Haggar UMVC3 Wishlist


Imagine if people were dropping out of maximum wesker. That’d get patched so quick… There is no love the mayor. :frowning:

Quoted for truth

I think a nice small tweak would be to slightly increase his dash range and at the same time decrease Hoodlum Launcher startup on M and H, hoodlum would be a much better alternative to instant overhead pipe and standing pipe+assist from close-midscreen.

A lot of really good suggestions from people here, but if you listen to any one thing Capcom, just take another look at his normals.

Um, was anyone else watching Norcal vs. Capcom 2? At about 1:03:00ish in part 2 it looked like standing pipe was an overhead…

holy shit it does look like an overhead

Standing pipe= overhead??

Sounds like we gotta check the assist too. Unblockable setup~ with she hulk time.

If that’s true, that means Haggar has more mixups, and pipe just got even more dangerous for the opponent.

i mean think about it if pipe cancels are still in you can cancel the overhead right into a grab thats going to be freaken crazy. you never know he might some other hidden gems we dont know about yet

Combined with OTG and the RFF buff, I’m actually feelin kinda good about UMvC3 haggar now.

-his Assist is still godlike, just not stupid anymore, thus earning him spots on teams, thus people will HAVE to learn him.
-OTG makes his throws more dangerous, especially when he has appropriate assists.
-Overhead pipe makes his “in your face” game better since people can’t Down-back all day against Haggar now, and Pipe cancels just add more on top of this.
-The last two ^^ makes his throw and reset game better, and alot scarier, which makes sense as a character. Haggar SHOULD be reset driven.
-RFF startup invincibility buff gives him a viable solo GTFO option other than Lariat (which causes damage) or LvL 3 (3 meters, close range, opponent must be grounded), thus making Haggar more dangerous to rush down blindly.

It doesn’t fix all of his problems, but I think all the changes have given Haggar some better tools and options to work with.

I’m feelin positive.

you know what else…im thinking if you land a anit-air lariat you might be able to otg after…

ooh, maybe. That would make Lariat just as scary on point as it is on assist.

Timing might be different, but in any case it would make him a far better battery.

Anti-Air Lariat, OTG, cancel pipe empty cancel Hoodlum H?

Holy shit. It is an overhead. No mistaking Viper’s crouching animation for getting hit unless she is trying to poke her way out.

Skip to 1:03:31.
Haggar now having Hugo’s SFXT chained normals>overhead normals ftw.
Looks like we have another pipe move for people to really respect.

I think that would make it one of the furthest reaching overheads in the game XD

Awwwwww yeaaaahhhhh

Haggar’s alt is his final fight three garb. Just like I wanted.

Fuck yeah. Take my money capcom

So now that people have been playing for a while, how does Haggar look in UMvC3? I take the forums being dead as a bit of a bad sign…

He is a little worse off as an assist but on point he will kill if you have the right assists and meter and if you are still able to get in.

Conclusion: Getting in still sucks ( a little easier with startup invincibility for RFF) but as long as your comrades aren’t dead yet, your single combos should normally finished off at least 60% of the entire cast, as long as you don’t start with jumping pipe.

Haggar is solid, and that’s pretty much it. With the new buffs, he’s alot more damaging and threatening, but with the new characters and all the other tweaks, it will be much harder than before. Matchups like Mags and Storm got harder, and new characters like Dr. Strange, Vergil and Ghost Rider will be a new headache.

I think one of the best aspects about Haggar as of late is his ability to deal with teleport mixups. When using lariat in conjunction with his Rapid Fire Fist, he stays invincible for a long period of time.

I’ve faced some Ghost Riders online who were derping all over me. I’m seriously starting to think that while Haggar has damage and meterbuild, he’s even more assist dependent now that the game has been tuned to prevent getting in easily. He had a hard time before, it’s worse now.

Wow, that’s absolutely depressing. Might just have to give up on him before I start. :stuck_out_tongue:
Thanks for the replies, guys.