Gouken Arcade/DLC Changes SSF4 update thread

dash forward twice after forward throw for the crossup

Bah @ my eagerness to post that vid! XD

I meant hit lol.

I don’t think you understand what a safe jump is…

Reversal Tiger uppercut, Flame Kick and Cannon Spike all beat this… It does work against Headbutt though… if that’s what you’re going after. CBFd to check with other characters… Obviously, you’re not beating 3 frame reversals with a jumping meaty either.

That’s why we say come to the DOJO sessions, some shit is better shown than explained , believe it or not we know maybe a thing or two bout this cat …


What is this I…

I’m with ya, bro’.

I go for a lot of cross-ups too, and I time them to cross them up while they reversal-uppercut in the wrong direction. It’s a good pay-off but it doesn’t always work. I find it to be toughest against Cammy. She’s really tough on Gouken, IMO.

Onyly reason I suspect its not viewed as more reliable is cuz you play online as do I. This stuff werx waaay better offline. Waaay more reliable. Come to shinb sho!

You are right for the most part, but a “true” safe jump allows you to actually attack them per if it hits or if they block and if they try to reversal you can land and block. Therefore srks are immune to it bc of the active frames on start up is less than 4 frames. It takes all characters 4 frames to land. So you have to either stuff srks or faux safe jump them as you’ve been doing.

And not unless lag is THAT fucked up it shouldn’t be too tough to do online.

Damn near everyone knows you can’t straight up safe jump an srk but everytime a strategy is leaked cats start grabbing at their dicks to piss on the fire without unzipping their pants first.

It’s very simple to test…

Just go in training mode, select Cammy/Fei/Sagat/anyone without a 3f DP and select Gouken as a dummy. Perform said set-up on record and try to reversal to beat gouken’s meaty j.mk. An autocorrect DP beats his jump-ins every.damn.time, no exceptions. And no amount of timing will change that because after dashing twice and jumping on the earliest frame, your opponent will start getting up. Considering said 4-f landing frames, you’d need to be very close to the ground by the time your opponent wakes up, which is not the case here.

This isn’t even about “nerd” definitions. The set-up being discussed is NOT a safe jump cross-up. And no, this won’t work better offline, because good offline players will autocorrect DP.

A variation of this is perhaps what you’ve been doing. That is called baiting.

this is called a safe jump. A jump-in (attack) that allows you to score a hit if they don’t block,** that gives you enough time to block if they reversal DP**, and that gives you a free block string if they do block.

deleted post in the spirit of harmony.

takinflight was referring to dragon punches, and not the flashkick you alluded to in post 705 (you weren’t even replying to takinflight then…but Johngrimm). So I posted legit information because he admitted to not knowing the exact definition of a safe jump, and now you’re getting mad?

How do you finger fuck a keyboard?

Take a chill pill homes.

Easily. Start poking that bitch.

And if you click binkyfingers on the video you posted and research the content of the users page you may find an interesting connection here. :encore:


And I told him the same shit you did in the post right above you… more-less. And I’m the one who needs to take a chill pill???

I’m not mad at all. However, the constant back in forth here does sicken the shit out of me sometimes… well all the fucking time. For the most part I’m all about community and lifting each other up, but then if you post some shit you’ve found and instead of someone asking what the fuck are you doing or how are you doing it?? The first thing they say is the shit don’t work without even testing it for themselves. Not aiming directly at you, but if you pull damn near any thread you can see it. Of course the trolls get handled properly, but I just ignore those sons of bitches now unless I feel I just need to run them away. Even though I prefer not to be, I have absolutely no problem being the villain around here. Kinda makes me regret for deleting my original post, but I’ll let it ride.

Trust me if I was mad, you’d know it. “I ain’t scared of you muthafuckas!!!” Bernie Mac R.I.P.


:nono: :bgrin:

I will only share in session now…I will slowly dissapear from these forums as a contributor.
Add me get at me …add me get at mee…come show me I’m wrong.

You asked for it, so here it is. **KISS MY ASS. **

@Kikuichimonji - I have no beef with you, Bentobox you too.

