Guile thread

I prefer O Guile as well.

Who was using T.Hawk? Someone at TGA? I can’t find the results for that event…

w2z on Friday! (if that doesn’t go down I’m going to ctf) The Dhalsim fight (and O.Sagat) is really awful but Guile’s other tough match-ups like Vega and Blanka are very do-able. If Deathscythe makes it we’ll use his Vega as a guinea pig!

There’s a Kurahashi Guile vs. Vega match [media=youtube]7CB-xvL6BRI[/media]. T.Akiba knows what’s up.

A bunch more X-Mania 1 guile movies in that same account.

Triple post, motherfuckers!

Muteki Guile recently took on the Master Chibi special: Tokido Claw and Gian Dhalsim. Link to video on ze blog.
a) CE Guile, not ST
b) that dude has crossed the line into some other universe of badassness.

Question, how do you do a pure cancel to guiles super. I have the x2 cr. jab to kara super, but i can’t do something like cr. mp xx super. Any advice will help.

Huh? How. You got jumping JABBED to death?

hey I know that there is kara-canceling in this game which I can’t seem to get I have read the forums and seen where someone mentioned it just button canceling or something like that. Can someone explain it in a little better detail and tell me if you can kara-cancel throws with guile like you can in 3rd strike.

You can’t Kara-Throw in this game because Throws aren’t a special command. They are just one button, so Capcom gave no kara ability to Throws.

Kara Cancels are Capcom’s way for easing up on special move input. So if you try to do a Fireball motion and hit Fierce ever too slightly early (right before reaching Towards on the controller), you’ll end up doing a Stand Fierce or a Crouch Fierce. Without Kara Canceling, that’s all you’d get: the Normal Move Fierce. With Kara Canceling in place, ALL Normal Moves can be canceled into a Special Move in their first few frames. That way, even though you hit Fierce ever so slightly early, you’ll finish the Fireball motion, the game will recognize you TRIED to do a Fireball, and (thanks partially to Negative Edge as well) the Normal Move Fierce will be canceled into a Fireball instead. It can happen so fast that the Normal Move Fierce isn’t even viewable ever. But it’s that little leeway they put in that makes doing Special Moves a whole lot easier (and accidentally gave birth to the Buffer Combos way back in WW SFII).

Knowing that has allowed for people to “cheat” the systems in ways and do combos that aren’t supposed to be allowable, particularly off of Rapid Fire Weak Attacks.

I am currently trying to get the timing right on doing the j. fierce -> cr. strong xx super. I keep getting a flash kick instead of the super. Btw, im using the charge b/d, f/d, u/b method of the super (i can do this consistandly (99/100 i will get it right) and i can kara it from the cr. jab x2).

This would be optimal for a corrnerd opponet if he got dizzied. I hope to be hearing from one of you soon.

Nice… I’ll have to try that with the b/d, f/d, u/b method…

what does O. Guile have over ST Guile?

Seriously, any help on doing the strait up cancel of guiles super? If the oppenet is in a corner, i can’t do a jump-in to 2xjab xx super to hit him, so i really need to know this move.
Btw, i think o. guile has a bit better normals, chains a bit better, and recovers from sonic booms faster, but i dont play with o. guile.


me too~ so how is his super done??

i do it like this on 1P side

:db: :df::db::uf: it works like 50% of the time…

so is there a better method to use his super??

i wish i could so it 90% of the time~

by the way what guile colors do you guys use the most?!

Charge :db: :df: :ub: :k: works like a charm (the one i use most often). But Charge :db: :hcb: :ub: :k: works too.

charge D/B, D/F, D, D/B+Strong, B, U/B+kick (all in one smooth motion)

I think you can also link his super after cr.Strong, but I’d have to double check that.

Better standing roundhouse as an anti air and less directional dependent moves. Not really an advantage per se but less thinking about joystick position when needing to react to stuff is a plus for me.

Plus I can’t do his super to save my life.

NKI’s way of doing the Super cancel is the best way to do a true cancel. There is also the Kara Cancel method, which let’s you cancel from two low Shorts or two low Jabs into the Super.

So for example, with Crouch Short:

Hold Down/Back and hit Short, Chain into another Crouch Short, and then, with the same timing you did between the first two Crouch Shorts, hit Short again. But this time, do the entire Super Motion (Down-Forward, Down-Back, Up-Back) in between the 2nd and 3rd time you hit Short so that you hit Short right when you reach Up-back. And once you hit Short there, tap Forward or Roundhouse in a split second after hitting Short. So you’re almost hitting Short + Roundhouse at the same time, just ever so slightly separately. That’ll Kara-cancel the last Short into a Super and, if you did it fast enough, it’ll combo.

But to be honest, most people won’t ever need to cancel into the super. It’s not an actualy and practical technique for Guile, so I honetly wouldn’t worry about it all that much. Even if you learned it to the point where you could do it 90% of the time, you’ll probably very rarely land it in actual battle.

with x2 :lp: its a bit easier (but less damaging) because you dont have to worry about doing a knee bazooka (:r: or :l: + :k:). But the most usefull way to get this off is by doing his short cross up, x2 :lp: :db: :df: :lp:~:ub: + :k:.time it so your standing when you :lp:, or else it will just do another punch instead of the super.

And thanks NKI! Once I get off of work im going to try that out. I’ll be ready for you next evo north (Instead of failing terribly trying to figure out how a stick works :rofl:).

what’s the pros and cons of each version of Guile in hyper street fighter 2?

O.Guile has standing shorts while holding charge, backfist while holding a charge, standing RH AA. He doesn’t lose much for the super because Guile’s super sucks anyways. He has a better chance of dealing more damage. He has an easier time dealing with Sagat imo, and his matchup vs Claw is a little less ugly. Also dealing with Guile mirrors is a little less stupid for O.Guile.