Gwai's Rolento Diary

Since i specifically mentioned “…on console” in my original post, it was already implied that macros can’t be used in an arcade setting. Still when you consider that console tournies are becoming the norm now anyways, its something to think about if you don’t want to train very hard to do things the “legit” way. Or if you had really bad arthritis. I don’t play rolento seriously but for the casual rolento player, this is something you can consider exploiting :wink: Serious players should never take shortcuts :rolleyes:

it is in a console sense for tourneys now but to use your macro i would assume you would have to hook up your laptop or stick in a memory card to use your cheat before you even play someone. I play rolento casually too, he’s quite fun but a pain to land his BnB since it’s gotta be either counterhit or your 1 frame links are fire.

That’s not really bias at all! On block = +10 (and not only that, +10 with you ending up right in his face afterwards), on hit = totally ambiguous cross up, and even is a slide so you can get a little tricky with it (e.g. blocking Vega’s fierce ball, alpha countering to the other side, and then low forwarding him). What could possibly beat that?

You don’t necessarily have to land a b&b or super off every hit to be lethal with Rolento, just whittling away at the opponent and keeping 'em unbalanced is all he needs really.

Agreed. Usually with this strategy you end up landing (ie setting up) a few b&b’s though.

Yuri’s counter attack is +10 also, so its tied for best ac based on stats.

*Gwai-lo we need some ggpo A2 matches sometime again

I done the standing cc on yamazaki, so im sure it can be done on alot of people. Best cc outside of that invovles his patriot circles.

Ya, if I can get it to stop crashing and running so slow I will.

And I heard Yuri can do a double off of a hit counter, and +10 if blocked…

eh…its punishable if rolento is too close. Ive seen sagat throwing and hitting rolento with random super after JDing s/c jabs. its safe from a distance though.

nice thread btw :tup:

JD > Throw is possibly the most annoying thing ever

This may be true, however it is also likely that Rolento just wasn’t blocking when the flash came out, if he was going for another jab it would be tough timing to connect it 100% safe (if that is even possible).

Either way, it’s good to note that jabs against k-groove at point blank leave you in a guessing game - I still think Rolento has the advantage (frame-wise), but it’s tough timing (and I think it’s not always the same) to connect another safe jab - which means there’s a lot of room for randomness.

EDIT: Being closer probably means you are hitting sooner which would probably give the JD a better advantage…

totally agree here…its kinda tough without JDs but I STILL think nrolento is playable.

I like C-Rolento, but i play A. Its nice having meter, especially a lvl 3. Punish dem whiffs with xx trip wire.

Had a chance to play a bit tonight - I havent played in 2-3 months… but anyway…

S.Fierce as Anti-Air

Far S.Fierce makes a very good anti air against close low jumps and some cross ups.

I was pretty successful in punishing sagat/blanka cross up and low jumps.

In some situations I pressed it when I shouldn’t have and close fierce came out, however this also has a chance of anti-airing.

This move I find is only good if they are jumping towards you - either on your head or crossing up (so distance varies per character). Ie, you wont be punishing a far distance sagat low jump roundhouse, but you will be punishing one that is almost on your head. You have to press it early in their jump so that the far fierce does come out instead of the close fierce. For anti cross up it seems to go pretty much straight over his head with deceptively high reach.

It’s one of those moves that’s relatively situational, but in the situations you use it there isn’t much else that you can use.

Don’t think I mentioned this move for this purpose before…

use for all far antiairs. seriously. it beats like everything. beat a crossup with rc scouter jab / fierce

Another question here, i dont know how feasible it is, but i seen Iyo and Kim do it before…

How do you execute a s.lp x2, c.lp xx tripwire? I tend to mess up and do patriot circles(NOT good)…and i also wonder how feasible is this combo is. I know that its a 1 frame from s.lp => which is hard to time consistently, but this combo seems alot easier to do overall from linking to s.lp to c.lp.

Randomly stumbled upon this thread, so I’ll offer some insight really quickly about stuff. Don’t know how much of this has been mentioned, but whatever, gonna mention it anyway.

