Greatly reduce latency issues when playing on ggpo

I’ll try it soon


**[SIZE=4]takoyakinekosan pixiv **[/SIZE]

There’s always some pretty generic schoolgirls hanging out in these.


akuma by jibon

oe. ;_;

We both agreed to set our delay to 0. Experienced a few rollbacks but nothing too severe.

delay zero is the best on OE. the slightly less dash teleports aren’t worth the extra input delay. all hail teleport Chun forever

So it reduces latency by speeding up TCP aknowledgements? Like TCP ports? What about UDP since GGPO requires UDP ports to be open as well? Now I ain’t any sort of tech savvy person or anythang, so 'scuse me if I’m asking something stupid.

Doesn’t do anything for UDP.

Nguboy just confirmed it works. Ask him in GGPO if you like.

Aight, imma download. Damnit if you guys get me to install some spyware or something.

It works. And for using it for a couple of days I can tell you that the improvement is big. And that’s with only me having it installed. I imagine that if my opponent has it it will be even better.

Edit: Op should include link for the program in first post.

this sounds amazing, dling! lets play later.

Lol haha, when I told NGU, first thing he said was woo now I can play yuuki and metric ahah.

Anyway, OP needs to put this in first post as soon as.

guys, do you think it will work on supercade and arcadelive too?

If they use TCP based netcode yes, otherwise no. For example it won’t work for CSS and other HL2 mods, however it will work for Quake 3, which oddly for an fps uses TCP (although as I understand, the developers implemented a similar technique to achieve the same latancy reduction).

ok, thanks Womble.

Played with Womble yesterday (wc to uk) and it was actually playable on 2 smoothing which is what I usually use against eastcoast. I was landing TTH and reacting to dashes, which is amazing considering we have 200 ping. It felt like I was playing vs eastcoast, not somebody across country.

When I played Nica, it felt like we were in the same country 0_o

my experience exactly with ngu (also uk).

what womble said^^

i could’ve swornnnnn he was on the EC with the type of connection we had, it was like nearly perfect and only “nearly” cuz i was only on 2 frame delay and even then it was smooth and good enough to play and hit confirm with chun and ken when i played NGU

very cool.

I confirm this, I tried this against my 200 ping buddy and even though it still wasnt that playable, it worked a LOT better. Everyone should check this out and rev up theyr skill leveles now that theyve got a chance

Innit, the only reason I missed some confirms was because I’m a scrub ahah. Though Nica was landing them fine.