im going to go for the triple post and leave this here
the sleeper game of the year imo…the plays and commentary are too good
mike did u get tix for blackstar?
im going to go for the triple post and leave this here
the sleeper game of the year imo…the plays and commentary are too good
mike did u get tix for blackstar?
I think my signature says it all.
Yeah I see this too.
MVC2 is for the MSH, XVSF, MVC, and MVSF players.
CVS2 is for the Alpha/KOF players.
3s is more of the experimental Street Figher with Parries and a largely unfamiliar cast.
I wonder what will happen if CVS2 gets rereleased on XBL. From the good people I’ve played (didn’t play this too much back in the day, so feel free to prove me wrong), the only really broken thing is Roll Cancelling giving invincibility to moves, so if that gets taken out then the game should be cool.
wtf! im trying to do this evo moment 37 bullshit trial when the fuck do i press foward wtf this game i fucking hate it!!!
3SO isn;t incomparable to marvel. The marvel on xbox/ps3 is a really bad port of the game.
Agreed there. The only reason I’ve kept my Dreamcast and green goblins is to play MvC2 at this point. I have it on 360 but it’s a shitty port.
We still have glee’s green goblin and mvc2 mix disc here…return of dc marvel nights!?
I’m down…but I can’t do it this week.
I’ll bring my goblins back at X-Mas. I only brought the xbox during the move.
Xbox/PS3 ones are worth owning if you’re a fan of the game simply since the online works, but as far as offline goes, nothing will beat the DC port save a actual cab.
“Toto, I’ve got a feeling we’re not in Kansas anymore”
Toi, you tap the first forward right before the flash, press it when you see her crouch before the super free, then the rest you can parry easy. Also pro-tip if u see chun’s w/ super trying to chip you out, just tap forward everytime you see them crouch, cuz if they super then you’ll get the parry. Everyone thinks daigo was psychic, but that’s all he was doing, just tappin forward in reaction to seein chun crouch.
Now… what’s good dawg?!? Money match at ark?!?
idk dude, I’m no Daigo dick rider, but watching that match there was no blatant crouch and the super came out in the first few frames of the crouch animation. In a tournament match that’d be no easy task
daigo wasn’t looking for crouch, he was just tapping forward randomly, he knew the super was coming eventually.
“FT10 i run phoenix on point, spot you 5 games, if my phoenix goes dark at any point i lose automatically – 100 dollars minimum, i pay out 150%… if i lose you can PUNCH ME IN THE FACE AS HARD AS YOU CAN”
the input before the flash is distance specific…
yes today. what kills me is counting you, we had 4 people so we could have saved 10$ on each ticket
When is black star?
Any jean grea cameo’s?
Sounds good. Going to play it by ear to see how busy the schedule gets. Hopefully I’ll be settled into my studio routine by the end of this week.
You don’t have to be psychic when someone is doing a predictable super to you.