Guile thread

I am having a hell of a time vs good sim players. The proplem is once I get in the coner I pretty much lose the fight. Does anyone no how this fight works??
I see a lot of vids but the guile player always lose…

sim can go under booms with and an stop your cross-up attempts. lk can stop his limbs so after boom mash lk thats all i got people feel free o post

Being in the corner seems especially bad to me too, because as UltraDavid wrote earlier, most Dhalsims really like their midrange spot, and here you lack the option to move backwards (via retreating sobat, etc.) to gain the necessary difference to throw Sonic Boom(s) safely. I don’t know of an easy way out of the corner in this one… I feel like Dhalsim has to make a mistake.

As for a general match breakdown, page 3 of this thread is a gold mine of Guile vs. Dhalsim info, featuring nohoho’s list of tactics and the discussion between UltraDavid and Grits’N’Gravy.

Muteki took 2 out of 3 hard-fought games from Gian between these characters in the [media=youtube]GSBTLTEzPC4[/media], so it is possible against even the best of opponents.

O.Guile vs. N.Guile damage comparison

Test notes: Each move’s damage was sampled at least 30 times, so the figures should be correct within a few tenths or a couple percent. Samples taken from ST arcade world version, fighting Ryu, England stage, round 1 only, no dizzies or combos, no damage scaling. Damage figures are inclusive of random damage additions (if any). If anyone wants the individual data samples, I will provide them.

Figures given are in number of pixels of damage. For ease of reading, I’ve color-coded the damage comparisons as large difference, moderate difference, slight difference, or the same. Not applicable is marked if a move is completely different or absent.

-=- Standing far attacks -=-

N.Guile s.far jab: 4.08
O.Guile s.far jab: 4.30 (+5.4%)

N.Guile s.far strong, first hitting sprite: 19.30
O.Guile s.far strong, first hitting sprite: 22.50 (+16.6%)

N.Guile s.far strong, second hitting sprite: 19.13
O.Guile s.far strong, second hitting sprite: (doesn’t have it, only has one hitting sprite) (N/A)

N.Guile s.far fierce: 21.17 (the straight punch)
O.Guile s.far fierce: (doesn’t have it, only backfist) (N/A)

N.Guile s.far short: 10.88
O.Guile s.far short: 11.13 (+2.3%)

N.Guile s.far roundhouse: 21.27 (the side kick)
O.Guile s.far roundhouse: 24.53 (the high kick) (N/A)

-=- Standing close attacks that are different from their far counterparts -=-

N.Guile s.close strong: 19.23
O.Guile s.close strong: 19.03 (-1.0%)

N.Guile s.close fierce: 21.37
O.Guile s.close fierce: 22.33 (+4.5%)

N.Guile s.close forward: 19.17
O.Guile s.close forward: 21.20 (+10.6%)

N.Guile s.close roundhouse: 22.75 (the roundhouse kick)
O.Guile s.close roundhouse: 24.69 (the turn-away kick) (N/A)

-=- Crouching attacks -=-

N.Guile c.jab: 4.00
O.Guile c.jab: 4.30 (+7.5%)

N.Guile c.strong: 17.37
O.Guile c.strong: 19.17 (+10.4%)

N.Guile c.fierce, first hitting sprite: 21.19
O.Guile c.fierce, first hitting sprite: 22.41 (+5.8%)

N.Guile c.fierce, second hitting sprite: 21.19
O.Guile c.fierce, second hitting sprite: 22.59 (+6.6%)

N.Guile c.short: 12.16
O.Guile c.short: 12.22 (+0.5%)

N.Guile c.forward: 19.30
O.Guile c.forward: 21.10 (+9.3%)

N.Guile c.RH, first hitting sprite: 21.13
O.Guile c.RH, first hitting sprite: 24.28 (+14.9%)

N.Guile c.RH, second hitting sprite: 21.09
O.Guile c.RH, second hitting sprite: 24.59 (+16.6%)

-=- Straight-up jumping attacks -=-

N.Guile j.up jab: 11.06
O.Guile j.up jab: 11.16 (+0.9%)

N.Guile j.up strong: 19.10
O.Guile j.up strong: 19.47 (+1.9%)

N.Guile j.up fierce: 21.00
O.Guile j.up fierce: 22.30 (+6.2%)

N.Guile j.up short: 12.00
O.Guile j.up short: 12.19 (+1.6%)

N.Guile j.up forward: 19.10
O.Guile j.up forward: 21.10 (+10.5%)

N.Guile j.up roundhouse: 20.87
O.Guile j.up roundhouse: 24.38 (+16.8%)

-=- Diagonal jumping attacks -=-

N.Guile j.diag jab: 10.90
O.Guile j.diag jab: 10.97 (+0.6%)

