Guard Cancel

its not hard for me to understand, obviously. ive broken down every single aspect possible to let him know.

however, he insists on just telling me im wrong with no elaboration. if i just leave it at that, every newb that reads this thread wont know who to believe. im just trying to get a final answer from piponaz so this thread can have clarity and a conclusion.

it seems hes more eager to prove me wrong, than to prove hes right

you cant guard cancel and hit sentinel if you dont push block either the spit or rp before the drones come. its a late push block so it looks like you push block the 1st set but its actually the projectile, any other way will not catch sentinel before he can block.

^^^ y’all are probably right… but i do remember ahvb’ing pushblocking the first set, just can’t remember if it was blocked… i’ll check-up on that laterz…

one more person agrees with what i said, and you push over? yet the entire essay i wrote that solidly proved everything you said wrong in concrete format and even with visual proof (provided by yourself) that was also thoroughly broken down wouldn’t convince you? wonderful, glad to know you gain your knowledge about the game from how many people say it, rather than understanding the game, self experimentation, and analyzing situations. either that, or you were butthurt and wanted to argue for the sake of arguing

no need to be stubborn man. i dont even think you need to check up if you AHVB and it was blocked. just watch that original video. pushblocking leaves you in block stun for an exact amount of frames each time. obviously the AHVB was blocked by a pushblock that was done before the drones. why would pushblocking a little later make you leave blockstun quicker? it doesnt.

i didn’t push over, you did by name calling. i just argued sincerely with what i truly believe in. i don’t gain knowledge just from how many people say it, etc so stop acting as if you know what i’ve been through to learn this game. i started from scratch to the top. i wasn’t butthurt either, why would that hurt my ego in any sense if til now i do want to learn new things about this game? i will accept i’m wrong when i try it in later time cuz unlike you there we don’t get a hold of a console here that easily to practice and experiment on things, we just have the arcades and experiment there, so think of how difficult is that.

hahahahahaha i called you a newb once. i’ve probably wrote a thousand words in this thread, almost all of which were explaining to you why its not possible and you think that i’ve pushed you over with name calling? ONE NAME calling out of all that convincing i’ve been trying to do and thats all you’ve got from what i’ve been posting? its more like you’re taking it as an insult that you’re being corrected :wow::xeye::lame:

omg. you do assume a lot or perhaps you’re real psychiatrist. arguing with what i believed in was a reaction from insult? tnx for the psychoanalysis but spare me.

dood you are just weird, almost pathetic. you got some egotistical problems

you call me a name caller, i explain to you why i’m NOT. and you call me a psychiatrist?

you keep saying its what you SERIOUSLY and SINCERELY believe in. well guess what, you yourself admitted you only done it once and you werent even sure. anyone who argues that and shuts down every other logical information supplied is just a friggin idiot. (yes i called you another name) :crybaby:

fyi, that means im done responding to you. its getting me dumber by the second

We all know you suck, tech. You’re just posting some wack-ass knowldege that you probably read somewhere. LOL. This is some big talk for a guy who loses to gambit/tron!

In all seriousness, though, and because I’ve tested and done it. What tech is saying is correct. you have to pushblock before the first set of drones (if there is an attack before the HSF) in order to Guard cancel TKHVB…

money match for your life! hahaha. dood i got hit by tron so many times

dood i’ve done all the in-depth explaining with visual content possible and he still wont believe me. all because he supposedly AHVB’d while pushblocking the first set, and he doesnt even remember if the AHVB hit. :lame: whats funny is that after all this arguing, he is YET to go and practice and try and prove himself right. :lame::lame:

LOL. Thats true.

Why not entertain him? You can pushblock the first set of drones all you want, dude. Good luck trying to do anything worthy afterwards, though. you can continue blocking if you want or SJC AHVB and waste a meter…


last rep:

isn’t it you, tech, who said to learn not just by hearsay? now you won’t let me experiment and prove to my self… so, let me and imma eat a humble pie…

mess with the best, die like the rest…

just a question… but dont you HAVE to put your joystick into neutral to do a guard cancel??? isnt that the whole point of guard cancelin?? =T

I believe the whole point of guard cancelling is being able to move in situations where you usually would not be able to move.

In my experience, I think that whatever you do while you’re in the pushblock animation makes no difference (unless you do a counter). You just need to be certain that, at the first frame after the pushblock ends, you are not holding back, to avoid being caught in guard stun by the drones again.

Most people let it in neutral in most GC scenarios because it is usually easier to do most moves from a neutral position, but that is not an absolute necessity.

If you want to GC the second wave of the drones to do a straight jump afterwards and maybe catch Sentinel while he is doing an HP + Storm or something alike, you can just hold up the whole time.

Some people hold down while GCing vs drones, and then just let the stick bounce at the right time and the stick does a sj by itself (does not work on all sticks). If you watch somebody playing and they simply appear to sj straight from the crouching position they are probably doing that.

You may hold forward to throw an opponent in the middle of his attacking sequence too, or even throw him to your back as well.

While you’re into the pushblock animation you will not be able to do anything, asides from counters, and therefore you can do whatever you want. What you do on the frames after the pushblock ends is what counts. Neutral is just the most effective way of doing it, execution-wise, for most people, most of the time.

Just for the heck of it…

With Cable, you HAVE to pushblock something before HSF to be able to GC xx AHVB and HIT Sent. Could be rp xx hsf, could be c./s.fierce xx hsf, could be an assist xx hsf, could be a super xx hsf.

And no, you don’t HAVE to put the stick in neutral in any GC scenario (like FighterBox2006 explained).

:rofl: I was thinking the same shit man. I was going to say something…but you beat me to it.:rofl:

And for the record Tech is right. You Push Block the attack before the HSF, me and my friend(whiff) practice that shit all the time.

Dont you mean block the attck before the HSF then pushblock just before the 1st set of drones?

That what i said…Push Block the attack before the HSF. The way you said it still means the attack before the HSF.

Youre pushblocking the drones themselves :rolleyes: Not the attack he comes prior to hsf.