Hardest Characters To Use?

Shuma Gorath is fucking hard yo

Shuma is freaking insane to play ESPECIALLY since i play him on pad. After running some long sets my wrist actually gets sore from holding charge the whole time.Not to mention i have dropped about 90% of the combos i have tried after working so hard to get in. He requires a ton of dedication and practice.

:lol: Ghost Rider, Hsien-Ko, Shuma-Gorath

I bet this team is secretly high tier i can just see it like Tron, Thor, She hulk

It’s all relative

Viper and Iron Guy are definitely the two hardest neutral game characters but the hardest to play is xf3 on lv.3 jill.
Lol at people saying coon, chun, and modok are hardest. They aren’t easy but don’t take more than a week to learn. Chun is potentially hard I think she’s just trash tbh.
Idk about shuma never used him.

Morrigan has to be among the hardest to use effectively. I don’t even mean the fireball trap and flight cancels, just moving around with her is tough. Not that I’m really good or anything, but I think this is a character that requires both good execution and a keen understanding of positioning just to be competent with her

>neutral game
>Marvel 3


Also, inb4 “greentexting outside of 4chan lol hurr durr.”

If you say so.

I don’t think Morrigan is too difficult to use. She has a ton of options and great movement in the air. Once you figure out which part of the screen you can control its really all about maximizing your damage output once you get that first hit.


use his jS. The he’ll be really hard.


If we are talking about using the characters on a high level of play then I’d have to go with the ones who do not have a practical moves for just about every situation and take a pretty decent knowledge of execution. This means you have to think about every situation and what you have at your disposal to use and then you need to know how to pull off your moves.

Iron Fist
Ghost Rider
Iron Man

Granted I don’t play a lot of these characters seriously and I felt like just making this list for funsies. A lot of these characters have an abundance of restrictions and limitations compared to others which I took into account. I personally have played Viper since Vanilla and after learning the basics of her neutral game and building off a solid foundation I can say for a fact that she isn’t as hard once you understand her capabilities (I’m talking outside of derp EX moves). She doesn’t have dumb block strings that are completely safe, hence you see top viper’s doing TK cancels a lot when advance guard comes. Her combos are not as hard as people think, but they take effort and understanding body control and the many hit-confirms that come with them. And whoever says Seismo control is not the core of her game is an absolute idiot. Without seismic hammer’s you are allowing the opponent so much freedom to run their game plan.

I personally found C Viper really hard to use.


I agree with your assessment of Iron Man, though.

Her flight cancels take some work to master. Bullet hell is harder to do than it looks. Her combos involving soul fist cancels aren’t that easy to execute and her damage output isn’t that high. One thing that frustrates me is when I accidentally activate her Level 3 Darkness Illusion when all I wanted was after air Soul Fist, flight cancel then air dash forward.

Scrub Morrigan, on the other hand, is easy to use. Just spam her high priority Shell Kick and then mash low jab (which doesn’t even hit low). If low jab hit confirms for a few hits, go into launcher and then BBC, land, Shadow Servant. Or Activate Astral Vision and throw out 1 Soul Fist or Soul Drain at a time.

How about deadpool? Isn’t he difficult to use in a match against the top tiers?

I don’t understand why everyone isn’t saying Spiderman.

Landing OTG’s with web zip is harder than to peeing with a boner.
His combos are actually much more difficult to perform in X-factor.

Then there is Thor. He’s not hard to use, just not fraud friendly enough for me I guess.

Not to beat a dead horse, I said (rapid) seismos weren’t the core, but a core of Vipers play. I’m not going to go tit for tat with insults over you calling me an idiot (wouldn’t a simple 'you’re wrong suffice?). But the reason I said it’s not the singular important element of her game is she has a the variety of tools at her disposal, from double jumps to burn kick feints, her focus attack, buster, air dash, impressive throw box, and not to mention the fact that there are assists in the game. Combining this with characters being able to use flight, double jumps and triple jumps, air moves, or super jumps, and further extend the time they can stay in the air through air moves, so they can still launch an offence while avoiding (rapid) seismos, to say seismo control is the core of C. Viper’s game is rather simplistic.