N.Guile j.diag strong: 19.07
O.Guile j.diag strong: 19.07 (+0.0%)

N.Guile j.diag fierce: 21.13
O.Guile j.diag fierce: 22.37 (+5.9%)

N.Guile j.diag short: 12.28
O.Guile j.diag short: 12.16 (-1.0%)

N.Guile j.diag forward: 19.20
O.Guile j.diag forward: 21.17 (+10.3%)

N.Guile j.diag roundhouse: 21.25
O.Guile j.diag roundhouse: 24.44 (+15.0%)

-=- Command moves -=-

N.Guile backfist: 21.25
O.Guile backfist: 22.53 (+6.0%)

N.Guile bazooka knee: 19.07
O.Guile bazooka knee: 21.10 (+10.6%)

N.Guile sobat (hop-kick): 19.37
O.Guile sobat (hop-kick): 21.07 (+8.8%)

N.Guile upside-down kick: 22.33
O.Guile upside-down kick: 26.09 (+16.8%)

-=- Throws -=-

N.Guile strong ground throw: 32
O.Guile strong ground throw: 32 (+0%)

N.Guile fierce ground throw: 32
O.Guile fierce ground throw: 32 (+0%)

N.Guile strong airthrow: 34
O.Guile strong airthrow: 34 (+0%)

N.Guile fierce airthrow: 34
O.Guile fierce airthrow: 34 (+0%)

N.Guile forward airthrow: 46
O.Guile forward airthrow: 46 (+0%)

N.Guile roundhouse airthrow: 46
O.Guile roundhouse airthrow: 46 (+0%)

-=- Special moves -=-

N.Guile jab sonic boom: 15.49
O.Guile jab sonic boom: 14.97 (-3.4%)

N.Guile strong sonic boom: 16.23
O.Guile strong sonic boom: 16.40 (+1.0%)

N.Guile fierce sonic boom: 17.53
O.Guile fierce sonic boom: 17.70 (+1.0%)

N.Guile flash kick, first hitting sprite: 27.09
O.Guile flash kick, first hitting sprite: 27.34 (+0.9%)

N.Guile flash kick, second hitting sprite: 19.43
O.Guile flash kick, second hitting sprite: 19.33 (-0.5%)

N.Guile super, all 6 hits: 85.60
O.Guile super, all 6 hits: (doesn’t have it) (N/A)

Sh!t…:wow: I would rep you more if I could! :tup:

I got your back brother! Nice work Raisin! :lovin:

I encountered this ?“Glitch”? many years ago while playing Superstreetfighter. I do not know if its a glitch or if it is supposed to be in the game. Guile vs Ryu I threw a sonic boom from starting distance, Ryu anticipates the boom and jumps in. I immediately flashkicked Ryu. How was this possible? There was no slow down and the sonic boom was still on the screen, still somewhat close to me(guile). This was against a Person not the computer.

Question: what the hell is up with the combo crossup lk, down lkx2, hit confirm, flashick. Its super powerful if you can do it because you can hit confirm a flashkick on someone who tries to throw you after the crossup. I know how its done. I even see people on this board talk about it like they can do it. Some small percentage of the time, I can do it too. But seriously, can anyone do it more than like 80% of the time? If you cant its useless cause you’ll die when you screw it up and its not worth using in that case.

Its clearly a far far better option then crossup lk, down mp, hit confirm, flashkick, because again, it gets those throw mashers. But yet in japanese vids starring kurahashi and muteki, I basically never ever see them even attempt it.

This would lead me to believe that its too hard to be practical.

However… I swear I recall that when I was playing at More in Japan a number of years ago, I was having this done to me all the time. Also, it appears in the Yoga Book Hyper in the Guile strategy section.

So what’s the deal…

PS: I consider the combo a failure if the crossup doesnt combo into the down lk’s, or any of the down lks don’t link, etc.

I’m starting to play Guile now…But I can’t get his 3 hit Flash KIck Combo out…I end up hitting 2 hits

I jump in with a deep fierce in to a short…I keep on messing up on the last comand…the Flash Kick…

I have no troble doing a short into a flash kick…because I’m charging down…btw I’m using the saturn pad

You should just try a ducking strong instead of the short.

oops…I ment Strong not Short…

It’s hard to connect the cr.shorts off a crossup short if you get the, standing. The timing is pretty strict so I would go for 2xcr.jab into flashkick instead if you really want a hit confirm. But to be honest, it’s really not that hard to react if your crossup conects so I would just go straight for duck strong like you said.

