Guard Stings and Combo set-ups

What’s up??? Nobody plays Joe anymore??? Put out some helpful info, my Joe needs help

Well with Joe when u do Golden heel Upper always move about 3 to 4 Char spaces away then the attack and when there up in a corner do Tiger Kick and Slide Fast It kills man and always use double cyclone qcb x2 P when they jump in to u and when ur being being cornered

Hello…guard stings…ie,, c.lp,, hurricane upper. stuff like that. things I can actually use. i’m not gonna throw out supers all day. come on man, work with me

i tend to like Joe on P groove that shit is tight but really i just picked up Joe so i don’t know any setups and shit

CvS2 Joe strats and tactics
Joe Higashi, probably one of the most underrated and underutilized characters in CvS2. While he may not be quite top tier, he is pretty damn close and could possibly break it soon. Yes Joe really is that damn good and this thread is for people who play him and hopefully acouple of more people will play him after reading this thread.

Normals- Joe has some good normals that can be abused, These are a list of what i think his best normals are.

crouching roundhouse - Best slide in the game by far, maybe the best down roundhouse in the game. Has plenty of range and is very abusable. Yes it can be punished, but that is not an easy task to accomplish. a good tactic to do with the slide is to slide and then start mashing on the jab button to come out with the
TNT puches right after the slide.

standing short - Very underutilized move, that is very effective. Almost as good as Kim’s and very fast to come out with. SS has decent range and is good for poking and keeping people away.

standing roundhouse - A good move, good priority, not really punishable and does alot of damage. For a normal Joe’s standing roundhouse hurts ALOT.

crouching fierce - Probably his best combo move for supers, good damage, good priority and decent speed. Not hard to link out of.


Hurricane Uppers - Probably the best projectiles in the game. They come out fast and have great range as the fierce version covers the whole screen and does so quickly. The projectile is very high and comes out fast. The fierce version is really good at full screen where you can throw it and wait for your opponent to do something, ie he jumps you tiger knee. He blocks and you throw another one. Just dont abuse because like all fireballs you can get hurt for doing so.

Tiger Knee - Joe’s bread and butter, one of the best anti-airs in the game. It does have a bit of a wind up time but is very effective and has good priority. The only problem is even if you miss the short version you can get hurt. The short version is a very effective wake up move though. You also have to watch C Groove players as the Tiger Knee is not a ground based AA and wont hit an air block.

Golden Heal Flip - Decent move to use, the roundhouse version should NEVER be used. The foward version has a cross up effect to it and is very good for catching people of guard. The short version is good to use in a set up like, crouching short short short, short golden heal flip. very fast and hard to get out of. As far as its anti air properties, it works like Terry’s crack shot basically.

TNT punches - A good fast special that is very effective in an situation. Can be used in traps after slides and after a jumping attack. IE jumping foward (his best air move) into TNT punches is an effective manuever and stops Joe from getting throw if they block the jumping foward. Joe’s best special.

Slice Kick - A pretty much usueless move that is very punishable, the only reason for useing is to cover ground and thats it, even then do not abuse as the recovery time is horrible. DONT NOT USE. Only plausable use is in the crouching foward combo.


Rush super (dont remember the name )- I dont particularly care for this super, it comboes like Iori’s, which makes it very comboable but it doesnt do very good damage and your opponenet can fall out of it.

Screw Upper - A decent super with excellent priority, decent damage and is anti air and anti roll. Dont miss it though as it has bad recovery time. It comes out faster than the Double Upper so its better to use on short jumpers.

Double Upper(lvl3 only) - Omg this super is the shit straight up, there is nothing i can really say bad about this super besides dont miss it. It goes up full screen does excellent damage is anti air and anti roll. You have to be very carefull when facing Joe with a level3.

Groove BreakDown

K Groove - Joe’s best groove imo, he has both run and jd as well as small jump to a certain extent. Run is huge for Joes rushdown game as you can get on them faster after a knockdown to try do a followup tnt punch for cheap chip and block damage. The JD helps for the lack of a ground AA that Joe doesnt have making up for one of his worst deficiencies. It also lets you take a few more chances with Joe which is almost a must with him. Play a very rushdown type Joe with alot of wakeup tnt punches and crouching shorts or crouching jabs into tiger knees or supers if you get a lvl 3. Short Jump helps to a certain extent that you can occasionall do a short jump foward to mix things up but you dont really jump with Joe anyway. K Groove is the most complete and best groove for any aspiring Joe player.

