Guile FAQ...

Hey…I was hoping someone can post a useful link to a Guile FAQ for me. I haven’t played Guile since SF2T, so any help would be appreciated.

Feel free to post any tips while you are here.

Thanks in advance.

Guile Buffers
lp, C.lp ( really really hard) Its easier to just connect a C.MP
Lk, ( possible, but not really worth the trouble unless you need to get the super out as quick as possible)
MP, c.Mp(easy)
c.Mk(really easy) probably his best buffer
C.Hp, Standing Hp (also really easy)
C.Hk ( the only super you can really buffer is Flashkick because sonic hurricane will only get like 4 hits and the other will miss entirely)

Now if you want to do something like C.MP->hyper combo the easiest way is to hold the button in and push whatever strength of combo you want (if you are in C-groove that is) No matter what groove you are in Guile never needs MP for any super. If you want to buffer c.MK into a MK strength super, push in the button and release it when you finish super motion ( negative edge)

Standing Lk is probably the flashiest looking buffer, just do the half the super motion, and on your way up when you are in neutral push lk and then push up and kick again.

Now what you need to do is learn to do supers this way every super should be started with the flashkick motion. So this is what your supers look like

DB, D, DF, DB->UB + Kick

DB, D, DF, DB->F+ Punch

DB, D, DF, DB->F + Kick

This makes buffering SO MUCH easier and performing the flashkick super with Up and Back makes it come out 100% and you never end up with that other super.

Combos: Guile doesnt really have that many great combos out of C-groove.

c.Lp, c.lp-> Hk flashkick

c.lp, lk-> flashkick ( love this combo, its so flashy)

c.Mp->hp sonic boom (really have to be close on this one)>sonic hurricane ( too good I love this buffer)

c.lp,> sonic hurricane

c. hk (or>flash kick super

c.hp->Sonic hurricane

IMO Guile is best in C, K, or P. N guile is okay but he isnt as good as the other grooves.

So that should be enough to get you started, any more that this and I might slip into the darkness known as “theory fighter.”

Oh and the flashkick has been raped in this game ( since you played older games you might have to adjust your game)

any specific things I should know about a k-guile?

What are you trying to do with guile in k-groove? Are you trying to keep constant pressure using ur sonic booms,, forward+rh, forward+fp? Also, what should be his anti-air? Should it be a flashkick done deeply so it won’t get snuffed by petty crap, or should it just be a c.fp, or something else i don’t know about?

also, what are guile’s bad matchups? does he have many?

cammy is one of he’s bad match ups

If you want to play Guile you have to get be able to zone people away from you a lot. Sonic Booms are DEFINITELY your friend here for that. A good tactic to do a lot is s.Strong -> Jab Sonic Boom, why? Because it gives you an advantage if you either want to rush or keep them away, the SB acts as a shield and allows you to try to jump in or do a s.RH.

For AA, you’ll use (obviously) c.Fierce and s.Strong. Use c.Fierce for people who are jumping in pretty deep and s.Strong for people who are sort of far away, I would forgo any use of a Flash Kick for AA unless you’re RCing the Short version, people who can bait that out are very bad for it. So keep your use of it limited. If you’re good at RC, you can use RC SBs for AA as well.

Your main zoning normals will include: c.Forward and s.RH and s/f+Fierce. S.Fierce is a good low jump killer and the backhand is excellent for punishing whiffed normals. c.Forward will be your anti run/dash normal and s.RH will be a good follow up to SB chains.

The only good Guile footage of CvS2 right now is Daigo’s CvS2 match from SBO, he has a VERY aggressively defensive Guile. You can learn a few things from him. It’s a very good match indeed because Daigo’s ratio 1 Guile almost kills Tokido’s ratio 2 Blanka.

Some more notes: Comboing supers off c.Jab or c.Short isn’t as hard as that guy says it is. In fact, it’s more sensible than doing it off his Mediums because if you don’t get the link, you might end up doing the super and fucking yourself over. The only supers you should in fact be using are his Sonic Hurricane or his lvl 2 Rush Super. To combo the supers off the jab, just do c.Jab, c.Jab (hold Jab), do the super. I guarentee you’ll hit it every time.

