damn toy calm down, the way your crying salt, pure uncut salt rock…sounds like you co produced sf4.
Because parrying a super then countering with a super takes a helluva lot more skill than getting a ultra off in SF4.
I’m not a 3S fan by any means, but you can’t deny it takes a helluva lot more skill to play than SF4. Too bad it’s one of Capcom’s most imbalanced fighters, Chun and Yun are god tier, everyone else is mortal by comparison. The engine is great, but the roster is laughably imbalanced.
<- One of the very few that was hoping 3S:OE would be redone ala HD Remix. Giving a rebalanced option along with a classic would have been awesome. Would have been cool to see people play Necro, Q and Elena seriously.
right, you got that meter because you earned it, not because you were getting titty slapped the match, and get this ability to all of a sudden do massive damage. “hold dat” “playboi”
3S is a horrible game, bring guilty gear back
nigga im just tryna stay fawless wit it…also i commented on that this morning when i was hella drunk but ill finish it
so being across the screen and pressing back fierce to gain meter is earning it? i still have alcohol in my system
btw fuck you as well mike btw im finally gunna be able to attend next gameware so mike get ready to pound some down after the tourney.
Toi, money match at ARK? I need a punching bag to prepare for finals day.
I’m not gonna say anything on 3S since I don’t want to be burned at the stake, but I do want to learn Guilty Gear.
Well, the thing about whiffing normals to gain meter is that it carries an inherent risk by hitting a button instead of sitting and blocking.
You can also make that argument for footsies, I suppose.
this; Also it’s more or less along the lines of, if I am beating someone, why should they get rewarded for it? I’ve never liked ultra’s, even before I got my hands on 3s
haha nigga im down but r u sure you want to donate your money to the United Negro Society like that?
Also fuck all yall 3s niggas im buying it today and i will take the 3s tourney at gameware fuck 3s…why is my hate so strong right now…
Also Drunken 3D Harry Potter…words cannot describe my happiness last night you guys…
Nah, it’ll be more like me taking money from the Negro Society. I give you guys a whole month to call your own AND your own TV station. That’s enough in my book. Anyways, I have a shit ton of money matches set up already, so FT3 for 10 sound good? If I get fucked up enough I’m sure that will go up, as I’m incredibly irresponsible with my money while drunk.
3s is amazing
but 3s is retarded
coming from someone who started competitively with 3s and loves the game
end of story
3SO will fade shortly , so for those enjoying 3SO , have fun while it lasts .
So it’s like Mahvel (ok, maybe Mehvel too) without the two teammates and assists to you?
This pretty much sums up 3s
3s will go the way of mk9 with a twist…people will still play it years down the line because its fun/good.
3s came out in 1999, think about that.
besides heroclix punishes everything
3sO is interesting as it is more of a shoutout to people that still play the game
it will be played casually for years as dakota said, but this release does not give a future or potential for a tournament scene rebirth. people wanted a 3s vers they could play and capcom for the most part has delivered. its just like mvc2 online at this point. novelty
seeing its success, if capcom were really ambitious, they would make a new entry into the series, a 4th blow if you will. +2 chars…balance tweak…sprite based…etc, that i think would have potential
i wouldnt say that
with the last wave of capcom games in the early 2000s, the games each took on different properties and catered to different elements
cvs2 is rock…marvel is scissors…3s is paper imo