Gyah Kita Ki (My demon brethren): The Firebrand teams and assists thread


So did anybody use Firebrand on stream yet? I haven’t been watching as of late because of midterms…

Chris G’s been doing work. Won two tournaments with him already. He’s been using Ryu/Firebrand/Hawkeye.

How much did you see of it? How does it work? What are some good DHCs? What are its strengths and weaknesses?


Winners finals and Grand Finals of him using his team. Many thanks to TeamSpooky for archiving these.

Beautiful video data, thanks for looking through the archives and putting it up here!

I’m reposting from the reset thread cause I didn’t even see a team building thread hehe sorry about that but I have found my best team with Firebrand is Vergil/Firebrand/Chun Li.

Vergil on point is pretty standard but I consider the team to be built around firebrand because both characters mesh with him so well on assists or by having firebrand assist them.

I use Rapid slash assist on Vergil, the ground fireball assist on firebrand and the lightning legs assist on Chun Li.

With vergil out I pretty much play like anyone would play vergil and dont call for Firebrands assist however the good mesh comes in their DHC. When vergil ends his dimension cut hyper they always spin to the floor as he has his long animation of putting his sword away. You can wait till the very end when they finally land to DHC in Firebrand and pick them up. That is usualy how I try to start the match since I prefer to do most of the fighting with firebrand.

With firebrand out both assists are so perfect. Vergil’s rapid slash is a great assist and you can do hells elevator in front or behind to cross them up, but the perfect thing is that if his assist hits it leaves them at the perfect height for comboing out of hells elevator. Chuns legs assist has always been good in vanilla MvC3 but as I was saying in the other thread you can use it to cover the full charge of firebrands Swoop move. Charged fully it becomes unblockable and since it opens with 100k damage I have been able to get a combo off of it to 608k dmg.

When Chun is out is when I uses firebrands ground fireball assist. Basically I use it on their wakeup since it lingers on the ground and travels a bit and I use her quick dash to create a high low unblockable.

Tell me what you think and I’ll be in the lab with this team seeing what else I can come up with. So far the team doesn’t have many assist-driven combos but the mixup alone seems to do me enough good.

Some thoughts.

I think it’s important to have a strong meter building point character who can get a dead character with a firebrand dhc.
So that way once fire brand is out, you get a luminous body mixup, like sj.H Fire xx Luminous body, forward glide.

I’d like to express my belief that firebrand is best played 2nd, for the above reasons, seems like everyone wants him point, I just don’t think he has the solo damage to warrant it right now.
Though with two assists he has some crazy mix ups and set ups, but so does everyone else.

My current firebrand team set up consists of x/firebrand/dormamu.

x being a random point character, I’ve been experimenting with a bunch, I’m not sure who I like the most on point, Strange works well because after dhc you get some crazy mixup off eye, so I might work with him for a bit.

What do other people think about running firebrand 2nd? (like chrisG)

Does anyone have any point character suggestions?

i think firebrand can work on point… but only if the player has invested time into him as second. his best position seems to be 2nd by far as it gives him luminosity… and luminosity is what makes firebrand good. without it its a big gamble to play him with only one guaranteed luminosity at the beginning of the round… and if you die to a tod after using luminosity… you’ve really screwed your team over as now you have no meter at all.

the other risk is to just play him without luminosity… but then hes just a regular character that has little damage, is average speed, and has very low hp.

to put it simply firebrand is luminosity, at least at this point he is, so putting him in a position where he can make good guaranteed use of it plus have access to an assist is where he would be best imho and that place is second.


Can get some feedback on Firebrand(flame carpet)/ Dormammu(Dark hole)/ Dante(Jam Session)

And can I get some suggestions on a third character for. Vergil/ Firebrand/

If that were my team I’d look to get an anchor with health. Both of those characters you have are 850,000, someone like a Doom or Wesker who are at 1,000,000 and can clutch out a victory for you would be my guess. Then again, if a Wesker isn’t your type(you don’t want to be like everyone else) I’d give a look at Ryu.

My team is task/firebrand/sentinel, and I think I agree with this (I use task on point, but he doesnt get much from firebrand) The DHCs are really good though, after tasky’s down arrow super in the corner, firebrand DHC comes in at perfect position for max damage (and an air throw reset/mixup). Firebrand into tasky can also work, after firebrand OTG super, in the corner tasky can up arrows, or midscreen tasky can parabolic arrows. Also you can TAC into task right before the last S in firebrands combo, then end with tasky and down arrows for something like 750k (much more than firebrands B&B into super, a good way to get firebrand out).

I use firebrands swoop assist and typically play keepaway with taskmaster (using mostly sent drones, sometimes using swoop) until I gauge my opponents playstyle, the swoop is kinda useful for that I guess.

I play Firebrand ( swoop or Flame carpet ) , Task ( horizontal shot) and Strange ( Eye of Agamato)

The idea is pretty simple. I use Task arrows to cover firebrand with his demon missiles ( all three versions ) ITsa pretty useful since the assist hurts a l ot and give firebrand time to hit confirm all his missiles into full combo. Medium demon missile with task arrows nets about 660k which is pretty good. I use Eye of agamato for unblockable set ups with Heavy missile charged and for keeping opponent away from me when in need of it. Like someone said with Firebrand and Task you can DHC pretty easy. I try to keep X factor for Strange since he has some crafty set ups and lots of loop in X factor. But i usually win with only firebrand since its so easy to create the unblockable set up with Firebrand and strange.

yea i been thinking firebrand fits 2nd spot. so speaking of my team of firebrand(flame carpet)/doom(plasma beam)/sent(drones). How is dr doom point game back with assist like firebrand and sent?

