Gwai's Rolento Diary

Further to this post, it is also possible to activate after the pogo bounce while still in the air.

The following situation came up the other day:

  • jump in jab xx pogo bounce
  • opponent ducks
  • I activate right before I hit the ground on the other side and hit low through a poke

However, the following could also occur:

  • jump in jab xx pogo bounce
  • opponent ducks
  • activate -> crossup into cc


  • jump in jab xx pogo bounce
  • opponent ducks
  • activate -> non crossup (or ambiguous) into cc


  • jump in jab xx pogo bounce
  • opponent stands up
  • activate -> non cross up into cc

EDIT: Thanks for the props btw, good to hear :tup:

I’ve never fought a Rolento that RC’s his scouters before.
I’d imagine immediatley superjumping with airthrows would solve that problem, is the jab done early invincible too? I asked a similar question earlier on with Hibiki, I doubt it.
Comes out fast though, it’d probably stuff the roundhouses that’d come out if I mashed on the button too fast while going for the throw.

Guile just flat out owns Rolento when he doesn’t RC those scouter jumps, especially once he’s cornered. Of course this isn’t a problem for RC Rolento, just wondering how this matchup goes with yours.

Rc jump usually puts you out of range of an air through unless you really screw it up… because just before the air throw distance you can invincible jump back j.jab (i believe this is an invincible attack).

I find rc jump gives you more times to jump… most of the fireballs guile throws he’s hoping you block so he can follow up… but you can rc hop upwards through the sonic booms and change the distance you jump to accomodate (

Aside from that, i think rolento can build meter a lot faster by jumping around…

But I’m not sure I’ve played against guile enough to really judge the match…

edit: i’ll post more on this when I get time, my mind wasn’t exactly clear at the time of writing. I’d like to elaborate a bit and talk about how I feel rc scouter affects this matchup.

I want to discuss it too, because it’s one I encounter a lot, but not RC Scouter.

Let me go into detail with what I’m working with:

The match starts. I begin numerous ways depending on the position of the characters when we first square off.
As Rolento typically is his best character, he almost always puts him last.
(When he gets bored and wants to get some Rolento practice, he puts him first.)
This matters because of what meter he has for AC’s, lvl 1’s or pop lvl 3’s (N-Rolento).
Low jump strong xx lvl 3 tripwire is a pain in the ass, and when he breaks stock, I JUST KNOW THIS IS WHAT HE WANTS TO DO.

Anyway, with the matchup.

Guile’s strong with his followups to a blocked/hit boom, sure, but his biggest strength over all is really how quickly he recovers once he throws a boom. RC Booms are for all intents and purposes impossible to punish when you’re zoning effectively of course, so keeping all this in mind just establish range and throw booms,
or throw booms and then establish ideal range.

Not sure exactly what this range is, because while Guile in a sense controls the match with his normals and booms, against Rolento it seems negligable because Rolento covers all points on the screen.

Because he IS forced to do something though once I have a boom on the screen, I always make sure to throw one.

I think doing this at a range closer than the furthest his scouter jump reaches forward is good, or further out of course. I think throwing a boom at the range where a full screen scouter jump would meet Guile is risky, but it’s a possible point where he may try to pre-emptively scouter at the same time I throw a boom, the instant I throw one, at least once in a match.

If he did, it wouldn’t be smart though, as Guile recovers so that it wouldn’t be worth the risk.

He may just wall jump away and control where he lands with d+MK(?) and continuously run away to frustrate me and make me do reckless shit. I try not to, but he does inevitably get pushed towards the corner doing this tactic, and if he attempts to wall hop over as i close the distance, i make sure to tag him with either a backfist, strong, or flash kick as he goes over to the other side, away from the corner.

The whole while, I am throwing booms.

Eventually, he gets pushed towards the corner, and I can unleash Guile’s nasty corner game, doing things like preventing him from jumping out with jumping MK following a jab boom or a back fist.
(Obviously, this is where Rolento would RC scouter out, at the beginning of all this corner stuff, and hence resets the match, because HE KNOWS IT’S COMING. Fortunately, he can’t RC scouter so I’m good).

If I score a knockdown doing all that, sometime’s he’ll resort to those point blank lvl 1 tripwires, which I can almost sense and bait now, Alpha counters, or RC Patriot Circles out.

He tends to RC Patriot more often than he’d really like, which isn’t recommended of course, sometimes he hits because, well, Guile really is addicted to following up Booms. Other times I hold off a sec and see him guess wrong and punish with xx super or just random lvl 2 super cancel (followed with a crossup)/ hurricane.