Safe jump per cross up- [media=youtube]1U_wngfvnWo[/media] There are a few other set ups that give you this, maybe I’ll post at a later date. Then again, maybe I shouldn’t. :nunchuck:

Here’s another set up that Guile can’t do shit about- [media=youtube]EfW6cpIbhTA[/media]

I’m starting to feel the same way. I guess if I played ranked for a few days and got to 15,000 BP they’d listen.

@ Nevillebamshew- I’ve seen you play. I actually like your style as a matter of fact most of the shit I speak of I actually had that “ah-ha” moment with the jewels you dropped about safe jumping a while back. I believe it was arond the time you got mad that cats weren’t understanding your philosophies, so you got mad and deleted your shit and left.

I then understood it perfectly playing a few matches with Takin Flight, Raunwynn, Killakelly, DefiNatoRx671, Frusterdated, Paul Nannie, Six 6, EAMenietta, FNEX DarkKnight, GotMischief, Massive Cosby, Pompus Puff and BlackBlazeQ.

Granted whether I barely win or horribly lose, I still owe Shine, Jug, and ViperRX188 a set or 2, and I hope to face Desora and Bullcat someday… but I say that to say this.

Always honor those who have paved the way and continue to do so. I don’t try to give shit, nor do I take shit if you understand what I mean. If you really have a problem with a theory of mine’s, don’t just come out of the fucking blue trying to dis-credit shit I basically learned from YOU. Especially since you have the nerve to delete your contributions and bounce like you were actually taking Gouken with you. For a person to be so close, you so are so damn far away. What a damn shame.

Then people have the nerve to talk shit about Desora like he isn’t NIIIIIICCCEEEE. Bullcat is DA SHIT right now, we all know this but he isn’t the only Gouken that knows shit and knows how to beat certain match ups. You often get the new comers with some random bullshit, but those who’ve played him for a long time? Gouken is unique and we all apply him in a different way so we should accept him as such and atleast go into the rabbit-hole to find out.

Shit I’ve found and that I keep finding… we’ll from you all I took what I liked and adapted it to my play-style simple enough.

But I’ve also developed my own shit, the things that only certain people were privy to because we dove a little bit deeper. The missing element I’d say. Some call it Bullshit, I call it “The Vortex”.

Fuck it. Until Arcade Edition DLC launches, I don’t have shit else to say in these forums, I’m strictly DoJo Session.

To all of you Goukens out there. See the Shin Sho Dojo updates if you really want to engage me about Gouken other than that, enjoy trying to have these fools see your point.

I’m out.


“There Is No Use”

Sorry to burst your bubble, but the Guile player can get out of this and can also punish the set up in the 2nd link with a non reversal Flash Kick. Not only that, they’re both non-meaties, meaning that Guile gets to do other stuff other than reversals to get out. In these situations, he could just jump out. Simple as that really. So, again, Gouken doesn’t have a safe crossup.

I don’t see the reason for disrespecting the other players that have been trying to educate you both on this matter.

Gouken has landed by then what you are talking about only applies to DP’s and shit you can’t safe jump like EX SPD and EX Tornado. I doube if he can, but even if Gule jumps out you’ve already landed, and you’d have time to block so that would make it… SAFE… you still don’t understand do you, just can’t quite wrap your mind around it huh? I pity the fool says Mr. T.

Seeing is believing. [media=youtube]1U_wngfvnWo#t=0m51s[/media]

No more replies from me on the matter, I’m done.

I will chat with you muthafuckas when DLC pops off! :party:

Until then, tell your bitches that they can find me in the Dojo with my Dick and My Controller in attendance! Win or Lose it’s only a few matches, I don’t know what I’m talking about, well atleast that’s what they say. :slight_smile: :china:

@Nevillebamshew- You see my Gamertag. Add it pick Guile and prove me wrong “burst my bubble” if you wish. Dont’ talk about it, be about it.

I don’t wanna hear shit about lag etc. etc. you know how to find me. I expect an invite soon.

I don’t need to, and for some reason you’re getting all wound up over this when other players are providing you with correct information despite you being very rude to them.

I love it …, we just wanna play. Nothing more we don’t troll just to disagree. I average 1.13 posts a day, I am here for community …and when I do I generally support or contribute…never to just pop up and say you’re wrong…

SAltine crackas b !

soo much drama over such a shitty character tsk tsk…
