Yes to that, but I’d also like to see the Damage be constant and the only variable to charging it is tack on any additional stun.
a damage nerf? have you done his bnb ex palm to palm in ssf4? fei long can get more damage than gouken of a close mp… theres alot more people that do more damage than gouken now than in vanilla, so i think they need to put his damage back to where it was, i mean they left shinsho damage in.
I really hope the new light palm is a great wake up tool like shoryuken… Presently Gouken only has EX Flip that is still risky when under pressure…
Yeah, i hate/love the denjin, i NEVER use his ultra 2 on any characters that have more than 950 stun… I would love for them to decrease the time needed for a full charge or even unblockable(probably will never happen, but one can dream)…
well, his charge time is fine in my opinion.
what i meant was to shorten the number of frames it takes for the ball to come out.
right now you get a ball on the screen at 13 frames.
if that was reduced, denjin would be a lot better.
i think it can make up for the raw power of shin sho by being easier to land.
before i got to play around with it, i assumed i would be getting mid screen kongo > denjin, hp. fireball > denjin and anti-fireball denjin.
you can land (hp.fireball > denjin), but it isn’t easy and the other two are impossible.
there is one thing that i see almost every time someone plays with denjin: a backthrow that could have been shin sho.
denjin has to give gouken options to do damage that shin sho does not.
That’s why i don’t use Denjin and only use Shin-sho…
Uhm all this talk about changes, from what i saw (vanilla -> SSF4) the changes they made was little to nothing. Don’t expect much from Capcom, more or less DF, ultra, will probably stay the same.
What my main concern is lp confirm hits, will link after will any hadou link…
Getting the counter change is all we really needed now we get n additional bonus which to me will make him high tier.
Edit: They will nvr nerf his damage more than it is now they may even give him back (Sagat) >_< he is pretty much top tier again…
IHMO denjin changes:
- Full damage without charge, but not full stun
- Full charge = full stun and unblockable
Gouken’s BnB with a single EX meter would be VERY useful with Denjin. There are other characters that can land their ultra without EX meter (Dudley) or just a single EX meter (several). The “lower” damage of full Denjin is fine, it’s going to scale plenty in most combos that will lead into it.
I’m hoping the HP counter could be hold and release-able. MP counter would counter, knock away the opponent. Tossing HP counter could absorb a hit, but NOT counter immediately. Consider it a baited counter where you could release it at a later time to fake out the opponent (if desired).
I hope HP kongo is exactly what I think it is: A weaker version of EX kongo. I’ll take a 100-140 damage kongo that covers both high and low. I no longer have to guess the height AND it’s still focus-based, so the low damage + armor break still factors in.
When I go to Tokyo this weekend imma tell em look…just make tatsu hcb + k , recovery increase on air parry and tatsu both midair and regular
, and make mp cancellable into ultras or string w combos.
Did we forget how much complaining there was for mp last year that it wouldn’t combo to anything?
Or just make him a couple frames faster on some normals…that’s all CAPCOM…! Do you hear me?
in regards to denjin changes/hopes. I am with raun on its ok the way it is, speed it comes out could be faster though. would make timing the 5 hit charge from ex palm WAAAAYYY easier, as it is now, its ridiculously strict on timing. If nothing else, it would be nice for us to be able to combo after denjin on airborne opponents. Whats the point of wall bounce if we cant combo after in the situations where we will hit it the most?
One thing I wish they would do with tatsu is relax the timing on instant air tatsu. Give the timing something akin to instant air fireball for akuma – its very lenient and the only one I can do other than Cammy’s (which is getting a nerf, but its so easy in SSF4).
One thing I was thinking of…I wonder if they’d ever change EX fireball so that the two fireballs that come out correspond to the buttons pressed, like Juri’s EX fireball. Like LP+HP gives you a LP and HP fireball, and so on.
We should be able to switch from horiz, diag during charge of gohadouken, say start with lp. Charge and then press hp in case opponent jumps in.
That would be too good. It would remove all reading and zoning and make Gouken unstoppable.
Yeah. Give him a real Denjin. Then I might use it.
Have you guys seen that the current “rumors” is that they are changing the kongo to a shoryu and the palm to qcb + p?
I am not so certain I like these changes at all. Going to have to retrain myself hard to not use the old inputs if these changes hold.
That would be silly. If anything changing Kongo to a QCB would be cool, but changing anything else would be dumb.
QCB motion would be fine – that move is already HEAVILY baitable, has armor properties (sigh) and you have to pick high/low for the right hit.
Some of my fondest memories were with CvS2 in Japan: rock/terry/ryo. As OP Blanka/Sagat combos were abound, I’d use Rock to constantly counter their stuff. After a few wins, the guy on the other side would stand up, see some white dude and sit right back down for more beating.
U1 is so good for every matchup that even a moderate buff for Denjin wouldn’t make people choose U2 over U1. The only way to make it an interesting choice is to nerf U1, which is bad for us
However, they could make a noob-friendly Ultra 2 by decreasing the gap between uncharged and charged, so newbies like us can get some satisfying damage off ex palm to U2. Kinda like Chun Li’s U2 - her U1 is the expert’s choice, but some people might like U2 for easy damage.