The easiest way to do the aforementioned combo is if you negative edge off the jabs (hold jab while hitting another punch button for the super after the low jab). This combo is indeed easier to link than the low forward one and gets you slightly less style points (but who’s seriously paying attention to those kinda things, except for guys who play rolento religiously).

As for Rolento rankings, although it’s mentioned elsewhere, I’m much too lazy to post in the appropriate thread. If someone wants to quote this and paste it there, be my guest.

I think the best version is C rolento. The ability to land trip wire supers whenever you want. Invincible level ones for annoyance/escape, RCs at will, roll to get out of crossups, chicken guard, and the one of the best alpha counters in the game. Put all this together, and this just spells frustration in the long run.

Next is K. Now I know for a fact Rolento “experts” across the world are going crazy at seeing this. They’re probably asking questions like, “Why aren’t A or N rolento next? They have all the same shit as C.” Well, if you read further, you’ll see why. Anyhow, K rolento. I think his biggest weakness is the fact that he can be crossed up so much since he’s so huge, luckily JDing stops most of it. For the simple fact that Rolento can JD off of a scouter jump and can run into max sweep/jab/s. mk/ low jump attack range makes him a spacing nightmare. If the Rolento player has a great understanding of other character’s range, it’s easy to frustrate opponents. Low jump jabs as anti airs can be especially frustrating for opponents, even if you’re not doing much damage. Then there’s raged damage!!! Don’t even get me started. The threat when this guy is raged is too high. Punch throw into potential cross up tripwire goodness/ low jump strong into tripwire/ kickthrows…all I see is damage. As long as you’re raged, opponents fear what’s coming and in effect allow for k rolento to potentially win a match in one meter. Plus mashing JD’s and b+fp can get you out of a lot of stuff since Rolento’s body is so big and screws up a lot of timing.

Next is A. He’s similar to the aforementioned C Rolly, minus the threats of level ones and alpha counters since all the meter needs to whored for the custom. After using this guy for like five years I can definitely say that that alone changes the psychology of the game with this guy. You could try and be offensive, but then you’d really have to know ranges and try to counterhit everything while you wait to get a meter against rushing opponents. A rolento however cannot fuck with low jump blankas/cammys/and sagats (aka K) if they’re played right. There’s too many times where you’ll have ot waste your meter just to stop yourself from dying. At least K rolento can random them back. If the opponent keeps the fact that A roletno isn’t really damaging without the custom, you could end up getting rushed pretty hard. His blocked custom is pretty worthless. If you got tricks, you could do cool shit while they’re blocking aka attempt cross up madness, but otherwise, meh.

Followed by N Rolento. I don’t know, there’s just no real threat with this incarnation. Yeah, you might have the same stuff N has, but the fact is, not being able to do huge damage at will just takes away the fear. The above three groves can do a lot of damage quickly. When N gets raged, I feel the meter goes away too quickly and since N Rolento will feel inclined to run, they’ll probably run into a lot of shit. Nobody plays N groove methodically with Rolento, the psychology of the groove alone makes everybody play much more aggressive and without the threat of big damage all the time, N rolento causes no fear. Ideally he should be amazing, I mean Kim and Iyo both did a great job making him look playable, but those two know rolento and in the end, you see even they stopped using him.

P rolento is next. He’s basically a watered down C rolento, which is a very bad thing. Yeah, you get parry into something---->baton twirls, but you have to land like 17 of them in one round to even do anything and you give the opponent more meter than you gain, where’s the fun in that? His super also does blah damage, and he jumps slightly slower cause he’s in P…great!!! There’s too many other potentially amazing chars in P, skip this guy.

S Rolento. I haven’t really experimented with him. I think he could be better than P rolento if played wild enough…I’ll have to take him to the comboratory and figure some stuff out with him, and then never show it to the public…cause that’s what I do.

Anyhow, this is merely my opinion and everyone’s allowed their own, correct? Sorry to derail the thread, allow me to step back into the shadows.

^ good shit rolento master :china:

proof im not stupid for thinking k rolento was good

I thought the same thing and said the same things (pretty much, missed a few points) and people thought I was nuts.