Guardians of the Galaxy film, updates

Zoe Saldana, according to Hollywood Reporter.

Zoe Saldana was one of my choices. I like it. Would’ve been nice to see Rosario Dawson doing Gamora though.

Controller? Wow, that sounds like ass. Didn’t we go through an entire movie with Loki mind controlling people? Of all the potential Thanos allies (there really aren’t many), you go with him?

I still want to know who the dude accompanying him in Avengers was. And I hope Guardians of the Galaxy pulls in a few other villains.

I like all of the above…

It could just be the pics I’ve scene, but she’s lost a bit of what made her so hot. I can’t put my finger on it - just seems like age has it out for her…I mean I’d still hit it and brag about it the next day…but, you can’t really go wrong with Zoe, except that it prevents her from playing a future role in the Marvel Galaxy.

you mean like how hard it was for the Human Torch to play Captain America?

touche…but the lack of anymore FF movies made that pretty easy…for all purposes FF isnt part of the MArvel universe…this blatantly falls inline with MArvel’s vision, so the people who sign on are signing on for multiple movies.

Speaking of which, doesn’t/didn’t fox lose the rights to FF yet?

No. They have a FF reboot scheduled for 2015 to be directed by Josh Trank (Chronicle)

I love it, rebooting series that only have two entries and are less than 10 years old.

Sucks though, I want Marvel to own Doom again…

Hugh Jackman was pretty good as Bunnymund, the aussie rabbit in Rise Of The Guardians. I loled hard it when he yelled “Oh, rack off, ya bloody show-pony!!” when he got pissed (well, moreso) at Jack Frost.

Bumped. Micheal Rooker is in

Shocked if who they say he is playing is exactly like he was in the comic.

More information about Rocket Raccoon:

Whole interview:

Nova in this would be cool. But he would probably be mexican

Oh and still i want jim carrey to play rocket racoon

I can see Glenn Close playing a SWORD agent. Marvel should use Guardians to establish SWORD in the movies

SWORD’s most likely going to appear in phase two anyway, either in the TV series or in A2. It’s Whedon’s creation after all.

wow…dunno how to feel about this. FUCK Angela, yet, mmmmmmmm Amy Pond

I want them to avoid using Angela to prevent future legal trouble. Marvel only getting to use her since Gaiman is working with them for now.

The courts already decided that issue. Both McFarlane and Gaiman have her rights, and are allowed to use her.

Consider this similar to Both Marvel/Disney and Fox being allowed to use Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver, in their respective movies.

I can work with this.

And by work, I mean fap