^ Hey thanks I was having trouble just buffering his Lp, thats really good info.

capcom for some reason has made guile VERY weak in the cvs series compared to the sf2 series, his sonic boom use to have no recovery time, and they shortened his reach, its harder to do those traps when you throw a slow sonic boom and walk forward and smash your oppenens face in with standing firece, or jump over the sonic boom and hit with a fierce kick then medium punch into flash kick. he just doesn’t have the fighting prowess he use to, they need to bring him back to where he was during sf2ww, then i’ll give those snk boys a beatdown, military style.:mad:

can guile rushdown p.s. if clark or ralf was in the game guile would get a real military style beating

Umm… NO. WEAK? I think (actually, HOPE) you mean “harder to use”. Guile was without a doubt top tier in CvS1. I don’t think that’s the case in any of the SFs beyond WW (he was always a good character, but not over-powerful like in WW). In CvS Pro he barely changed. CvS2 arcade/DC/PS2 he’s a monster (bas says Daigo’s Guile is as dominating as WW Guile) that requires the Japanese and US champion to use a Ratio 2 Blanka in order to take him out (even though Guile is Ratio 1). CvS2 X-Box/GC I’m not sure about… prolly ranks lower due to the lack of invincible RCs.

So yeah… harder to use and be as dominating… but dominating nonetheless.

Just like Zangief… Only if “they” knew. :mad: :evil: :slight_smile:

 zangief is such a bastard.....i hate him playing against him more then any other charachter.

very informative, thanx

i’ve seen some uppercuts (not sure if it was mp or hp) turned into flash kick, how is this done?

More than likely you saw a kara cancel. You can cancel any move into a special in the first few frames on SF games. Perhaps you’ve seen Gief look like he’s going to fierce and then he grabs? Same thing. When done against a super that’s freezing the screen it looks wierder because the screen freezes the normal so you see it longer even though it’s in it’s early frames before the flashkick.


Sup guys Ive picked up Guile something about the hair cut. Anyway the charges in CvS2 feels a little weird. Apoc i believe had a post on not losing the charge on characters. So if someone has the article or the post then i would like to see it please.

what are some of guiles good jump ins?

I just started getting into Guile, and I’d like to offer my combo suggestions and strats. I’m afraid I don’t understand anything Apoc said, and that bites, since everyone loves the guy and he seems to know everything and know what he’s talking about :lol: I thought kara-cancelling was just in 3S??? I think I’m starting to understand as I re-read…and I forgot how you kara-cancel in 3S, anyway.

50more: wow; you new to Guile? I was surprised by your questions since you seem to know so much already. You are a K-Groove player, I take it? 'but yeah: Guile’s Flask Kick SUCKS as AA…like Charlie in A2 :frowning: standing strong is the AA of choice for me, and I use low fierce when instinctively it should hit. I’m not so sure how sound AAs are in this game…hit-trading is frequent for some of them :growls:

Now, on to my ideas: I would say that besides Honda, Guile might have the EASIEST combos with charge supers in the game, among charge characters.

My main jump-in combo with C-Guile with meter is jump-in Fierce, standing Fierce, Level 2 “rushing super?”, Flask Kick with Rh. Level 3 does almost exactly the same damage as Level 2 with a Flask Kick, so it’s better to save your meter; not to mention a tad easier. This is the EASIEST super for me with Guile if you start on a jump-in, IMO, because you do the super right after the Standing Fierce connects: JUST LIKE most characters with Command supers, such as Ryu, Ken, etc…

A note about this combo is that you might accidentally do the low Fierce instead of the Standing Fierce, which SUCKS, because the timing is different for doing the super after that move. Standing Fierce is better because all 4 hits of the super will connect after it, whereas low Fierce tends to push your opponent further away from you, I THINK…

The ONLY problem with that super is it’s very difficult to do consistently if you don’t start with a jump-in if you just want to do the Standing Fierce into super, since trying to charge back for the super and then doing the standing Fierce and then the super might result in you doing his Fierce throw instead :frowning: If you’re good, you can charge up the super, let go of the joystick, press Fierce and then quickly finish the super command: this is like doing the old standing fierce into Flask Kick–after holding down, the Fierce punch is done in the middle of the command for doing the super.

I personally can’t decide if low Strong or low Forward is easier to buffer into his Rushing Super when on the ground, but the trick is timing and not speed: which is why I find comboing into charge supers so WEIRD! Comboing into “command” supers like Super Hadoken is more about speed, and I’m better at speed than timing.

A somewhat-flashy 11-hit combo with Guile but almost useless except on dizzied opponents is:

Jab SB from a distance, as it connects, jump-in Fr or Rh, S.Fr, Level 2 Rushing super, Level 1 Somersault Justice.

His most damaging combo that I know, w/ or w/o a Jab SB from a distance, would probably be a simple Jump-in Fr, low St, Level 3 SJ, for some reason, even though cancelling isn’t involved. I guess that super does the most damage, but you might as well just use a Level 2 R super and a Flask Kick instead.

