I want to discuss it too, because it’s one I encounter a lot, but not RC Scouter.
Let me go into detail with what I’m working with:
The match starts. I begin numerous ways depending on the position of the characters when we first square off.
As Rolento typically is his best character, he almost always puts him last.
(When he gets bored and wants to get some Rolento practice, he puts him first.)
This matters because of what meter he has for AC’s, lvl 1’s or pop lvl 3’s (N-Rolento).
Low jump strong xx lvl 3 tripwire is a pain in the ass, and when he breaks stock, I JUST KNOW THIS IS WHAT HE WANTS TO DO.
Anyway, with the matchup.
Guile’s strong with his followups to a blocked/hit boom, sure, but his biggest strength over all is really how quickly he recovers once he throws a boom. RC Booms are for all intents and purposes impossible to punish when you’re zoning effectively of course, so keeping all this in mind just establish range and throw booms,
or throw booms and then establish ideal range.
Not sure exactly what this range is, because while Guile in a sense controls the match with his normals and booms, against Rolento it seems negligable because Rolento covers all points on the screen.
Because he IS forced to do something though once I have a boom on the screen, I always make sure to throw one.
I think doing this at a range closer than the furthest his scouter jump reaches forward is good, or further out of course. I think throwing a boom at the range where a full screen scouter jump would meet Guile is risky, but it’s a possible point where he may try to pre-emptively scouter at the same time I throw a boom, the instant I throw one, at least once in a match.
If he did, it wouldn’t be smart though, as Guile recovers so that it wouldn’t be worth the risk.
He may just wall jump away and control where he lands with d+MK(?) and continuously run away to frustrate me and make me do reckless shit. I try not to, but he does inevitably get pushed towards the corner doing this tactic, and if he attempts to wall hop over as i close the distance, i make sure to tag him with either a backfist, strong, or flash kick as he goes over to the other side, away from the corner.
The whole while, I am throwing booms.
Eventually, he gets pushed towards the corner, and I can unleash Guile’s nasty corner game, doing things like preventing him from jumping out with jumping MK following a jab boom or a back fist.
(Obviously, this is where Rolento would RC scouter out, at the beginning of all this corner stuff, and hence resets the match, because HE KNOWS IT’S COMING. Fortunately, he can’t RC scouter so I’m good).
If I score a knockdown doing all that, sometime’s he’ll resort to those point blank lvl 1 tripwires, which I can almost sense and bait now, Alpha counters, or RC Patriot Circles out.
He tends to RC Patriot more often than he’d really like, which isn’t recommended of course, sometimes he hits because, well, Guile really is addicted to following up Booms. Other times I hold off a sec and see him guess wrong and punish with d.mk xx super or just random lvl 2 super cancel (followed with a crossup)/ hurricane.
When he chills out though and doesn’t freak out fighting Guile (Guile’s my second character against HIS team), he uses his Daggers to stuff all booms and buy time, and will go for a well placed slide, and will often pay 1300 life to get out of the corner when we slowly edge towards it as he can’t RC scouter out.
Interestingly enough, as he can RC other moves, he COULD RC wall jump, but he hasn’t done so in our matches.
On reflection, I believe his entire gameplan really is running away, and getting access to that lvl 3. Once he breaks stock he’s a threat, and has low jump xx super, or just the nature of random lvl 3 tripwire (catches nearly everything), to strengthen his game the same way the threat of Sonic Hurricane strengthens mine.
This is his opportunity to get in and work Rolento’s close in game with jabs/throw (which is VERY effective vs Guile IMO), or go for the money maker, low jump xx lvl 3 (which he always tries to setup with a knockdown, though he’ll go for a random one after getting me to think he won’t try for one by filling the match with the other stuff. That said, I am getting better at anticipating all this because Guile tends to bully Rolento with RC Booms)
…In a sense this is how it generally plays out. Somehow he always seems to win once he gets in, though when I keep him out, or simply have the initiative with Guile, the match is basically mine.
If he just learned how easy RC scouter was though, it may play out a lot different.
Especially in the corner before it becomes an issue.