My bad for venting. Uncalled for with the idiot part and I didn’t mean to direct it at anyone. I still have to disagree though. Seismic Hammer is the core of her game. If you lack the will to learn and use it properly what reliable moves does that leave you with of her? j.L j.H and those are off of a tri-dash and initial jump and you need to be VERY close to them to use it successfully (BTW they are god-like up close). cr.M is your only other normal you can use in neutral game, but it is slow and if you use that wrong you widen your hit-box twice the size of Viper’s body for an easy hit. You have laser which is reliable but the ugliness of that move is recovery and if you don’t have meter at your disposal then bye bye. Double jump and burning kick feints are great and all, but they’re used to place yourself in situations where you are avoid specific setups, change typical landing plans and place yourself in adventageous situations. I am not saying this isn’t great for her because i believe if you learn viper YOU NEED TO LEARN PROPER BK/FEINTS. This tech alone is strong and is the essence of her unpredictability in the air and it helps her avoid a lot of things in the game that other characters (even magneto) can’t avoid. BK/feints are possibly the best thing for her counter offensive options from the air. EX. Seismo is awesome and I would say is her best move at her disposal, but it costs meter, and you will not get a ToD off an EX seismo. EX.TK is a guess in neutral game and EX.BK is a 5 frame moves that is essentially safe for the most part (-1 on block). Burning kick has an awesome hitbox on it but is only useful with an assist to cover. Her best Burning kicks are so unsafe and lackluster you if you don’t know how to use them right, and even when you do know how to use them they’re situational and best used off lockdown mix-ups. Thunderknuckles are god-like but only if you can keep them on the ground. Focus attack? Counter move and unblockable setups. Enough said on that.

So where does this leave us now? Viper is a beast character up close with fast air moves and great counter abilities, but they can’t be abused and you need to have an idea what the opponent might try. Mid-range game you’re only reliable offensive moves are Medium.TK. Your counter moves mid-range are EX. Seismo and burning kick (+ assist for cover). Far range Viper? Laser? maybe tiger knee super jump forward heavy burning kick with an assist and bk/feints to get close.

Viper without focus on seismic hammer would be strictly ground vs ground and somewhat air vs ground. Basically every time you get mid range Viper is thinking (dont jump dont jump dont jump FUCK!) If the opponent has great escape tools they can avoid you all day.

Now what happens when we focus on using proper seismic hammers? 16 frame start-up move that once active is 8 frames anti-air and can be jumped canceled or FADC’ed to keep safe? This move is an extension of her normal game. Close range you can use it as a GREAT anti-air. Works wonder’s on magneto’s and tri-dash characters and works 100X better on characters who don’t have that type of mobility and I don’t care what move you have at your disposal. Pizza Slicer, dive kick, helm breaker you see an opponent closing in on your from superjump height you throw one of those light seismic hammers down it beats all that 10 out of 10 times. You can hit confirm a anti-air light seismo into stair kick loop for 800k. Hard to do but once you understand your opportunity it’s easy.

Mid-range seismic hammer is there for control of the screen and zoning purposes. You cannot get in on her for free. Throw an assist out there? You can react to it and murder that assist. What happens after you hit that assist? Point character needs to come in and stop you. Perfect opportunity for proper counter.

Same thing for her far range Viper game. Seismic hammer allows her to not get zoned to death. The opponent needs to keep in mind of EX.TK yes but there are ways around it and you can bait that move out so bad and then you either have dead viper, waste x-factor or waste 2 meters to save her. This is where smart players with magneto’s and Doom missiles or vergil’s like to set-up their game. Safely get in an assist from far range and start their offensive barrage. (Something that FChamp did a lot). rapid seismo from far range to stuff the setup and continue the zoning onslaught.

I’ve already wasted too much time on this post and I haven’t even really said everything seismic hammer can do. Basically proper Rapid Seismo’s limits the opponents game plan and makes the opponent have to take risks i don’t care what team you’re running. Seismic hammer is a 16 frame normal that has no recovery time and is 8 frames active. It gives Viper the ability to cover 3/4’s of the screen from the ground and makes them come to you so you do not have to go to them. Proper seismic hammer usage can stuff characters coming in from super jump range and normal jump if they’re intent on coming from the air at you. I still believe this is core to her game. If you don’t believe me that is fine. Without focus on Seismic hammers you’re limiting Viper to having to get in with tri-dash, bk/feints and hopefully the opponent stays on the ground and hopefully he doesn’t have good AA normals and maybe he presses a button when you Ex. Seismo. That is a lot to hope for the opponent to do/not to have in a game where you need to jump to survive in most cases. Basically Viper becomes a character that has to take unnecessary risks to get a hit if you don’t have a proper seismo game. If you do have a proper seismo game then the opponent has to take risks to get in.