What assist do you think benefits Arthur or Ghost Rider best with Firebrand? Right now I’m using Arthur (Dagger Toss) . Firebrand (Demon Missle H) . Ghost Rider (Chain of Rebuttal). With Arthur on point, Firebrand’s Demon Missle H is good for covering just above Arthur’s head and sort of protecting the skies. I feel like it’s working out well but I’m wondering if you guys think Demon Missle M or Hell Spitfire would work better for Arthur. I’m not even sure what Ghost Rider needs out of a Firebrand assist, so some help with that would be nice too.
what do you guys think of a team of firebrand/dante/doom or maybe firebrand/doom/sent. i am leaning more towards having sent since his drones can help cover firebrand. still i think dante and doom are very good characters and can cover firebrand on point very well. still being very new to mvc3 and vs games in general. I would like to know your guys view on what the better team in long run.
edit: oh forgot the assist. firebrand demon missile h, dante jam session, Doom plasma beam and Sent drones.
I think that Hellfire spit is the best assist for both of those characters since 100% of the time, you gonna want to control space.
I think Firebrand/Doom/Sentinel is probably the best team out of those 2. Firebrand can rushdown and runaway with both assist in hand and there is a better DHC with Firebrand and Doom.
yea i know firebrand and dante don’t do very well with dhc unlike doom. thanks for the help man. also
So yeah, I think I’m in there with Firebrand. Had the most fun with him at NY Fight Club back then, and PW ain’t working out. Picked up Saturday, still hella fun, and even more fun now that I got some basics down.
Running FB/Virgil (Rapid)/Doom(Beam). Solid, safe and damaging DHC synergy, Doom beam makes both those characters that much more scary.
For an update on my own team, I found an unblockable setup after snap-ins with Firebrand x Dormammu x Morrigan that kills entire teams. I actually perfected a guy twice in a row last night because after I touched his first character, he couldn’t do anything but watch himself die for the next 40 seconds. I wish I were exaggerating, I feel so cheap doing it. Characters with air dashes and double jumps can get out of it, but that’s pretty much it.
The setup below:
Any Firebrand combo; perform Bon Voyage at some point, dash back after the wall bounce, s.H, snap.
Dark Hole, Demon Missile H - you need to do these really close together or it creates a gap.
Opponent comes on screen and lands in Dark Hole.
If opponent blocked, Demon Missile H hits; combo from here is:
j.H, d.H, qcb.L, c.MHS, Dark Harmonizer assist, sj.MMH, qcf.S, back dash, s.H, snapback
If opponent got hit by Dark Hole, remove the c.M from the combo or the second half of s.H will whiff.
If opponent landed because you screwed up the timing by a few frames:
j.S (you’re in the air from Demon Missile H), c.LMHS, sj.MMH, d.H, qcb.L, c.HS, Dark Harmonizer, sj.MMH, Bon Voyage, dash back, s.H, snapback
- Loop the setup until your opponent’s team is dead. Dark Harmonizer allows Firebrand to build just slightly over 1 bar with each snap-in. You can do this forever, and it’s completely unstoppable against a good portion of the cast. If your opponent has an aerial hyper like Shinkuu Hadoken, just watch for the flash and release Demon Missile H early - you’ll out-prioritize if you do it right.
You got any vids of u taking out teams with this? I’d like to see it in action on a live player. I’ve been practicing it when I can, but sometimes its harder getting into the proper position or close enough to start your blockstring.
btw whats ur overall FB strat for getting in? I have been using his H fireball to catch ppl on the ground and then follow up after it.
