Well, i really hope EX Kongo is something else… That can absorb Armor Breaking moves as well… Hell this is “power of nothingness”, let it counter EVERYTHING!.. Even if i need to burn 2 EX bars…
Mh, what to do mid-screen after a kongo FADC now? I think only lp.palm was fast enough to connect, no? I doubt they will change it so you can ultra mid-screen.
I doubt they will make ex-knogo a no-brainer beating out almost everything. That would not be suitable. What would be maybe cool is if you could counter command grabs with HP or so. Only command grabs, making it a tool against empty jump 360 or roll-in command grab characters. It would be a huge gambling, but well they wont do this anyway.
I just heard that Ex-Kongo will counter taunts!
Far standing roundhouse. It’s a reset, but it almost does as much damage as LP palm and it’s pretty much the only thing that reaches. I didn’t ever use kongo FADC LP palm anyways, so it doesn’t affect my game at all.
i am really going to miss kongo FADC lp palm. hopefully mp will be changed so that it can still work.
The LP palm changes are what I wanted, this could be very good. I also hope EX palm is clean through normal projectiles, like everyone else with their EX dash move.
Yeah, i tried to troll but, i suck at it.
And yes his dive should definitely be an overhead again.
after an AA kongo you can always fadc and let the level 1 focus attack hit and combo into either denjin or non sweetspot shinsho.
works on lots of peoples…
New additions to the Japanese wiki. Sorry for the shitty translation - are you guy able to make any sense of this?:
2 P in Leach short?
K far-reaching Leach short?
Large 2 K Leach short?
Go ?? ?? The movement is no longer weak, as occurred earlier. 2 P leads to weak.
Kong? oneself
Command + P was 421.
Below the waist with a weak attack to take in the waist above. EX will remain unchanged. EX is the same but the strength and motion, the effect is not yet known."
Possible talk about improved normals?
Coming from origins in SNK, Gouken was the first character in vanilla that I absolutely could not wait to play, then I found out he was in fact not Geese Howard 2 and had profound sadness. Then super came out and I stopped playing him entirely <.<
I’m allowing myself to have high hopes for his HP parry though. The only fact I gleaned on this is that when he does it he does the same stance as his EX parry. I’m hoping for one of the following:
*Feint parry: he just holds his parry for a half second then does the attack regardless <- this would possibly be too clever to ever have use outside of upper skill matches, but fun regardless.
*manual parry: does his stance and some additional input triggers the attack. No actual parry. <-this would be strange, but maybe good for hit confirming super or FADC?
*just does the attack stand alone. <-this would be spectacular for the situations where EX tatsu is ineffective due to whiffing on crouchers.
I used google translate and got this…
- In 2 P
o short reach?- K far-reaching
o short reach? - Large 2 K
o short reach? - Go ?? ??
o The movement is no longer the weak, was quickly raised. 2 P leading from weakness. - Diamond Body
o 421 + P was the command.
o weak below the waist, above the waist taken in the attack. EX unchanged. EX strong motion is the same but with effects not yet kno
- K far-reaching
firmly expecting gouken to be the same but slightly worse, like from vanilla to super.
command change for counter is decent, lp palm is still unsure, rest is the same.
all i want for my gouken is his DF/ dive kick to be an overhead again.
but then maybe akuma players would want the same right?
it wouldn’t surprise me if capcom nerfed goukens backthrow>shinshoryuken somehow…
like they could reduce the damage you would get if you landed the ultra off a backthrow.
Remove your post please because i don’t want anyone giving Capcom ANY ideas.
From my limited understanding of Japanese, i try to translate it:
"2 Middle Punch
- Shorter reach (hit box i guess)?
Far Big (? Heavy i think) Kick
- Shorter reach?
2 Big Kick
- Shorter Reach?
- Light version no forward movement, come out faster. Can link from 2 light punch.
- Input command is 421 + Punch
- Light punch counter attack below the waist. Mid punch counter attack above the waist. Heavy punch has same motion as EX version, the effect is still unknown.
im just sayin
if ppl complain enough it could happen…
Sweet jeebus. Jab, Jab, L palm? A hit confirm? Then you would think that crouching strong would also combo. This could be big.
I am not sure I like the thought of f. roundhouse having shorter reach though.
I also am one who makes extensive use of l. palm…I am going to have to hit the training room hard to break myself of it.
Doesn’t that trade a lot? Or maybe I need better spacing
Anyways I’m totally stoked about faster LP palms. More link possibilities, and possibily punish people who FA my cr MP.
This makes me happy. Counter input change, hitconfirmable palm, and better frame data is all Gouken even fucking needs.
Glad to see Goukens getting some buffs. Capcom is dumbing down practically every other character but giving Gouken the ability to combo palm from a lp would definitely open some huge doors for him. Might have to pick him up as a secondary to Seth and start working on my Gouken game before Arcade is released.
As for making his parry better… I don’t think that should happen. It’s already an awesome move, buffing it would make it borderline overpowered.
When it trades that is a free ultra.