When he chills out though and doesn’t freak out fighting Guile (Guile’s my second character against HIS team), he uses his Daggers to stuff all booms and buy time, and will go for a well placed slide, and will often pay 1300 life to get out of the corner when we slowly edge towards it as he can’t RC scouter out.
Interestingly enough, as he can RC other moves, he COULD RC wall jump, but he hasn’t done so in our matches.

On reflection, I believe his entire gameplan really is running away, and getting access to that lvl 3. Once he breaks stock he’s a threat, and has low jump xx super, or just the nature of random lvl 3 tripwire (catches nearly everything), to strengthen his game the same way the threat of Sonic Hurricane strengthens mine.
This is his opportunity to get in and work Rolento’s close in game with jabs/throw (which is VERY effective vs Guile IMO), or go for the money maker, low jump xx lvl 3 (which he always tries to setup with a knockdown, though he’ll go for a random one after getting me to think he won’t try for one by filling the match with the other stuff. That said, I am getting better at anticipating all this because Guile tends to bully Rolento with RC Booms)

…In a sense this is how it generally plays out. Somehow he always seems to win once he gets in, though when I keep him out, or simply have the initiative with Guile, the match is basically mine.

If he just learned how easy RC scouter was though, it may play out a lot different.
Especially in the corner before it becomes an issue.

i just want to say that without rc scouter jump in a rolling groove, he gets wrecked by every character once cornered unless he has meter.

What groove are you Hell? I’ll post my thoughts in an edit to this post.


Things I’m considering right now:

  • Rc scouter jump can still be thrown on start up, meaning that blocking a sonic boom and trying to rc out of an unsafe poke can lead to being thrown and your game restaring
  • Wakeup tripwire (all levels) has a deceptively low block stun, it can always be punished (especially up close, where it’s instant and most effective as a wake up level 1)
  • Rc wall jump’s invincibility runs out before he bounces off the wall
  • Rolento standing jabs can be used as a safe poke at some ranges (ie he can poke through an rc boom and then block)
  • Rolento standing jab counterhit is a guaranteed level 3 (since I play a it’s a guaranteed knock down). There are SOME cases where I’m REALLY not expecting a counter hit for some reason or another that it wont be.
  • RC scouter jumps in your face (but outside of throw range) cannot be anti aired with d.fierce.
  • rolento scouter jump has a range from about his punch throw down to somewhere between 1/2 to 2/3 distance of his punch throw ( It’s important to know this distance so if you are throwing longer range sonic booms you can always put yourself in a position to anti air/poke again when he lands.
  • Rolento has the best counter attack in the game (may be biased but the stats are undoubtedly top)

imo this match is in Guile’s favour in the corner. Rolento needs to clearly understand the situation in order to jump out. Guile can understand the situation just as well with a lot less risk. Rolento is in a decent position if he has a level 3 or activation ready. If Rolento doesn’t panic there is ALWAYS a gap to reset the game/push it in his favour.

RC Rolento will be a lot harder to corner - he has to block a lot less and can maintain distance very well (i’m sure I dont really have to spell it out).

A good distance for rolento when he is in the corner is his c.jab range (or maybe it’s just where I’m comfortable). However, outside of this range it is hard for him to escape (too many air to air/anti air options… especially against characters who can turn around dragon - ie half circle back [pretty much] punch at the right time). At this range his s.jab or c.jab will be fairly safe. Slightly further and his becomes an option. An rc boom as an initial poke at this distance can be escaped by rc off the wall to other side of screen - or to back into the corner if you are trying to bait a jump back by guile (or any other character).

If Guile jumps and leaves a SMALL gap (2-3 frames) after his sonic boom before he attacks, Rolento can air to air him with an rc jump (probably rc back jump jab). If this happens rolento has many options to get out of the corner - or he may be out of the corner already depending on timing.

A blocked jab also gives rolento enough time to rc out of the corner (different options, off the wall scouter jump, or a longer poke string). A counter hit jab is a knock down.

It’s also important to realize and be aware that Rolento can jump in both directions. Rc scouter jump back puts him in a good position especially if done through a poke, rc scouter jump back -> -> low forward-> knock down/super. This usually happens as a result of a “wtf” thought caused by the attacker… if seen enough there’s obviously ways to punish it… recognizing what happened I believe is the most difficult part.