Doesn’t Arthur (my point character)'s Fire Bottle Toss do exactly the same thing though? Hell, the only difference in the assist between Hell Spitfire and Fire Bottle Toss is the speed, right? I was using Demon Missle H for the purpose of controlling the space above Arthur/Ghost Rider. Is there a better option? How can Hell Spitfire serve me better than Demon Missle H? Thanks for your help
Well if you prefer Demon Missile go right ahead and use it. I would use Hell spitfire to stop people from dashing in on you. Firebottle is slow as molasses and on the ground, you can be punished…
I’m getting a capture card for Christmas…until then, no videos I’m afraid! If you dash back and s.H before the snap, that should put you in the perfect position. It shouldn’t really be a “blockstring”, just them blocking Dark Hole, and then you hitting them with the swoop.
My general strategy for getting in with Firebrand is a mix of fireballs followed by wavedashes and aerial Bon Voyage.
I got a question simply out of curiousity. What do you guys see as THE best team with firebrand on point? Considering this were in the hands of a very skilled player just looking to woop ass.
If we’re talking purely theoretically and the person playing is very skilled I’d say something like Firebrand/C .Viper/Character with assist that locks down (Sentinel/Ammy/Dante?). After Chrisis showed that you can raw tag into viper in the middle of Firebrands main bnb, I think that she is probably the optimal person to pair with firebrand on point. You’d probably also want an assist that locks down so you can set up his unblockables as well. Would probably have c.viper start on anchor on that team though in case you need to be able to dhc from her ultra or firebrands ultra, since neither of their ultras that finish combos complement each other very well.
There are so many characters that complement Firebrand though, that there are a ton of combinations that could be the theoretical best.
Firebrand Swoop, Sent Drones and Doom Missiles.
Both allow him to cross up and over with Demon Missile and Swoop. Luminous Body into Sent Force can be used to punish assists and tag out firebrand from any point on the screen. You can play runaway or rushdown in a matter of seconds with both assists.
Also for Cee Dizzy, this comes into the argument above. Tagging out Firebrand with his low HP and using luminous body and swoop as a pressure assist with Sent or Doom is pretty effective. It is very difficult to hit firebrand if he is bridging the gap between the end of a block string or in between one.
This team loses to Nova and projectile assist let me tell you. Nova’s Javelin is retarded good. Hopefully I’m just playing it wrong.
This is pretty sweet Karsticles; nice work. I found a way to do this without the Morrigan assist. I am using Cold Star instead of Dark Hole. After the incoming opponent blocks Cold Star (which will push them to the ground) and gets hit by Demon Missile H, the combo is as follows:
j.S, L, M, H(2 hit), c.H, S, j.M, j.M, j.H(2 hit), d.H, qcb.L, c.H, S, j.M, j.M, j.H(2 hit), qcf.S, dash, H(2 hit), snapback
It will build exactly one bar. If they don’t block Cold Star you can still combo them but you have to do a different combo which will not build a full bar. Also some smaller characters will not get pushed all the way to the ground when they block the Cold Star, causing the Demon Missile H to hit them while airborn. You can still combo them but again you have to do a different combo which will not build a full bar.
Yeah, the reason I listed Dark Harmonizer is that it’s essential for combos starting from the air to build a full bar, as well as if they get hit by Dark Hole. I’m glad you found a setup that works for you - it’s probably even easier than mine since it pushes them to the ground!
how well does task/firebrand work
Very well assuming Firebrand is on point. I don’t think Taskmaster gets much from Firebrand.
task assist is great for him, pretty obviously. if task is in and you’re zoning out well, the flame carpet esque assist is pretty good but slow. if you’re rushing down with task, the medium missile assist is pretty good since it goes really far across the screen and if it misses its hard to punish and does good damage.
Task runs pretty well with Firebrand. I sort of had Taskmaster on my team as a default since he was the one character from vanilla on my team that I could still stand, but after playing my team for a while he ended up staying because he has some really good synergy with Firebrand. His arrows do help Firebrands rush down, and if you ever catch the opponent getting hit by the horizontal arrows you can punish pretty easily by bon voyage’ing them. Not to forget the fact that Taskmaster arrows are still pretty godlike in my opinion for rushdown characters.
Honzo, why are you stealing my cheap shit and coming here? D: