Gyah Kita Ki (My demon brethren): The Firebrand teams and assists thread

Anyone who can set up an unblockable would be good. Meter for days with Morrigan. Combo into snapback -> Unblockable incoming character -> combo into snapback -> repeat until they figure out how to stop it. THEN start playing properly. :stuck_out_tongue:

Ok I think I officially got my Firebrand team.

Firebrand (a)/Frank West (a)/Amaterasu (b)

I consider this team a Frank team, but it definitely doesnā€™t need Frank to be successful.

Firebrandā€™s mix-up game is bonkers and he has some sick set-ups. This is just some stuff I came up with on the fly.


(anywhere on screen) Call Frank, instant overhead L xxx Hell Dive Lā€¦ from there you can doā€¦

cr. Lā€¦ -A low and then continue the combo


instant overhead j. Lā€¦ From here you can doā€¦

xxx Bon Voyageā€¦ Continue combo if overhead hit. Safe AFAIK if blocked.
xxx Hell Dive L, cr. Lā€¦ continue combo if low hit but overhead didnā€™t. Otherwise, Bon Voyage them.
xxx Hell Dive M, Sā€¦ Cross-up continue combo if anything hit.

Unblockable set-ups

(start of match) st. L, st. L + Amaterasu assist xxx H Demon Missile (hold)- Can be done while your opponent is blocking or if they get hit.

(corner) cr. L, cr. M, cr. H, S, j. MMH xxx Devilā€™s Claw, L Hell Dive, cr. H, S, j. MMH xxx j. Bon Voyage, S , j. MMHS, Land, Back dash, Call Amaterasu, H Demon Missile (hold)- My favorite off a combo. Not sure if possible outside of corner, but does alot of damage.

WARNING: I just thought of this and will see if this works after I go back home.
(corner) cr. L, cr. M, cr. H, S, j. MMH xxx Devilā€™s Claw, L Hell Dive, cr. H, S, j. MMH xxx j. Bon Voyage, Backdash, H Demon Missile (hold)- Solo unblockable set-up(?)

Im pretty sure there are a billion more with this team but I wonā€™t know until I go in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber.

Game plan

Basically, I start a combo with Firebrand, TAC out to Frank, end the combo with Snapshot. My goal is to level up Frank till the opponent loses.

Step one with this team is to get a hit. Firebrand has 1 billion ways to do it, especially with Amaterasuā€™s assist. Not only do I have several mix-ups at my disposal, but I have unblockable set-ups, which are easy to do. Then after I get my hit, I go into my BNB.

cr. L, cr. M, cr. H, S, j. MMH xxx Devilā€™s Claw, L Hell Dive, cr. H, S, j. MMH xxx j. Bon Voyage, S , j. MMH TAC any direction (Frank comes in), j. M xxx L Tools of Survival, j. MS, Land, Snapshot xxx Survival Techniques DHC Luminous Body, Tag in Frank, Snapshot xxx Survival Techniques.

^^^ This combo does about 800k for 3 meters. Not alot of damage for 3 meters by any means, but the best part about it is that Frank becomes lvl 4, which is the point where Frank is top tier. With lvl. 4 Frank, I can press normals, do great chip, frame trap them, mix them up, etc for free.

Firebrand can stay in for the whole game though. Frank and Ammy help him out too much. With the mix-ups at his disposal and pressure he applies, he could OCV the whole team.

Ammy is the anchor of course. You all know how much of a bitch she can be. And Frank a major part of my team of course. Easy level ups ftw.

Sooooooā€¦ what do yall think?

BTW, this is what I meant for the team thread to go likeā€¦ Unless yall just wanna hide all of your bullshit lol :slight_smile:

I like this team a lot, and Iā€™m not just theory fighting either because this is the exact same Firebrand team I have lol. If youā€™re not close calling assist+Bon Voyage (air or ground) works well to add pressure, and make it safe if it whiffs or blocks. Either assist works but I would prefer Franks. If Firebrand goes down you can still easily level up Frank via DHC from ST into Vale of Mist, then raw tag back to Frank. This is actually easier because of the slowdown, and makes mixups after with roll very effective.

Overall a great team that is very interchangeable.

EDIT: Forgot the most important part. Firebrand alt 3, Frank alt 5, and Ammy alt 6 they are all yellow.

Iā€™m realizing that even though firebrand brings opponents to the corner and can tac nicely into MODOk, the two have poor synergy. was thinking about trying firebrand/frank west but i have no experience with frank. wanted to use the yellow colors so was thinking of c viper but since u mention ammy and i do have some experience with her, might be a great pickup. good advice bro iā€™m gonna try your combo with frank

I really like that team as well. One of the things on my to do list was to play around with Firebrand and the trolley assist. Just one minor thing though:

If they roll forward, youā€™re hosed. If you see them trying to roll forward after your combos in the corner, After the j.Bon Voyage, land etcā€¦instead of hitting S for the launch, do the jab reset and backdash again. As they touch the ground, hit cr.L + Ammy xx Demon Missile H. You can do any crouching normal, but because the blockstun on cr.L is the shortest, its the hardest to pushblock when itā€™s a single hit. Shouldnā€™t make TOO much difference if you distanced it right regardless, but more reliable.
Not actually a minor thing at all. More just something to add to your repertoire i guess.

