Happy Birthday to God, AKA Shigeru Miyamoto

The man responsible for revitalizing the industry as we know it today turns 59. Happy Birthday!


I wouldn’t say he revitalized the industry. Just made some stellar games at a time they were needed.

Happy birthday to the man. It’s going to be a sad day when he goes…

Happy b-day man.

:lol: wtf man this is the first thing that comes to mind when it’s a time of celebration? But I know what you mean…:sad:

He really pulled me in with Super Mario World…haven’t been the same since…


I know it’s weird to think about on the man’s birthday lol. But I’m not necessarily talking about him dying I’m talking about whenever the time comes that he fully passes the torch.

Happy birthday! And shame on you for…

The IQue Console & N64 DD(Add-on drive). Seriously, the hell was that?

I know they say God works in mysterious ways, but still…

And most importantly, the masses bought them. Win the war, write the history.

I still own all of my nintendo consoles. I still pop in Link’s Awakening now and again to reply one of my first nintendo games along with Super Mario World and Super Mario Kart.

this man helped make some of the most memorable games ever.

My God is Based God.

Regardless, Happy Birthday to the man that made my childhood BasedGodlike.

Happy Birthday to the great man who is called “The Steven Spielberg of video games”. He created so many masterpieces. Did he make Super Metroid? Sadly that game was a flop in America. That was hard to believe.

Metroid was Gunpei Yokoi’s work. Not sure who took over after he died, but it wasn’t Miyamoto. He did oversee the first Metroid Prime though.

Super Metroid was a flop in America?

That’s my favorite game of all time… :confused:

This man is responsible for my interests in games today. Mario had me hooked and I haven’t stopped since.

And Super Metroid was a flop? I remember after it came out me and 10 other guys at school were trading notes on it. It seemed huge.

I’m pretty sure Metroid was a flop in Japan, but was a success in America.

This is the truth.

Though it was his creation, it was also Yoshio Sakmoto’s work as he was in R&D that created Metroid, and was/is director of all 2D Metroids except II. He’s the guy that took over.

Anyway, Happy Birthday!

People with Scorpio sun signs are always the shit!

Grain of salt as always with VGChartz, but http://www.vgchartz.com/worldtotals.php?name=metroid+&publisher=&console=&genre=&minSales=0&results=50&sort=Total

He is also responsible for my interests in plumbing!!!

Yoshio Sakamoto took over starting with Super Metroid


I’m toooo slooowwww!!!

Happy belated B-day!

He ain’t a god but dude knows how to make quality software when he actually tries or lets the right people get there say in its design.

A shame he seems to have moved beyond working on games though and is more corporate these days.