Gwai's Rolento Diary

Big thanks Combo. Would rep you if i could(x10), got some good shit there. :slight_smile:

where was this post at? i donā€™t remember this at all

It was in either the ask me something or team formation thread. I didnt outline it but I definitely remember saying something about how even without rc scouter JD helps him get out of bad situations and how hes scary when hes raged because raged tripwire = gg. Then someone came in and was like nah jd barely helps him and raged tripwire isnt gg, bisons custom is gg.

I believe there was some discussion about his different grooves in the ongoin tier thread. I dont think there was much indepth discussion about it though. Nothing anywhere close to as detailed as combofiends (which I still havent had a chance to fully read as Iā€™m at work and donā€™t want to get caught in the theory fighter trap).

ā€œA rolento however cannot fuck with low jump blankas/cammys/and sagats (aka K) if theyā€™re played right. Thereā€™s too many times where youā€™ll have ot waste your meter just to stop yourself from dying. At least K rolento can random them backā€

Quoted for truth. Will read more laterā€¦

Holy shit is that Combofiend posting?!

Buktooth just hates me which is why he wants to know when I posted that.

fucka rolento someone get combo to play k-ryo at evo.

Honestly though, please stop posting random nonsense in here. 2 of the last 3 posts fall into this category.

??? i donā€™t hate anybody. insecure much?

anyway yea, get back on topic

meaty stand strong, low forward is an easy ass link. iā€™m surprised nobody goes for it anymore

also, if the opponent jumps into a knife (which happens often), a-rolento can easily react and scouter jump -> activate. iā€™ve only seen kichinii do this though

I find a2a knife -> cc is hard to set up though. It seems that at the ideal range for it to land into a cc, a lot of characters have a kick that will go through the knife. Ie Sagat jump roundhouse.

I think rc knife does help with this though, could be mistaken as Iā€™m not very consistant with it so I dont try very often. Either way, I personally find it difficult to use as a cc setup, maybe thereā€™s a timing issue Iā€™m missing, Iā€™m not very good at practicing this sort of thing either - iā€™d need someone to jump into the knife for me :slight_smile:

and yes, that link is amazing. seems like a great setup for supers. Iā€™ve even landed an activation in between. meaty jab is very reliable though, harder to see (although not much harder) and is also a very easy link into low foward. meaty jab also seems safe against wake up rc electricity and the like.

there isnt really a way to set them up to jump into the knife, it just happens. often.

(at some godforsaken hour in the morningā€¦)

ā€œCAMPBELL! Can we play CvS?ā€

ā€œCAMPBELL! You wanna go to More?ā€

Incredibly over what people on a forum think of me

S rolento is hella fun.

Does anyone use Jumping down Mk offensively? I have a lot of trouble getting another Cr.Mk to combo after it hits. I think Iā€™ve seen someone cross over with it too but Iā€™m not sure, can anyone confirm this?

I used to go for it but I would miss it a lot, and opted instead of strong, s.jab, c.forward. I donā€™t mind going for the jab, c.forward link, but what I came to find out anyway is that s.strong whiffs a lot vs crouchers in the wrong position (notably, sak, cammy) . Instead I just go for jab a lot now.

Regarding A-Rolentoā€™s weaknesses, those fights are hard, but if you can RC scouter jump consistently you should not have to blow your meter to get out of those situations, plain and simple. To my knowledge theres no easy/reliable option that will counter RC scooters both forwards and backwards. At worst you can force an air trade and be fine vs any groove but C.

Regarding Rolentoā€™s air, this move is best imo used after a knockdown. Its not important to combo the after the air pogo, you use the pogo as a last second fake crossup to fake the opponent out. Whether the pogo hits or is blocked, you can go forward low forward and eyeball whether it hits or not and go from there. If you are not fast enough to eyeball tlhe patriots, low forward xx roll back. Just remember its not about the combo for that move, when you fake the crossup often youre gonna land quick enough to go low without them blocking it and thats what youre going for.

Hope I could help.

also if you want to fish for counter hits. doing st.jab once or twice, the will sometimes get you counter hits if you use it to fake throw attempts, then link xx trip or patriot is easy, and does good damage.

yes people do. cannot confirm, maybe on fatties.

Man, I feel like Iā€™m plateaued with Rolento as of late.

What seems to be the best style to playing Rolento in your guysā€™ opinion? Aggressive, run away and build meter or both?

Iā€™m having trouble understanding what Iā€™m supposed to do with Rolento in general when were both ā€˜wagglingā€™ around. I need a focused way on how I should be doing damage. Iā€™m going to switch to A Groove in the meantime to see if it changes anything, peace.

go crazy!

I have a question

what made you invest in getting a dairy and not a journal?