H. P. Lovecraft would be proud - The Shuma-Gorath thread!

Wow, Shuma-Gorath did get more changes than we expected! It’s still nothing great, but oh well, something’s better than the nothing that we were expecting.

This is a crude translation of the list of changes that he got, off the just released character changelog:

-Mashing on chaos dimension
-Mashing on hyper spiky bawls
-Grab drains meter
-Devitilzation recovers faster? Possibly allows a followup…
-Jump s no longer forces you to slam down? The way it’s worded with google chrome translator is confusing but it looks like it has something to do with a possible buffed jump s. Something about fixing an inevitable final blow down.



Link please!

Oh and I think that Jumping S causes a hard knockdown on the opponent but Shuma no longer is stuck in recovery frames. Meaning he can follow up with Hyper Mystic Rayyyyy!

I don’t understand faster startup on Devitalization. Why? Isn’t it aleady an instant command grab? Or is it for that useless projectile nullification.
But DAT JUMPING S CHANGE. WHAT IS IT. If it means what I think it means, then Capcom…sniff…you’re doing god’s work.

Capcom posted his changes in plain English now.

  • j.S. is now untechable, removed OTG property.
  • For normal throws, not only health but Hyper Combo gauge is absorbed as well (decreases the opponent’s and adds it to the player’s side)
  • Devitalization comes out faster.
  • Number of hits in Chaos Dimension can be increased through rapid button presses.
  • Number of hits in Hyper Mystic Smash can be increased through rapid button presses.

Huh, sounds like the j.S change will allow him to combo off of it when used as an instant overhead now, if I’m reading that correctly.

Interesting, that gives him another viable overhead now. I still hope it changes the opponents trajectory in air combos though

I’m liking the sound of mashable Chaos Dimension. Didn’t do enough damage before, this’ll hopefully help.

Hmmm, jumping S causing hard knockdown, even outside of air combos? If this is true, it could be pretty nifty…

Damn I was right? Fuck yeah!

It would be hilarious if the mashed Hyper Mystic Smash actually flooded the screen with Shuma balls. I would call it the Hyper Mystic Rape.

Why the hell did they remove the otg off jump s…

My only guess is Air X factor

They did not mention that jumping S has fewer recovery frames or does do the stupid knock them away BS. Plus is that shuma can prolly do a jump cancel combo ending in j.S to combo into super. Downside is that it still sounds ez to punish on block. No mention of fewer recovery frames on his command grab so prolly still really terrible.

Edit to person above, it OTG’d and caused ahrd knockdown you could just J.S over and over and over for an infinite.

Who can’t wait do this with Shuma?

You sound pretty pessimistic dude lol. But either way even if the recovery frames on J.S don’t change you can still combo hyper mystic ray afterwards (as long as you didn’t launch) because the opponent falls straight down. As long as they didn’t nerf his recovery time we’re fine.

Why would they buff devitlization without making it a better grab

Perhaps to make the projectile nullifying gimmick better :stuck_out_tongue:

I love how nobody knew it could do that.
Not even the strategy guide for the game.

I don’t think even capcom knew.

I think it just appeared one day. Just cuz.

Devitalization blocks projectiles.

Can’t explain that.