shortcomings” which I think he has none, but I’m a hater.

edit: I seriously used to feel the same way you do, I thought viper had all these serious issues and stuff, but after using OS, learning every single match, and mainly, playing other characters, you really appreciate what you have. Bison match especially, bison outpokes pretty much the entire cast, after realizing that, and leaving the ignorant darkness, I saw that viper has it pretty good, being able to pretty much 2 mixup bison to death. also, akuma gets outpoked, but i think you de-value fireball in this match. You should play some lower tier characters, I think it’d help you get a better understanding. So after all that, these matches I thought were bad, were really just the way the character was, and it was me having bad defense or not wantin got block that mad the match seem bad. A real problem isnt getting outpoked, a real problem is your tools not working. Just because you have to adjust gamestyle, doesn’t mean its a shortcoming.

Bison, fei, and chun get raped on their wakeup, thats even or in ur favor. A real bad match for akuma would be cammy, who shuts down all ur tools for zoning, or yun who is too short to get hit by ur mixups, and who’s DP goes too far to punish.

i like how the post is essentially, “the char is good but if ur bad you will lose”

literally every paragraph corrects itself lmao

With Akuma it is more so than other characters. I once told a friend there is no such thing as an average Akuma. You are either very very good with him or you completely suck with him. There isn’t much middle ground.

You don’t get many random wins, you have to work for every inch.

LoyalSol vs. Jazz MM at battle for the south 3!!!

Annoying character tier list

S: ibuki/yun
A: akuma/seth/viper/rufus
B: thawk/ken/yang/adon

no denying it

I love how you left El Fuerte off this list, Kuma scarred you so bad you blocked him out I guess.

elf and ibuki are in a category all by themselves as far as i’m concerned. The rest of the cast is whatever, I don’t fear death to auto pilot by any other characters than those.

guy and blanka should get honorable mention.

I cannot believe I forgot the master of rock paper scissor himself.

I’m so sorry, ELF is def in S class. Another character where every matchup is 50/50…

Well, Brydon doesn’t have too much to be scared of for the time being. I’m seriously considering taking a hiatus this semester in terms of tournament play. Right now, my top priority is school, and this is looking to be a very busy semester with just calculus-based physics alone.

Cheer, mourn, or whatever. Don’t be surprised if you don’t see much of me until December. At least I’ll hopefully have some Tekken 6 experience under my belt by then.

The moment you get scared or mad, you lose. It doesn’t matter how annoying your opponent is.