yeah but its decentdamage.
even if they eat it
It can still create a reset opportunity. Just do H Hellfire spit when the opponent hits the ground. After that, he will flip out and you can either airgrab, air bon voyage, or M Hell elevator S after wards. I just treat it like Weskers resets.
Who do you guys think the best 3rd characters are to compliment a Firebrand/Amaterasu pairing? Do I go with Morrigan’s meter-building assist for the snap loop, an OTG assist for more damage output and snap loop, something that helps me approach, or a good raw tag combo partner? Or do I just pick Doom with Missiles and try to do as much of that as possible, but accept the fact that the team gets bodied by Hawkeye?
I originally posted this in the general team building thread, but i thought it better deserved a spot here. Apologies if this goes against common forum courtesy.
My team consists of Firebrand (fireball)/Taskmaster(vert. arrows/maybe parabolic)**/Doom **(beam).
Basic game plan is to have a team that can do well against most match-ups, relying on controlling space with pressure from Firebrand’s Hell Spitfire-H in combination with task/doom assists (covering additional AA if needed and doom for ground coverage). I choose to have Firebrand on point because his assists are really mediocre at best; heavily outmatched by drones. Goal number one is to maintain offensive pressure with Hell Dive M/H mixups until I have established a good life lead. Once that’s done, the goal becomes to maintain it via zoning and mix-ups when the opponent gets close.
Firebrand’s combos often leave you in the corner, where a DHC to vertical Legion Arrow adds a good amount of damage (parabolic for midscreen). You can DHC to doom if you want to spend the meter and Sphere of Flame(or finger laser). If you happen to be mid-screen when your combo ends, you can still link Firebrand’s super into Taskmaster’s parabolic arrows, or one of doom’s supers.
Any thoughts SRK community?
I like this team. I like Vertical arrows over parabolic. But why rushdown first? You don’t need too. You can simply zone the entire time. If they get close, you can hell dive in then apply pressure.
Firebrand’s fireballs have decent durability. And stay in the air is good, because its hard for him to get outzoned.
Yeah youre right no need to rushdown. All my friends I casual with play tele mixup teams so rushdown is generally best option. However for regular online play against a lot of matxhups I can maintain good zoning tactics.
can firebrand hold his own on the ground without a beam assist? If so, I could use doom missiles instead of beam for a good unblockable. :rolleyes:
You can also do that Dirty unblockable THC setup with Dante, and they can’t do anything to stop Dante if they are in blockstun except X-Factor.
If they take the hit from Dante, you just get a free combo.
He would lose to a beam, but you can easily change the assist of Taskmaster’s to horizontal and Doom’s to missiles.
So yea, I love amateratsu, and I’ve been looking for characters who took advantage of cold star, the first that came to mind was doom because of clockw0rk, and the second was firebrand. So I was thinking about either running doom/firebrand/ammy or firebrand/doom/ammy, with the first team, I run doom on point as a kind of a battery to build for meter for a character I assume requires meter in firebrand(correct me if Im wrong, I have literally never played firebrand) and then doom uses ammy’s assist for his offense. Then firebrand comes in has ammy in the back to cover his offense and set-up unblockable resets. And then ammy comes in at the end and cleans up.
The 2nd team has firebrand on point with two solid assists backing him up, Im just not sure about firebrand on point. How solid do you guys think firebrand is as a point? And how do y’all feel about 1. My team and 2. Which order is better?
What assists are you running for Firebrand and Doom? My initial reaction is that Firebrand benefits more from Doom’s assists than vice-versa, but having him come in with meter to work with is enticing.
Well Im actually not a hundred in either case, firebrand for example seems to have a bunch of mediocre assists so ill prolly just choose the otg fireball one but barely ever actually use it. Doom on the other hand is where it gets interesting, Im leaning heavily towards hidden missiles since it’ll make him even more annoying, and when used properly might(thoery fighter) be better used for setting up unblockables on incoming characters than cold star since people can up forward out of cold star, but hidden missiles locks em in no matter where they are. But plasma beam is an all around good assist. I guess ill try and figure that out once I start playing firebrand and see where the holes in his game lie and which assist would be better suited to fill those holes.
But yea like you said, on one hand, no matter what assist I pick, firebrand will probably always benefit more from having dooms assist than the other way around. But at the same time, he looks like a meter heavy character(although he is one of the few who can build meter during his install) and doom builds heavy amounts of meter when played right, so I could be looking at somewhere between 2-3 bars for firebrand when he comes in which is always nice. Plus I always prefer putting the character with more health on point since the opponent starts the game with a bar and has access to more damaging combos at the start of the match than after using all that meter to kill my point if you get my… well… point.