N Groove - Second best groove, alot like K Groove in basic gameplan except you have no jd and now have a roll. You do have to be alittle more careful not having the advantage of the jd but basic wakeup games still apply. Use his roll sparringly, he has a decent roll but nothing special. Joe builds bars fairly quickly so dont be afraid to combo a lvl1 if you get the chance.

C Groove - Totally different ball game, Joe has to play more of a zoning type of game here due to the dash instead of the run. Again Joe has a decent dash and can be used for some cheap dash into throw tactics but dont abuse it as it becomes obvious. Your fireball can become a good asset here if used correctly. Full screen fireballs generally force your opponent to make a move for you to try to counter unless there playing K or P groove of course. The slash kick can also be used to gain ground but sparringly as the move has horrendous recovery time. Try to make your oppenent jump more than usually to bait them into a tiger knee or super for cheap damage.

P Groove - Turtle Turtle Turtle, need I really say more. Parry into Tiger Knee is your best bet with Joe. Wait back for your opponent to come to you and play of what he does. Do a dash and throw every once in awhile just to make sure to keep your opponent alittle of guard. Once Joe gets his lvl 3 you will have to become alittle more open though, you have to look for that first opening, ie jumpin and wait for them to do a AA and then go for the super.

A Groove - Same gameplan as C Groove basically except his CC adds alittle more advantage as you never know when it may come out and give him alot more danger in the AA department.

S Groove - I honestly dont have a whole lot of experience with Joe in this groove but it doesnt seem anything special. All of his supers have terrible recovery time so there is no real reason to try to do lvl1 and makes his rather worthless in this groove. His Dodge attacks arent even that good. Not recommeded for Joe.

i play joe here and there sometimes. i like him in a, c, and k groove, and occasionally n.

  • the two strings that i probly use the most is 1) cr. short, cr. jab, cr. short & 2)cr. short, cr. jab, cr. strong. both can be comboed, and can link into his rush super. u can also buffer it w/ specials, but they won’t combo.

  • after i do 1), most of the times i do st. fwd. it doesn’t combo, but people always seem to block it. after they block it, sometimes i proceed to do st. rh. i luv joe’s st.rh. if they throw out a move, most of the times they just get hit, or trade. but if you stand still and st.rh, sometimes it whiffs. so u might want to step forward for a split second.

  • after 2), there are a couple things i do. lot of times i do his fireballs. the jab one seems to be safe, b/c i always recover in time if they roll. a lvl 2-3 super will go through, but that goes for almost everything else. oddly enough, i do the strong and fierce versions. if they roll, i think ur pretty screwed. but a lot of them don’t seem to roll and end up blocking the two uppers or gettin hit by em. i guess u should use it sparingly.

the other thing i do after 2) is his short slash kick. but if u do the string at point blank, and do the slash kick, he recovers a little too close to the opponent for my comfort. so sometimes i do the string like half or a quarter step away, and do the short slash kick. i haven’t been supered or hit after the slash kick, but maybe it’s that the people that i play suck…

  • if 2) hits, sometimes the short slash kick comboes. it doesn’t always for me, i think maybe cuz i should do the string faster, or it might be on a counter hit, i’m not entirely sure.

  • sorry for being so iffy about my strings being safe or not, but it seems to work for me. so try it out and if it doesn’t work, maybe i should play better people and see if i get my ass kicked…

heres some joes tips

slice kick is great for powerwave type moves or if some1 mess up a fireball into a hard punch or uppercut and they have alot of lag.

switch from mp hp hurricane uppers to trick foes who like to roll alot.