A counter attack by rolento is a reset of pace you can pretty much guarantee he will be out of the corner or preasuring you (depending on quick get up or not). Even if it is blocked, since it gives + frame advantage (more than enough to have a 100% safe s.jab), it means he can escape.

More later/after lunch, I didnt really read/edit my post so it may be organized randomly.

It seems so.

Laying off N for a while, my footsies/mid range game is generally stronger than my close-in one lately.

I noticed this too. I try to use this distance whenever I can following a jab boom followed with a jab MK, then x 2, xx boom /wait to see what he does next. I just know that this wouldn’t really work against RC scouter though.
Really, really got to teach my bro this again.

I know this very well, his close in game is nasty vs Guile. When he gets the initiative I have reason to fear this shit.

Yeah I’ve seen Iyo do this stuff in vids before, looks particularly nasty.
Gotta love it.

By level 3 hurricane?
Seems to be the logical assumption, every time I try to follow up with a jab following the blocked tripwire I get nailed by another tripwire, so I backed off and just focused on baiting and blocking them, unless he’s got no meter left following the tripwire.

Good notes so far. I’ll actually play him again this weekend, maybe I’ll remember more stuff.

I believe it’s punishable by normals. Your jabs should hit. Just practice against the different levels to learn their stuns… I dont know the exact timing myself but I’ve been punished a lot. It is reasonably tight timing though :slight_smile:

Question for myself and others:

What are Rolento’s options after a counter hit stand jab. I’d like to consider all options (damage and otherwise) that dont involve meter or low forward xx patriot circles. I’m tired of free Rage.

Can Rolento’s Standing jab be punished when JD’d?

I think jd’ing it leaves you at pretty close to 0. As far as I know it can’t be punished.

I didn’t want to start a new thread about for just one question, so i’m asking here?
What happened to Kichinii?
Did he stop playing?

owned by his girl:xeye:

I’ve checked some other Rolento threads but don’t find a clear answer as which level of patriot circles you should do. So help me with this basic question, do you do jab, strong or fierce patriot circles? Thanks for the answer.

when i used rolento, i would just triple tap all the punches with each quarter circle motion. the damage difference is probably negligible, so the key is just not messing up the combo, because it’s not as easy as it should be.

just to throw it out there, i think N-rolento has a ton of potential. when i watch vids of combofiend’s K-rolento, i think about all the things that can translate into N-groove. put him as a user so he has plenty of meter, pop a stock and just really chase them down. rolento runs pretty fast, so you can run up to almost point blank range, then mixup the standing jab/rh throw/low jump mp into super. if they jump back or away from you, be ready to do RC KKK hop with a jab, then they land in a bit of a tricky spot. from there you can either…

a- low jump mp into super
b- standing jab pressure
c- kick throw into another setup

or maybe most importantly, DO NOTHING. since you have the initiative, you could bait a CC or DP really well in this situation.

and low jump mp is such an amazing tool, i don’t think that can be overstated enough. i’m not sure how good low jump rh or fierce could be, but i’m guessing they have lots of priority and have certain uses.


I always do Fierce patriot circles, I haven’t done too much checking to see exactly the differences / advantages after the knock down.

I know point blank the Fierce will sometimes go through opponents such as cammy and chun li - but I this doesn’t stop me from using it for chipping etc, I’m just more mindful of the range.

Lately when I do patriot circles I do the first hit with Fierce, and then drum all 3 punches for the last 2.

I think you are correct.
This is much like point blank lvl 3 trip supers from low jump Sagat.
The flash mucks up the timing for blocking.

I’ve tried to play N-groove rolento before. All I end up doing is run up in your face rc jump… each time with the narative “IN YO FACE!” either out loud or in my head but all the while giggling like a schoolgirl at an Nsync concert.

s-groove rolento i just like spinning my stick like a rock star.

c-groove rolento has too much potential though, rc-jump with air block? infinite level 1’s aka alpha counters, level 2 supers off of counter hit/meaty jabs… I play c for fun just to mess with him, but I’m not very good at the groove.

I don’t know if this is new to anyone but it’s new to me. I’ve always sucked at RC scouter if i did it the “proper” way. But on console, I started doing Roll + L2 (3K macro). My percentage of success just increased by so much. Moral of the story? Cheaters do prosper! Who bothers to turn off the macros in the controller settings anyway?

you’ll just get eaten alive at a “live” tournament since people know how to rc the legit way there. and you won’t have your cheats there so gg on relying on macros to pay the way