I was using/testing Firebrand on my Ghost Rider team, but I fell in love with the little guy so Iā€™m running a team around him.

Iā€™m doing Firebrand-Akuma tatsu-Doom missiles. Iā€™ll let you guys know how it works out. I already was running Firebrand + doom missiles, so I have a lot of stuff figured out already.

How are you guys setting up unblockables with doom missiles? Iā€™ want to run Firebrand/Frank West/Doom but I have been real spoiled with Firebrand/Frank West/Amaterasu.

The first post on the second page of that thread has the main one quoted. I know it originates somewhere else, but I cbf finding it.

I was toying with the idea of Firebrand-Ī² / Dr. Strange-Ī³ / Amaterasu-Ī². Firebrand and Ammy are known BFFā€™s, but I had originally wanted Dormammu in the middle spot. Strange comes with a much better assist - the Bolts of Ballsack shut down the horizontal axis and bait out crouches, which seem like things that an Arremer could have fun with. Meanwhile, Ammy helps Strange apply pressure in the corner and keeps him safe(ish) on block, and Demon Missile M might be alright for teleport mixups in Luminous Body. The latter isnā€™t to hard to set up either if you DHC out into SoV to punish ā€¦ well anything really lol. Iā€™m worried about two things though: 1) this team is glass at 2500K total vitality, and 2) this is a pretty technical team and my execution is still noob as fuck. The latter will be gone in 6 months, the former I might just have to live with.


(Thanks to REALPLAYER for the idea): I had to rock the statue theme with Firebrand and Ammy, so I was hoping my third character would have a subdued/stripped-down alt to complement those two. What came out was this grim-looking team.

I do it during a block string. After combo, Call doom missles, M Demon missile, st. LMH xxx H Demon Missile Charge.

I wouldnā€™t use Doomā€™s missiles for that though. shrug

Currently im using chris gā€™s team. But ive been thinking of replacing hawk with ammy for the unblockables, def worth considering

Hi everyone.

Iā€™ve been rolling Trish/Firebrand/Viper (Burning Kick) since I got the game, havenā€™t had much time with them though because of a holiday subject at uni. Real nice to see the Firebrand-Viper love (ew) here.

I keep bouncing between spit and H swoop, and all three of Trishā€™s assists. I find they all have their uses. Havenā€™t had enough time in the lab to commit, yet. Iā€™m curious to know what other people choose from Firebrand when they pair him with Viper

Viper and Firebrand are locked in. I chose Trish because Iā€™m solid with her and I find sheā€™s a decent battery (I like to abuse luminous body and EX specials). Itā€™s my job to make the most of my team of course, but Iā€™d appreciate your thoughts.

Firebrand (Swoop) / Skrull (Tenderizer) / Amaterasu (Cold Star) is a really fun team. Especially how the DHC works good. Okami Shuffle brings the enemy back to the ground for an DHC into the Dark Fire OTG, then Skrullā€™s Inferno for good damage. All of these characters have air hyper combos as well.

Tenderizer and Cold Star both work great to keep the opponent locked down while youā€™re putting pressure on. Iā€™m loving Firebrand, the Bon Voyage is a really cool move. Firebrand is a good battery for Skrullā€™s hypers.

Sounds like a great team. Both assist can set-up the unblockable and they both have good mixup opportunities.

Just got into Firebrand very recently, now that Iā€™m thoroughly hooked on this character Iā€™ve been thinking of replacing Dorm with him on my main team, that would make it Firebrand/Vergil/Doom (or Vergil/Firebrand/Doom, either really works IMO). Iā€™m nowhere near my console atm (fuggin holidays) so I canā€™t really get a feel for it myself so I figured Iā€™d appeal to you guys here who have considerably more experience with Big Red than meā€¦

I canā€™t decide on whether it would be better to use Plasma Beam or Missiles, one provides healthy left/rights and I mean, its a beam assist so it must be good right? (lol), whereas HM lets Firebrand do EZ mode unblockables (Vergil donā€™t care either way, his broke ass can use either), would you say that Missiles provides a bigger benefit because of the unblockable set up that it outweighs the benefits of a solid beam assist?

EDIT: Just realized I was basically fixating on which Doom assist to use not realizing that Vergilā€™s Rapid Slash assist might allow unblockable set ups anyways, which means That whole previous paragraph may have been kinda pointless lol. -.-;; I need to stop deliriously posting at like 2 AM when I canā€™t sleep lolā€¦

Firebrand isnā€™t too bad with lvl 3 XFC and/or luminous body and/or lvl 3 helper bird. If you could actually control that shit, you would be unstoppable. The only real problem is that im not sure he can completely kill a character in one hit

Hereā€™s my team:
A: Spencer /Doom (missles)/Firebrand (swoop)
B: Spencer /Doom (beam)/Firebrand (fireball)


check the setup at 6:30. Costs two bar but well worth it

Good video - Iā€™ve got my heart set on Firebrand/Amaterasu, so this is invaluable tech to me.

That setup is actually really awesome. Definitely gonna have to mess around with that in testing sessions.

That setup works fine until they decide to just take the hit from Amaterasuā€™s super. After that, Firebrand wonā€™t be able to pick up from an OTG move outside of another super.