Hi Guys.
Guy lp hozanto - U1 in corner for 452 / 140 no FADC.
Guy lp hozanto - U1 Works at point blank range to max range in:
Akuma, Gouken, Honda, Dee, Cammy, Sagat, Viper, Balrog, Fei, Hawk, Rose, Guile, Zangui, Vega, Guy, Cody, Hakan, Chun, Yoga, Sakura, Oni, Adon and Dan.
Guy lp hozanto - U1 managed to land it at max lp hozanto distance only, in:
Seth, Dudley, Makoto, Ibuki, Ken, Ryu, Bison, Abel, Juri, Yun, Yang, E.Ryu, Gen
Guy lp hozanto - U1 I managed to land it at EVEN MORE max lp hozanto distance only, due hitboxes in:
El Fuerte, Rufus, Blanka
It totally looks for me, a one framer.
The first image is Guy at Max lp hozanto range. It with hit everyone in the cast but Elf, Rufus and Blanka with are even further range. In this position lp Hoz, U1 will it land 100%.

The second one is Guy after a backdash from a point blank range. As you can se, you are almost at the exact distance (Easier to land perhaps?).

Didn’t find anything like that in my early testings, but I will test it again.