O.guile does lose the great cross-up game… That has to count for something? Thoughts??
It’s definitely debatable, but I gotta give it to n guile. I do wish he had the standing shorts, I’ll give o that. But the sobats and step-forward rh (for lack of a better name) are just really good for mobility. Plus of course the crossup can be a round winner if you can space/time it right. O Guile is just much more of a turtle, so it comes down to preference. Until O Guile has a crossup and a sobat, make mine New. (sorry for anyone who doesnt get that reference lol)
Thanx for the tip
I would like to ask how should I play against Chun??
my bro is a chun player and he likes to MP poke all the time
and in the corner most of the time the MP beats my Flash Kick
but if I wait too long he will throw me and usually this kills me in like 10 seconds…
Guile air throws
in what situation or charicters would guile’s air throw come in handy usually i guile air throws come unexpectly with me
I don’t think of air throws that highly due to their limited use as you need both players to be in mid-air, but they’ve got their uses:
For example, you can punish a whiffed Dragon Punch with an air throw as shown in the video I’ve posted below. Take a close look at 3:58 where Kurahashi does 2 air throws on Watson.
Air throws do have their uses but they come in “real” handy only rarely… Kurahashi could have done more damage if he had done a Flash Kick combo during Watson’s landing… It’s just a stylish-looking mix-up tool, there’s nothing really strategically important to it in my opinion.
I’ve successfully stuffed a Ken’s flaming (Fierce) Dragon Punch with Guile’s air throw twice-I’ve done the throw while he was STILL in the animation frames of the Dragon Punch unlike Watson’s Ryu who had been air thrown by Kurahashi during his DOWNFALL-I did it while the Ken was RISING.
I did both of the throws with Guile’s Roundhouse Kick, Kurahashi used the same throw, too, maybe Guile’s jumping Roundhouse throw has got some “Only-Guile” special priority… There has to be done more research on this…
I think it’s due to the extra frames Ken gets when doing a flaming Dragon Punch, that might have made him “vulnerable”, as both times the player did a Fierce/flaming Dragon Punch.
does guile have a bnb
jump fierce, crouching strong, flash kick
Blocking Chun Li’s df+RH
In the Chun Li Wiki (under Advanced Strategy --> Neckbreaker Shenanigans), it says that Chun Li can cross Guile up with her neckbreaker (downforward + RH). However, I don’t know of any situations in which Guile can’t block it normally with a crouching block.
When exactly will Chun’s neckbreaker hit as a crossup, and how exactly would you block it in such a case (opposite-side crouching or opposite-side standing)?
can guile link c.lp-c.mp,flach kick
Sorry, that was a mistake. It has been corrected.
While it’s for SSF2, my Link FAQ answers your question with a “yes, but only if you’re close”. Read it for a comprehensive list of links that can help you in Super Turbo.
Also, check out David Wright’s TZW Combo FAQ for more insane combos.
I live for this.
Guile can also link a c.Strong into a close-up s.Fierce. However, it’s pretty difficult to do because you have to be very, very close. But I think it’s possible after a cross-up.
Don’t look at ST in terms of BnBs and combos…it’s not gonna help much
I disagree, combos are quite important in ST; knowing the best combos off of your normals lets you really increase your overall damage. It isn’t the most important thing to this game (part of why I love it), and BnBs really only matter when you’ve got somebody stunned, but there’s always a use for good combos.
Uh, I feel kinda bad posting this now, especially since I’ve already put someone through some trouble only to answer my own post a few days later, but… I think there’s a way. I don’t think it should ever happen unless you screw up pretty badly, but it is possible.
If Guile gets knocked down in such a way that his prone body is not sliding away from her like usual but towards her, he ends up just a few pixels closer than he otherwise would when the neckbreaker (df+RH) is landing. If she times it correctly, she can then hit him on the opposite side.
Here’s a scenario. Chun Li did a neckbreaker over a Sonic Boom, and Guile stupidly tried to anti-air trip her (which I have a terrible habit of doing), resulting in her smashing down on his foot. Then the neckbreaker knockdown makes him fall towards her, because his body was so far away at the time if the hit. If Chun times another neckbreaker correctly, it can hit as a crossup. Although he’s trying to do a same side-side crouching block, he’s actually getting his crouching “switch sides” frames, because she’s too far over his head.
Guile could’ve blocked correctly by holding down-back the opposite way. And, of course, you would have to mess up to get into this type of situation to begin with.
O.Guile can do more damage?!
Recently I found out something weird about O.Guile… Some of his moves do more damage.
It was surprising, because I’d grown so used to hearing rumors about old character advantages that aren’t really true. But no, I’m convinced that this is real, and I’ll give you a few examples you can use to prove it to yourself. Set up a scenario where he’s fighting Chun Li and do damage tests in the first round only. (I have a strong suspicion that the round situation can skew the additional amount of random damage that gets added to most moves. It’s similar to how your throws will do more damage in the 2nd round if you lost the 1st.)
Crouching fierce: Old Guile’s is just a bit stronger, maybe 3-5%. Smack her 7 times with Old Guile and she typically has 0-1 pixel of vitality left. Repeat 7 crouching fierces with New Guile and you’ll see her usually ending up with 2-4 pixels of vitality. Additionally, sometimes Old Guile will knock her out completely, but I’ve never seen N.Guile KO her with 7 crouching fierces. I’m not saying it’s impossible if you get lucky with a ton of additional random damage, but it would be extremely rare.
Crouching forward: Old Guile’s is significantly stronger, probably 10% or so. If Old Guile does 7 crouching forwards, Chun typically has 2-4 pixels remaining and an 8th will KO her. N.Guile can do do 8 c.forwards and Chun will still have 1-3 pixels left.
Not all of Old Guile’s moves are stronger. For example, his ground throws and his short Flash Kick (or at least its first hitting frame) are the same as New Guile.
Is this new information? If nobody else has already documented this type of thing, I’m probably going to do a full-scale investigation to find out the complete data of which moves do more damage and exactly by how much. It also begs the question of whether other old characters have different damage figures for the same moves, but right now I already have more than enough on my plate.
i found that that c.mpx2-flash kick works as a bnb wont get many chances to do maybe when opp is dizzy. but its an easy link. i find o.guile not as good n.guile can space out better and he has super he doesnt really need but u never know. o.guile does have hk as an anti-air. is it true that blanka has an advantage over guile and how so
1.) Does that only work on certain, wide opponents or something? While I can do that on Sagat, I can’t link the c.strongs against Ryu or DeeJay for the life of me.
2.) If they’re dizzy, what’s the advantage of doing two c.strongs instead of just a jumping attack into a c.strong? 'Cause the latter does more damage and feels easier to me.
A lot of people think that, but I personally don’t see it. You can read nohoho’s Guile vs. Blanka strategy for excellent advice back on the 2nd page of this thread.
Blanka’s slide under SBs, and vertical ball to stop crossup attempts are what really shit all over Guile’s game in that match
It’s not as bad as people make it out to be though
then just do j.hp -hp-sonic boom-f+hp
ps:umbrellastyle thnx for the info