When you say you’re messing up the Flash Kick part, what exactly is going wrong with it? Is it just not coming out at all? I wonder if you might not be charging down early enough after jumping, especially since you said you’re using a pad and can do c.strong into flashkick fine if you take out the jumping part. Or it might be that along with getting nervous and trying to rush the combo by pressing up just a tiny bit too soon after doing the c.strong. Sometimes I make those mistakes.

Side note, have you considered doing that combo with j.RH instead of j.fierce? I’m almost positive it has more dizzy power and, if you’re playing O.Guile, also does more damage.

The shorts are by far the best option not because they can be hit confirmed (as you say, so can low strong) but because they hit low and will thus connect on the people who mash throw after blocking the crossup.

Its true though, I find it very very hard to combo them after the crossup.

I know what you’re saying but the only time that would really matter is if they blocked the crossup.

Assuming the crossup connects and you manage to combo the shorts, great, but in the more likely scenario that the shorts don’t combo; I’d wager that gap will get you sac-thrown instead.

My god i am starting to feel crappy. I like playing CE guile because i honestly cannot do ST Guile’s combo-link-super.

I have been trying these combos for some time now.

j.HK cr.MP/close st.HP -> super

crossup j.LK cr.LK cr.LK (st.LK) -> super

j.HK close st.HP -> super

j.HK cr.HP -> super

I just dont get the how the kara cancel thing is supposed to be done here. I have been checking the older posts but i am still clueless as to how to perform these super cancels.

The closest i have ever done as to cancelling to the super is c.LP, c.LP, super. I have no idea how i exactly did it. I must have accidentally mashed LP before the actual super.

When it comes to combos being done from the c.HP link, i have no idea how the execution is supposed to be .

Thanks in advance, practicing for SsF2THD. LOL More power to you guys.

I’ve never seen an American Guile player do any of these combos in actual matches. I think you’re probably better off working on other parts of your game.

And there are way more important reasons for new guile being better than old guile. Namely teching throws, the godly sobat kick, and the ambiguous crossup, among others.

  1. Here’s the exact command: J. (hold d/away) RH, dn/twd+Strong, dn/away, nuetral+Fierce, up/twds+K .
  2. This is a renda kara cancel. Exact command: J. (hold d/away change direction as soon as you cross up) short, land continue to hold dn/away + short, dn/twd, dn/away+short, neutral+short, up/twds+short+jab .
  3. Exact Command: J. (hold d/away) RH, dn/twd, dn/away, nuetral+Fierce, up/twds+K .
  4. Exact Command: J. (hold d/away) RH, dn/twd, dn/away+Fierce, up/twds+K

Brian’s right though. Anyways, in order to do any of these combos you need to be able to execute the super motion flawlessly, and with ease. I reccomend starting off with learning the Renda Kara Cancel. A renda Kara Cancel is a kara cancel that allows you to cancel chain attack combos in to Supers. You perform one by kara canceling the last attack into the super (ex. here’s what you did, hold dn/away, cr. jab, c.jab, dn/twd+jab, dn/away, up/twds+jab+short). The other combos (1 and 3) are much more difficult IMO. Post if you see a problem. :tup:

Oh yeah, here’s the alternate execution of the super motion: hold dn/away, dn/twd, dn/away, up/away+K. I guess this is just a preference option.

The only thing i have really been enjoying about CE guile is his throws in AE. Still looking for a CCC2 copy here.

Yes i agree with you. I believe that New Guile has a lot more options specially in terms of spacing. Yeah his (away or towards)s.MK is phenomenal, i love its reach. Its great too that he has both the far s.HK and the (away or toward) s.LK.

About the juggles though i just kinda use these scrubby ones for match play j.MK, c.MP, jackknife or even just j.MK, c.MK or c.HK. Hahahahha easy as hell. Oh and the corner c.MP, sonic boom into towards s.HP or c.Mk is just great.

The cross up game of guile is so fun in ST compared to CVS2. LOL cross up into throw just kicks ass. I even find his cross up game to be more fun than dictator’s, honestly. Well thats just me, don’t know bout you guys.

Anyway practice makes perfect so what the hell right? I mean there is nothing better than seeing Muteki Guile doing a cross up into c.LP into super to turn around the match. Definitely linking his super is part of his over all damage game aside from his ticks, throws, and sonic boom set ups. This is the reason i love New Guile, he has so many options, plus he has a super that should be used whenever possible. Its not as useful as boxer’s, but if you can link it from a combo, it pays off.

Thanks a lot man, I’ll try it out now. I can actually perform boxer’s j.HP, c.LP, c.LP, s.LP into super quite consistently now. Looking to branch out with Guile and his combos.

I think I’ve seen one video where muteki did a jump in combo into super, and it was on a dizzy opponent. What muteki matches are you referring to?