Other simple combos w/o meter are:

S.Fr, Flask Kick (nice damage for a 2-hit)
Jump-in Fr, low Jab, Flask Kick
Jump-in Fr, low St, SB

His old 4-hit Fr is here, but maybe only works on opponents in the corner:
Jump-in Fr, S.Fr, SB with Fr, Toward + Fr (backhand punch).
You might be able to do a St SB, but I’m not sure, actually…

Other Guile strats I use:

I’m not sure if Flask Kicks work at all as AA, except maybe deep/late :frowning: so I use S.St and Low Fr or even S.Fr!

Jump-ins are Fr, Rh, or Forward for jumping on someone, though Rh might be easier to counter, because he makes himself a longer target for AA. Air-to-air is probably jumping Fw, though I’ll need to check.

Pokes for me are Toward + Fr, S.Rh, low Fw, and even low St.

I throw Jab SBs a LOT, since they are often safe to follow, of course :slight_smile: I jump in with Fr, but if further away, I use Rh or Fw. His cross-up seems to be Short, but I haven’t really tried using it much. I Super-jump a lot with Guile, but maybe SJs are a no-brainer in this game? mheh

Flash Kicks seem better as a counter to some pokes on the ground, but that’s risky of course, if it gets blocked.

I’m not sure if ppl will fall for fakes, but the low Sh looks like the 1st hit of the low Rh, and the low Fw looks like the 2nd hit, so maybe trying a low Sh will make them think you messed up, and then they try to punish you, in which case, Flash Kicks might be able to take out their ground attack. This is just an idea, so I’m still toying with it.

I also walk up after blocked SBs and do S.Rh or Toward + Fr, if they’re too frustrated to block enough, or maybe even use Toward/Away + Fw, and this move might be able to nail ppl who try to sweep you.

I’m not sure how else to describe my game besides what seems among the most important strats, that everyone calls ZONING, but I try to keep most characters away with SBs and pokes. I’ll have to think this over, some more.

Well, I’m done for…errrrr…I mean done FOR THE MOMENT, hah. I hope some of that was useful…

You know what: if you mean what I think you do (not referring to losing the charge…which I might understand), you are DEFINITELY on to something. I would SWEAR that charge supers feel fucking odd in this game!!! It’s hard enough doing most of them by themselves, let alone most of them in combos.

I suck with joysticks, but the one thing I recently discovered is I seem to be better at comboing into charge supers with a joystick than a controller. This was with Chun Li and Charlie in A2 though…but the feel is MUCH different in CvS2 to me…why else would it give me so much grief? >:o haha This made me like charge characters less, if only because I had trouble doing high-damage combos with them :frowning:

Ive noticed that with the charge characters the timing of the button presses is very loose when it comes to super combo buffering. It took me forever to figure out how to pull off Guile’s lp,lk,mp–>total wipepout combo because he would always spit out a sonic boom after the mp. I realized this was because i was trying to press the buttons at the games pace. Now when i do super combos with guile i input the controller commmands almost a full step ahead of the computer and it all turns out fine.
Just offering a little insight, people.

guiles jump in kicks are great.

I miss the old guile in sf2. i also miss the old dee jay in sf2! hooo hah!

Why does everyone keep referring to Guile as a zoning character? I play him very offensively rushdown. You can keep pretty much constant pressure on someone, and the harder you hit the more likely they will fall apart. I would say half of my victory’s on XBL are rushdown OCV’s with Guile.

Of course there is no Roll Cancel on Xbox Live so I am not qualified to say how this works in an RC environment.

I think the key to keeping pressure is his standing Rh “hop kick” - you can basically use it to move forward while you are still charged back. I can basically make up what I do as I go along - maybe jab sonic boom, j.forward (or short jump/super jump forward if in the right groove) cr.jab, jab sb, cr.jab, cr.forward, s.rh (that critical hop forward that pokes so well) then another sb, or short jump, or s.FP for that pimp slap move, or another S.RH. I have seen some people use the S.RH to walk across the screen at me while holding charge and as dumb as it looks it stuffs most ground based pokes. Also can retaliate against Blanka balls after blocking :evil:

Some sections of the string don’t register as a combo but if you keep changing your pattern (two jabs instead of one, two forwards in a row, maybe a cr.roundhouse for that unexpected second leg) it can break down a lot of defenses. If you add some quick tick throws they won’t know whether to block or not and become frustrated quickly. If they try to roll out of the corner you can either mash on jab (cuz rolls are overpowerd on XBL) or sonic hurricane if you’ve got one.

I admit it doesn’t work all the time - especially against runaway air or turtles who never retaliate and try to wait it out, but for anyone who constantly tries to attack will get stuffed.

my two cents
