Hardest Characters To Use?

Yea, when I think about it. Firebrand isn’t too difficult (I actually have more trouble with Magneto but that’s cause my execution with air dashes like that is terribad). I still think MODOK is challenging to use, but not necessarilly a bad character.

Thread asks hardest character to use period.

doesnt talk about barriers to entry like execution.

If we go by effort alone, Hsien Ko takes this by requiring more from a player assuming he has mastered every character indefinitely.

Jill, hands down.

Even with Max’s Tutorial, it still takes so much time to learn her combos, how to approach, when to use her Special Moves and Hypers, which assists to use…

And don’t even get me started on her Level 3.

Jill, Iron man, Modok, Chunli, Shuma
Those characters have execution heavy heavy combos compared to most characters and difficult neutrals to master let alone get used to. Viper and morrigan are slightly below. Viper’s neutral, all ex-seismo jokes aside, is difficult to abuse as well as morrigan. A lot of people are confusing bad with difficult to use. Hulk is probably the easiest character in the game, but he is by no means very good.

I don’t see how 90% of the people here do not have shuma on that last. For maximum efficiency hitconfirms, you have to be dashing into charge partitioned moves. His neutral is also extremely difficult to play as you have to be constantly holding charges in a game that’s 500 times faster than a game where charge moves are more fit like sf4. He can also be thrown out of everything, so you have to play extremely cautiously. His combos are also long and involve multiple links and charges (especially midscreen). Due to the extreme hit stun deterioration on his normals, his most efficient hit confirms are harder than iron man’s. I’ve honestly given up on his midscreen throw hitconfirms, so I’ve just gone back to doom because his air throw can be hard tagged into doom’s standing medium. The most efficient shuma midscreen throw hitconfirm is from some Japanese video, and it’s ridiculously annoying to pull off: Mystic ray Down charge (while holding back charge) charge partition, dash, return to back charge, standing light, transition to down back charge, cm ch, mystic stare… combo. This is why nobody plays the character. He is hard and bad. His somewhat good assist does not compensate for this. . . similar to chun li.

Because no one knows shit about Shuma =/

Strange and Iron Man are the hardest to use IMO, everything they do is so unsafe, high execution, and hard to convert.

I actually think Dante is as hard to learn as Mags if not harder. His combos are easier but his neutral is tough to pilot against people who know what they’re doing and aren’t running into random jS/Hammer spam. Plus, the game lets you play Mags how you want. Sometimes the game will just fuck with you and make your Stinger shoot the opponent in the other direction or make you Reverb Shock xx Fireworks in the wrong direction and get punished and die.

Modok has some of the best movement in the game. People just don’t abuse it, or see it being abused very often due to lack of player base. It just isn’t as obvious as Viper’s. Modok is also not quite as hard as people think in general. The most difficult/practical thing that you need to learn his how his basic hit confirms work. They go off a staggered up down magic series and can be easy to drop, or whiff depending on opponent sizes/distances. There are a lot of subtle timing aspects to some of his extended combos, but a reasonable amount of time in training mode can sort that out.

Doing something like repeated seismo cancelling for Viper feels a lot more difficult than most of what Modok does. But general use of Modok’s neutral game is a lot more complex and subtle than a character like Viper, who has a bit more of a straight forward neutral game/normals and can literally plow through anything with ex moves and punish assist calls for free with seismos.

But as far as movement is concerned, Modok’s air dashes take him enormous distances very quickly, and he can almost instantly call assists from super jump height to protect/mask them. not to mention he has one of the fastest tri jumps in the game for moving forward and backward, and a very fast plink dash.

shuma has charge partitioning lolwut? that changes everything

^I agree with the above post im not sure what would be classed as harder:

A character with 5-10 subtleties needed to be played effectively eg. chun,viper modok,jill

or characters with big gaping holes that are viable but need to be compensated by player skill eg thor,hulk and the like

Jill, Rocket Raccoon, Magento, C. Viper, Shuma and Doctor Strange

i’m thinking morrigan. she’s difficult to use effectively, anyways.

Nemises is a big walking slow ass hitbox with a rocket launcher that goes over everyones head without crouching. Aiming that shit takes skill son.

Ugh Shuma is so yuck. If you even try to do magic series, yeah it works but you get like 300k. Terrible, terrible character. He has some room to grow, but his weaknesses are unbelievable. I don’t even like his best tools (level 3; mystic ray assist). All of his pros have heavy cons.
Mystic ray- hitstun or blockstun ends almost instantly. Level 3 can’t be followed up (to the best of my knowledge) and doesn’t do THAT much damage even fully mashed level 3 (hard to fully mash). His Mystic Stare goes away when he gets hit. Combos are finicky as hell and only does a ton of damage (i.e. combo doesn’t drop) if the planets line up on a leap year. Someone please prove me wrong, because losing with him is infuriating.

Tron Bonne because she received some nerfs from vanilla Marvel 3.

And? Does it make a difference? She’s still mid-tier in my eyes, one can only be so bad or so hard when theyre essentially Hulk + 2-way Airdash - Armor moves + Sentinel.

Now when it comes to Hard-To-Use Characters, Shuma’s charge-partitioning (did i spell that right?) and Chun/IM’s iffy combos and hard hitconfirms take the cake. The fact that they are all short on options is simply the icing.

<That guy

Actually, no, not really.

I’m gonna say thinking RR is hard to play is wrong. But you probably won’t believe me because most try to play RR in a way that is suicidal.

I hurd kappa is wesker

Meh…more like Top 3 most braindead characters in the game, period.

Thank you SRK UMVC3 general discussion posters for proving once again sarcasm is beyond your grasp.

I really don’t understand why characters like Chun-Li and Iron Man have such a high execution barrier, especially since Chun-Li’s damage output/meter gain isn’t great, even with her extremely difficult combos.

What’s so wrong with this team? I play this team and I do alright when it comes to thinking

Also, Phoenix Wright, Shuma, and Jill are by far the hardest to use. Only reason not chun is because of tri jump combo 123123123s assist hyper is solid