im not really the person to be giving feedback on firebrand so take this with a grain of salt:

i personally think firebrand has 3 ways he “can” be used: on point as a keepaway character and then transition into a luminosity build, at 2nd as a meter user with luminosity spam, at anchor as a ridiculous meter user that needs to be “saved up for” like dark phoenix only firebrand needs luminosity plus lvl3 plus XF…

of all of those the first and 3rd seem the most far fetched as anchor requires too much resources and 1st doesnt give him enough…
now that ive said that heres what i see as the problem with your team:

firebrand is in an off position at 1st… worse still is he has a meter hungry user right behind him. then your battery is at anchor position.
i dont see what those assists really do for firebrand. they will work definitely… but, you have 2 assists in darkhole and jam session that basically hit the same point on screen and neither hit at full screen. both are good for lockdown, but you have to get in. if you are playing keepaway those assists dont help add any damage at all. if your being offensive neither clear ways in like a beam would.

and finally your dhc synergy seems off or will lose alot of damage if you dhcx3… then again im only thinking of direct damage supers… perhaps friebrands super to dorms tracking super to devil trigger> teleport> S works… i dont know but if it doesnt work you will be losing a good bit of damage going from one character to another using the beam supers.

your team would look alot better imho if you put dante at first, dorm at 2nd and firebrand at anchor.

this is just imho so dont take it as gospel… combofiend made a lackluster team work in vanilla just cause of taskmaster, so anythings possible.

in other words if its working for you continue using it :tup:
but if you start seeing probs they probably stem from some of the things i mentioned.

personally if it were me and i HAD to have that order your using i would switch dante to weasel shot since you already have a lockdown assist and firebrand doesnt need any help at super jump height from jam session.


Strange is not good on point with Firebrand 2nd, you have to like empty dhc into firebrand not worth it.

Hawkeye works flawlessly with firebrand and gives him a decent assist to boot after dhc.

I found a few luminous body set ups with dormamu, you can be push blocked, but if you just raw assist it would work.
it’s something like,

M+darkhole, H, QCB M (dark hole starts hitting), H fireball xx luminous body, do what ever mixup cause they are blocking the fire.
The timing is tight to get the fire out before darkhole ends.

another one is,

M+darkhole, H , H fire xx Luminous Body, then do a mix up, you can jump cross up with H or, do a flip, whatever floats your boat.

there is also some really tricky left right stuff you can do with dormamu using the flips not hard.

but I found a pretty sick reset tech roll set up.

m,h+darkhole, srk m, dash towards them, jh, should late cross up because they roll towards you. free combo.

That’s actually some decently-solid stuff. Actually, due to Dormammu’s ability to set up Firebrands unblockable Demon Missile H on much of the cast as they come in post-snapback, I’d be really interested in seeing in any Firebrand/Dormammu synergy people could cook up, especially because I generally consider Dormammu’s best assist (the Dark Hole M one) to be rather sub-par as far as assists go (it’s got tons of projectile durability and active frames, but it always seems to go right where you don’t really need a Dark Hole to be).

I’m away from my console right now, but off the top of my head I can say that the Dark Fire to Stalking Flare DHC probably works rather nicely in allowing Dormammu some time to lay down a carpet or paint his hands. Also, Firebrand’s Hell Spitfire H assist could save Dormammu some time on point, since it acts pretty similarly to his flame carpet. Does anyone know if Dormammu has any hardtag-after-Firebrand-hits-with-Bon-Voyage abilities?

I’m still trying to figure out a good third teammate for my Wesker and Taskmaster team. I’m currently playing Wesker/Doom/Taskmaster and it’s working well. However, I still feel awkward playing Doom as he feels slow and although I can do his corner combo really easily and do big damage, I still have problems opening people up. I’ve tried Wesker/Hawkeye/Task, Dormammu/Task/Wesker, and a bunch of varieties and orders with Taskmaster and Wesker in there somewhere. I get blown up with Hawkeye when people get in or use teleports. I’m tempted to try Firebrand as he looks tricky, but I’m not sure. Does anybody play him with Wesker? I’ve seen some people say Taskmaster is a good partner for him.

What would be the best order here? Wesker/Firebrand/Taskmaster to have Wesker play mix-ups with teleports backed with Task arrows, then extended with Firebrand assist (if possible)? Firebrand/Taskmaster/Wesker for Firebrand on point to build meter and mixup with Task’s arrow assist + little fly flip behind them (think it’s qcb + M) and leaving Wesker on anchor to be mean in level 3 xfactor? Firebrand/Wesker/Task so they both can take advantage of arrows for mixups? What do you guys think the strongest order here is and what assists would I use with Firebrand to benefit both for Wesker’s extended OTG combos and Taskmaster’s OTG arrow relaunches.

Dark Fire to Stalking Flare only works in corners as far as I can tell.

Hell Spitfire H is really nice for his rushdown since it stays out a while and can cross up without lowering combo damage a bunch.

Dormammu has enough time to Purification into Chaotic Flame after Bon Voyage IIRC, which means he also has time to unleash Liberations, but nothing really game breaking in terms of synergy.

That is actually my exact team. You could theoretically play either Wesker or Firebrand first, I prefer to play Firebrand first. Team is really versatile because you can start any of them on point or anchor any of them to some good effect, depending on the other team. I typically start Firebrand first because he’s really easy to start combos with and you can end with a safe maximum wesker. This obviously won’t kill the opponent, but you get a safe way to have glasses off Wesker and if they don’t block the resulting mixup after a normal combo then their first character is usually dead. After I pull that off I just run Wesker as my point and build meter for the rest of my team, so he’s sort of like a delayed point character. :stuck_out_tongue: I’ve only played in one real tournament with this team but I took 4th, getting knocked out by the guy I beat 1st round.