[Guild Wars 2]

Just got this from the level 16 fire elemental boss in the asura place:


anyone know what it’s worth?

I’m level 17, wanted to hit 20 but I’m hella tired so hopefully I can get those last few levels when i wake up. I got 100% map completion in the main Norn city, Norn starting area, and human starting area. I’m gonna do the Human city first in the morning. it’s easy exp overall depending on how tough it is to get to certain POIs and vistas. I have a bunch in Lion’s gate too, only missing 1 vista because I have no clue how to get on top of that rock in the sea.

The story missions get easier once you start getting trait points and better gear. Doing missions 3-4 levels below recommended with little issues.

Until then, just focus on 100%ing your starting area.
You can access the other races’ starting areas and 100% those as well.

what’s sad is I was overleveled for my mission :frowning: but my gear isn’t the greatest. once I 100% the human city and the charr areas I’m gonna try again, hopefully I get some good stuff.

So is it worth to try out gw2 or do they have any trial what ever option to test it?

it seems if you fight enemies higher level than yourself you get a higher chance at rare drops.

Interesting that Warrior’s get a rifle or dual axes in sPvP. I think I had misunderstood what this class was like, but I’m digging it anyway.

You must have that Zeo theme too. And the original + spd.

gotta grab lunch/dinner but I’m in the 20s finally. I got 100% in lion’s arch, the human and charr starting areas and cities. I finally got passed a part in my personal story that I was stuck at for ages thanks to a friend. gonna continue the story a bit then go to the asura or sylvari areas and complete them too.

i cant wait for the auction house to come back up, i have so much shit i want to sell, its not even funny.

Well I just wasted a lot of time trying to create a guild. Seems like a bug of some sort because I tested by typing in gibberish. At first I thought everything was taken but got suspicious when I started using obscure quotes from 70s Kung Fu movies.

spidey in da house


I wish this game rewarded players more for soloing

I wish this game didn’t suck donkeyballs

The only reason I’m not drowning all of Europe in tears over wasted money is that I can say ANet deserves it for GW1

This game felt underwhelming during beta, and it feels underwhelming in the full retail game.
Hmmmmmmmmmmm… I dunno.

How are you guys accessing other starting areas?

Go to your home town, take the asura gate to Lion’s Arch, it’s purple on your map. Once you’re in Lion’s Arch take one of the other portals to the starting areas.

anyone went to lions arch, then head north outside? level 35 area, shit is mad fun rolling through with a group of people, all of us underleveled, lol.

clocked in 31 hours, lv41

and now it’s time to go work an 8 hour shift for the 4th day in a row

i hear when you get to lv45, CM is tits for leveling

Money easy to come by at higher levels? Lost all my coin gambling and with trading post down you barely make anything dumping equipment on NPCs.