TNT PUNCH is good to get roller/dodgers off guard when coming up.
crouch HP into his LV3 only hurricane!:eek:

C groove is the best , (croner) cr.Lp, s.Mp, Lv.2 Screw upper, lk upper cut, rh upper cut. SOOOO SWEET LOOKING

Joe in A and C, then K

Joe guard strings…RC the rapid punches

Joe A-groove CC, super easy and basic… s.RH x 3, d. RH, short tiger knee, d. RH x 2, short tiger knee…yadayadaya xx hurricane super…does a little under 7000, if anyone knows more damaging, please post. (you can always do j. strongs once cornered)

Joe C-groove cancel RH heel flip after hurricane super, instead of tiger knee. If timed right you get two hits, I believe more damage, I could be wrong…does he have a cancel with the other super, the one with the rapid punches, if anyone knows please post

one more thing, Joe must translate to “don’t jump” in Japan, keep that in mind while playing him

but then again, I only play him for fun…:smiley:

Joes RH uppercut

I dont know if anyone else has noticed, but joes RH uppercut has some weird properties. There are times when Im playing Joe and I do a roundhouse uppercut and it kara cancels or something into a throw or something else leaving it extremely invincible. For instance, I was playing sagat and on wake up I would do a big uppercut with Joe and he would do a fierce as Im getting up. Joe will show the uppercut coming out then a throw comes out going through sagats fierce and throwing him. Also I was playing balrog and he did his level three from around mid-screen and my RH uppercut was coming out and then cancelled into a throw once again throwing balrog out of his level three. If anyone can explain a consistent way to do this it would be appreciated.


no way


Groove BreakDown

K Groove - Joe’s best groove imo, he has both run and jd as well as small jump to a certain extent. Run is huge for Joes rushdown game as you can get on them faster after a knockdown to try do a followup tnt punch for cheap chip and block damage. The JD helps for the lack of a ground AA that Joe doesnt have making up for one of his worst definciencies. It also lets you take a few more chances with Joe which is almost a must with him. Play a very rushdown type Joe with alot of wakeup tnt punches and crouching shorts or crouching jabs into tiger knees or supers if you get a lvl 3. Short Jump helps to a certain extent but you dont really jump with Joe anyway. K Groove is the most complete and best groove for any aspiring Joe player.

N Groove - Second best groove, alot like K Groove in basic gameplan except you have no jd and now have a roll. You do have to be alittle more careful not having the advantage of the jd but basic wakeup games still apply. Use his roll sparringly, he has a decent roll but nothing special. Joe builds bars fairly quickly so dont be afraid to combo a lvl1 if you get the chance.

C Groove - Totally different ball game, Joe has to play more of a zoning type of game here due to the dash instead of the run. Again Joe has a decent dash and can be used for some cheap dash into throw tactics but dont abuse it as it becomes obvious. Your fireball can become a good asset here if used correctly. Full screen fireballs generally force your opponent to make a move for you to try to counter unless there playing K or P groove of course. The slash kick can also be used to gain ground but sparringly as the move has horrendous recovery time. Try to make your oppenent jump more than usually to bait them into a tiger knee or super for cheap damage.

P Groove - Turtle Turtle Turtle, need I really say more. Parry into Tiger Knee is your best bet with Joe. Wait back for your opponent to come to you and play of what he does. Do a dash and throw every once in awhile just to make sure to keep your opponent alittle of guard. Once Joe gets his lvl 3 you will have to become alittle more open though, you have to look for that first opening, ie jumpin and wait for them to do a AA and then go for the super.

A Groove - Same gameplan as C Groove basically except his CC adds alittle more advantage as you never know when it may come out.

S Groove - I honestly dont have a whole lot of experience with Joe in this groove but it doesnt seem anything special. All of his supers have terrible recovery time so there is no real reason to try to do lvl1 and makes his rather worthless in this groove. His Dodge attacks arent even that good. Not recommeded for Joe

Joes RH uppercut

That’s actually happened to me several times today.

I’m playing Fatal Fury team in K groove, who should get R2? Mai or Joe?

Re: Joes RH uppercut


Someone mentioned in another thread that Joe, like Honda, can link off the 4th hit of his strong TNT punches.

Is this true? What sorts of combos would I be able to set up off of this?

Not 100% sure here, but I think I’ve seen TNT punches linked with TNT punches. Fantastic pressure, hit or block.

You can, its extremely hard to do but you can link a tnt punch into a tnt punch. You can also do a tnt punch out of his slide if your quick enough.

just curious if somebody could post the links after you land a rc’ed mp tnt punches, i heard u can do tnt punches to supers and slides

also, his and seem VERY good

damn, this is the scrubbiest thread ever…

just mash slide and you’ll win