Haggar UMVC3 Wishlist

It was that way in mvc2 for any grab. I just noticed with spiral I could be in the air with her lvl 3 grab and it would grab a standing sentinel. I would like to see haggar’s grab range get buffed, and maybe have a little utility in it like comboing afterwards. You can get a combo afterwards with an assist, but self-comboability would really help him out.

Just throwing this out there, what if instead of giving hyper armor to his violent axes, they slapped projectile invincibility onto his M Hoodlum launcher during moving frames? It would give you a BIG reward projectile punish from a pretty good range that would still take some modicum of skill to use right since it would still have that start up. Or maybe onto his Light one just to make it less easy to punish any choice by the opponent (As they can block it if they time it wrong) but not devastate haggar by keeping him from being able to reactively punish faster projectiles or being wrecked on block of it?

hoodlum L is safe on block as is.

Invincibility on hoodlum m vs projectile would definitely be crazy.

I wish we could get more news :confused:

maybe there will be more info about buffs at the next build at NYC?

If I get the chance I’ll rock the Haggar. But be aware that I suck

if you get the chance to sit down and test as opposed to playing actual matches, check up on his grab range/ damage. Try to see if anything changed on ANY of his grabs, both command and normal.

im going to be playing him in all my teams…so ill be testing as much as i can if you guys can come up with a list ill print it out and write notes to post up later

-check for a range increase on all versions of piledriver and backdrop

  • check for a range increase on normal throw/ air throw
    -check for faster startup on hoodlum M and H
    -check for increased damage on ANY throws, especially piledriver

That’s all I can think of. I wanna know about dem throws.

Anyone know if Haggar can otg off his piledriver with his new c.H? That plus a range increase would actually make it useful (with an assist in there too since apparently he can’t launch after an otg)

yes, it has been confirmed that Haggar CAN combo off of Cr.H after piledriver. While I too would love a range increase, at least this makes the reward worth the risk to use it. Haggar will be much more of a threat up close now as a result.

Also, I don’t think anyone tested the backdrop so issues with that may have gotten resolved (I severely doubt it though).

what issues were those?

Sweet that’s good to hear, hopefully now we can pull some huge damage combos off of a command throw now ala Thor. But yeah Haggar def needs a range increase as well.

Crouching heavy OTG is a godsend. Now we can relaunch after landing a violent axe with dat c. H =D. Here’s a question, if you get them into the corner, how many times can you relaunch using some combination of air pipe, rapid fire hyper ground bounce reset, and c. H otg? Seems to me like BIG damage could happen. Especially if they fix it so that its impossible to pop out of rapid fire hyper, which always felt more like a glitch to me than anything.

I’m pretty sure it was stated that they still pop out. But let’s take that to the lab.

you can still pop out but if you do early enough you can can get the gound bounce…problem is that you wont get much of an air combo after the magic series. what are you guys going to run during ultimate marvel…im thinking haggar, cap, and a beam assist like doom or maybe rocket racoon i kinda want to see how ghost rider is too

not changing my team. though I’ll be making others.

First thing I’m doing is taking Haggar’s other assists to the lab.

I’ll be dissapointed if Haggar only got lariat assist changes and OTG crH

i doubt it…i mean i though only hulk got like standing h super armor and a new move…it ended up he got armor on gamma charge and a few other things…we might see a few things for him…im still holding out on projectile invicibility for hoodlum launcher. and to be honest most how many guys play this guy on point…so barley anyone has figured anything out with him

It just feels like such a glitch to me. Is it possible to drop out of any other hyper due to hitstun like that?

AFAIK no. Capcom secretly hates low tier characters