kinda wish theyd leave him alone and just buff tatsu maybe> i dont think he needs the jab jab lp shit
i disagree. being able to hit confirm outside of hp is imo a great thing and if goukens frame data is getting a buff then gouken can play a lot more aggressive footsie game.
Hit confirm. That’s all that needs to be said about it. I don’t care about LP palm not moving anymore, we finally have a hit confirm.
On the topic of Tatsus I also think they should buff it. How you ask? Just make it track the opponent. If the first hit lands the entire thing should land. For God’s sake, make EX Palm > Tatsu universal, hell, maybe even EX Palm > EX Tatsu.
There are way, way many exploits and disadvantages to the counter/parry move compared to a DP that were discussed in the original Super wishlist thread. One can write a whole paragraph on it. It would take much fixing to make it OP.
The tatsu’s vacuum properties should be modeled after Akuma’s Super Art III in SF3. Damage wise it’s fine.
Yeah, and EX palm should vacuum after connecting the first hit. (It would be plenty more useful in fireball wars.)
I agree.
Come on guys, whatever Capcom does Gouken will still rule. Who are the five best street fighters out there, think about it? Gouken, Gouken, Gouken, Gouken, Gouken.
How about like in EX plus alpha ryu’s tatsu make us do the motion multiple times to get our hit confirm.
Huh, that one is more like feilong’s or yang’s rekka ken string.
so am i correct in assuming this info even with our respective translations , (thx gents) could still be hearsay? or possibly improperly translated do to lack of contextual comprehension. no offense but wouldnt native japanese speakers be the authority>?
Me too, i’m tired that crouch block + tatsu motion= low kongo, so you either crouch neutral which is high risk, or simply don’t bother, so for me at least it’s really big news too. Early tatsu is a great AA.
Also the lp palm faster with no forward motion has me puzzled. It could make comboing into denjin out of of a jab possible in corner and that would be huge, besides I wonder if it would work as a wakeup reversal, that would be amazing too, but safe lp palms are my b2b so I fear for this.
a hit confirm into palm and finally a usable tatsu will be huge for Gouken. I can only wish for better air parry and instant recovery air throw again, plus DF overhead, but right now I’m fine without it. I’ll kill however for tatsu hitting crouching opponents, pls Capcom!
All in all I’m glad that Gouken is getting some fixes from Capcom, I thought that they didn’t care at all for him after the SSFIV treatment.
Don’t u guys fine its a little OP to get confirm hits into Ultra, off the top of my head it really is possible that jab lp palm will be a 1frame link >_<
Who cares - it’s amazing.
Not really. It’s corner-only, so it’s not like I can just do the Balrog shuffle and net meterless combo to Ultra from midscreen.
With these buffs, I seriously hope they don’t touch fireball frame advantage. It’s perfect.
Wouldn’t mind seeing cammy like timing on the TK air tatsu.
I really like the instant air tatsu. Ex does over 100 dmg on block and if oppenent tries to crouch on block he gets hit I just wish it was easier to do.
But i suck at the timing for the button press, while cammys is sooo easy to do. Is there any tips posted on the execution of this?
Me Either, It looks like EX Palm > Dash > Cr. roundhouse may be at risk to being removed
If it is in fact removed, this is going to suck against characters that you want to keep in constant wake up vs. tagging them with palm.
If we can hit confirm lp palm with jabs now, we can finally do some decent damage to normals that are -4 on block with out trying to tatsu them only to have the tatsu get blocked or whiff.
the tatsu fix will help against balrog also, saying that cr lk into tatsu works against any and all of his dash punches, now you can do this, while holding down back ^.^
also anyone think of st mp link into cr lp to palm? i mean if he can jab but not jabjab into palm this is what he would have.
The biggest benefit now with the jabs into lp palm will being able to get some decent dmg off of a combo with the normal divekick. Wouldn’t mind them upping the hit stun of that move a bit more tbh.
I think Goukens new goto combo in this version will be
jump in of your choice, s.hp, c.lp, lp palm.
Already works in this version replacing palm with tatsu but messing up means you’re eatting a max dmg combo. Much easier link to do than the, c.lp link.
IF c.lp pokes lead into LP palm, I wouldn’t use that BnB because of scaling. However, c.LP pokes will become very useful against those that block a dive kick or a jumping meaty. You could then crossover and know c.LP is safe, so a combo could come out of it.
You will be missing out on a big portion of his meta game if it’s possible and you don’t use it.
Even after 2 lp pokes it would only reduce 80%. And that does way more damage than cr. lp strings will and it keeps Gouken safe or sets up his rush-down. I’m going to use it every chance I get. You can just jump in and st. cl. mp > cr. lp > cr. lp > lp palm. You’d have 4 times to confirm a combo before you decide to hit palm or not. Brilliant!!!
And then you add the mix up possibilities…
You may just need it for damage and not to mention the mix up opportunity just b/c palm will be a threat up close. It already has invincibility frames, I’m just hoping they were slid to the front like the srk. If so Gouken will be Top Tier!!! and all of my problems will be solved. Since kongo will be punches and won’t over lap with tatsu, you now have some anti air; not to mention what you will do to people with EX Tatsu… I can see the rage-quits now.
Now if they would just shorten the recovery on the air parry…
punkism’s combo was: jump in of your choice, s.hp, c.lp, lp palm.
I wouldn’t use THAT BnB because of scaling and I probably couldn’t land it reliably either (my guess is one frame), making my choice of online use really low. If I could get any jump in, I’d still use s.HP into palm. If s.HP links to c.LP over a two frame link, then I’ll definitely pick-up using it since I can do pretty well with that two framers and online play.