Gouken Arcade/DLC Changes SSF4 update thread

This from the guy with a Fuerte avatar.

If I had 360 I would play you guys, but I don’t so I can’t.

^^Same here, well those who are closer to UK

Seems like the frustration is getting too high for us Gouken players. I agree with Iam and Takin Flight.
It will all play out in the battle field. Keep your head up Goukens, and remember the power of nothingness.

See all those who dare in the dojos.


“Concentrate not on destroying your foe, but on obtaining your own victory.” - From the master himself.

Not only does this mystery man post great Gouken videos but he raps too!

Quoting you, but not really for this.

About a little over a week ago I posted something regarding the estimated damage scaling that backthrow into Ultra 1 was going to be.

Just wanted to say thanks for your corrections because I confused and basically combined the definitions for combo AND damage scaling and I was way off.

Also my apologies for confusing anyone on the thread. :china:

what he said!! gouken is beast and raunwynn and iam and takin flight know what they r talkin bout dont even try to come up on this forum and tell the people who have been maining gouken since day one of vanilla so calm down sir

So um… did anyone post about the translations from the magazine here? Like Close s.MP -> c.HP connecting?

Sorry if I came off as a douche, I just wanted to clear up the confusion around combo scaling.


The Arcadia Magazine translations.

I just checked SRK, and there are no translations about Gouken, so my apologies for the ignorance.

I checked the source (the one in the Japanese BBS), and translated it. There is nothing else new, the others are all like c.LP -> Close s.MK connecting, Kongo input, LP Palm changes and stuff, and the only one that caught my eyes was

Close s.MP -> c.HP link possible.

I read it 8 times to make sure it’s correct.

Holy fuckingshit.

This would probably mean that s.mp -> s.mp combos, as well as s.mp -> cr.hk. s.mp -> s.mp -> cr.hk anyone?

Yes to all of them (3rd is maybe character specific?), unless sweep start-up got to 7f :lol:

Tbh, I’m more concerned about frame advantage on Close s.HK hit, because there’s no exact information about it.

Gouken is upper-mid now. At least. Being able to non-CH hit-confirm into sweep or EX Palm is stupid good. Gouken bandwagon, get on it now.

Semi-related: I’m really starting to think that Denjin also got buffed indirectly because of all the pressure buffs he got with a much better upclose game, spike-downs on j.HK nj.FP, as well as virtually free jump-in with DF Parry. I mean, it really seems like it’s gonna be kinda hard to just jump away when he wants to be in your face.

That change is so good that makes me fear even more about the backthrow damage being recoverable damage, hopefully I’m wrong

I owe you this same respect with what I posted and thanks for your contributions here. If I offended anyone else you’ll just have to get over it.

Back into the darkness… :cool:


The very notion that close.MP may be +6 instead of the expected +5…

My mind she has been blown, thats… OMG I think I just… even if it turns out to not be true, having the very thought of it might have been possible will keep me happy for months to come :smiley:

I’ll let you lot get on with it then. Byes byes.

Oh boy, st.MP being +6 on hit would be devastating.
MP > cr.HP > LP Hadou = 199 damage, 340 stun
MP > cr.HP > EX Palm > HP Palm = 373 damage, 560 stun

Shit, with MK’s startup being changed to 3 frames you can do safe hitconfirms like MP > MK > LP Palm, OR even better, MP > MP > LP Hadou > sweep into MORE GF mixup.


j.mk, cl.MP > cr.HP > LP Hadou FADC cr.hp, ex palm, dash, tatsu or ex palm denjin , that’s going to be ridiculous, I still can’t believe they’re going to let us link cr.hp after cl.mp :open_mouth:

Only about 15 days for videos from AE japan arcades to arrive, I can’t wait to see if this is true