If you do go with the OTG fireball, you could probably set up good Doom mixups due to its long blockstun. Of course, you already have Cold Star, so that might not be necessary. If you use Cold Star for the post-snap unblockable and it hits, you could probably work Missiles in later as a combo extender so that you could build back your bar. If that turns out to be the case, I’d definitely run FB on point. If not, I’d probably go Doom and get mad meter. It’s up to you, though - the “best order” might end up being what you’re comfortable with as a player.
People can’t up forward out of cold star if you shoot a ground-to-air fireball at them first. The fireball should hit them meaty on the way in. Also, as for doom’s assists, I’m just gonna copy and paste what I posted in the discussion thread. (Who quotes himself? What a wanker. I no rite?)
Give rocks a chance. It might not work for you, particularly depending on your third character, but if you’re using doom it’s something worth trying out.
Thanks, ill definitely fool around with rocks, see if I can come up with some slick set-ups and shit.
@AEON: Yea I guess you could make an argument for both orders, so ill prolly just play around with both orders and see which I feel more comfortable with.
I think Firebrand makes a great second character for a number of reasons.
DHCing into Hell Spitfire:
If your point character has a hyper that leaves the opponent on or near the ground and at close range, DHCing into Hell Spitfire fully connects and adds a ton of damage. I run Capt. America on point and DHCing from Hyper Charging Star really hurts.
Firebrand doesn’t have amazing keepaway or rushdown, but he excels at stalling. He can fly around, avoid damage, get some chip and build some meter, all while allowing your other characters’ red health to recharge. Throw in a meter building assist, (I run Morrigan as anchor) and you can build a lot of meter while doing this. If your point character is down you can just stall and build meter until you have 3 bars and then go nuts with his level 3.
If you ever played a Ghouls N Ghosts game this is exactly what he does. He just hangs out in the upper corner of the screen, throws some fireballs, flies around, and then swoops in right when you least expect it. I believe this play style is most true to the character and how he was designed to be played.
My new team is Doom (Hidden Missiles)/ Firebrand (Spitfire)/ Skrull (Tenderizer)
I normally use Skrull on point, so both other characters are still being babied in the lab at the moment, that said, I think the team is promising. As a bonus, 2/3 characters have 1 million health.
Plan A:
- Doom builds some meter, does some damage, maybe gets a kill
- Firebrand comes in, either as part of a setup, or after Doom dies, and gets a hit
- Snap-loop if Doom is alive, X-factor kill followed by unblockable kill with DHC if not.
Plan B:
- Oh god Doom and Firebrand are dead
- It’s ok, Skrull still loves me
DHC synergy:
Doom Lasers > Firebrand Dark Fire
Doom Lasers > Skrull Inferno
Doom Sphere Flame > Firebrand Luminous Body
Firebrand Dark Fire > Doom Sphere Flame
Firebrand Dark Fire > Skrull Inferno
[]I think both assists should help Doom with rushdown or keep-away (defensively at least)
[]Hidden missiles apparently gives Firebrand an unblockable reset that I need to test out, and also helps with keep-away or lockdown
[*]Tenderizer gives Firebrand an almost perfect incoming character setup that can lead to x-factor death combos or resets with missiles (hopefully) or snap loops
I can choose to start Skrull/Firebrand/Doom if I think the matchup suits it. Skrull gets access to Missiles to cover his teleports or grabs, as well as Spitfire to cover a corner reset that is very difficult to escape.
I think the main thing I need to find after I get the combos and movement down for Doom and Firebrand are setups that get Firebrand on point in time to set up the unblockable on the incoming character.
u already have a reliable unblockavle setup? I’ve messed with firebrand and doom but have had lackluster results with missiles. also, im having a lot of trouble with snapvack tenderizer setup.
So who has everyone been matching up with Firebrand for the Bon Voyage>raw tag>otg nonsense? My Doom is getting better so I might give that setup a try when I get home.
All right now I know is somewhat a stupid question to ask everyone in the firebrand forums but I have been on SRK long enough to ask stupid questions.
What does everyone think the best team is for firebrand?
I am not talking about like a viper firebrand type team I am talking about a team that is designed to function for firebrand and is built to optimize him to the full extent possible
Viper is one of Firebrand’s best partners though - it even seems like he gets more from her than she does from him. I’m not sure if she’d be included on the best Firebrand team though. I want to say Amaterasu is a must-have, but I can’t figure out who the 3rd character should be. There’s still a lot to be discovered with this character, so whatever I and others tell you could easily be wrong lol.