444 damage, 670 stun.
For a 5 hit Denjin you get 514 damage, 790 stun.
This is fun.
444 damage, 670 stun.
For a 5 hit Denjin you get 514 damage, 790 stun.
This is fun.
where are you guys getting these combos/data? Is it speculation or tested?
Not at all, you were right. And it’s a major point, so it’s a good thing you fired it off quick. :tup:
Well we know how much damage things do, how damage scales, and with the new frame data we know what links, so if the changes are true it’s pretty much how it’s going to be. You could call it speculation I suppose, but if we’re getting the right information it should be correct.
I checked out the likelihood of some of those combos and on most cases I tried(cant be bothered to try out everyone untill AE is DLC ofcourse^^) close MP pushes people out to far for close anything. Some characters though it is(Ryu for instance). cl.MP ->c.MP(c.HP for the 1 frame pros) will be the basic combo I think till we figure out which combo works on who. cl.MP -> cl.MP-> c.MP might push people out to far for a tatsu or the new palm so I dont know how worthwile it will be.
But ye gods is it fun thinking about this stuff God 16th december cant come soon enough! I wanna see footage of Desora and Bullcat tearing up arcades!(or new arrivals)
Silly bug
Nah man, it’s universal, you just have to do it fast enough. Turn on counter hit in training mode and you can link it on anyone. I just did it on Juri and Sakura, who are notoriously thin and get pushed out easily.
Try abel
Well ain’t that the damnedest thing. I wouldn’t have expected it to fail on a bigger character like Abel, but I guess his hitbox is too wonky for that second close MP. My mistake then, looks like it’s indeed character specific. Doesn’t look like it’ll be crazy character specific, though.
Aye, Abel and Ryu were the 2 I tried it on and it not working on Abel sent off a warning to me. I’m not about to go check all 35 though for pure theory, I probably will when AE DLC comes out if we don’t have a fully comprised list yet
This bug is driving me a bit loopy
Trading U1 damage from backthrow (which rarely work against good players) is welcome for big time normal buffs. If only his instant air tatsu timing was more lenient.
He has a really good fireball zoning game against some characters. Heavy punishing combos + the backgrab, new practical hit confirms, and now he might be an okizeme king (I’m hyped about nj.FP and j.HK). On top of this his moveset is highly diverse. He looks like lower high tier so far.
Maybe Close s.MP -> Close s.MP will work all the time after a deep jump-in. Not sure about this, but is the pushback distance on the current s.MP identical for a counter hit and a normal one? I’d like to test, but I can’t til Friday. Either ways, I’m going to try a lot of s.MP -> c.MP -> Tatsu when AE comes into DLC, because I love Tatsu.
The jump in won’t make a difference, you can’t get any closer than jamming yourself next to the opponent in the corner and even then it didn’t work. It would be fantastic if Counter Hit added a bit of push back and it’s actually more universal than I thought, because it’s the only way my cl.MP > cl.MP > LP Hadou > sweep combo will work, and that’s really the one I want to work.
not recommended since cr.mp, tatsu will whiff if crouched if nothing has changed, so if we can really link s.mp, cr.hp, you should be doing s.mp, cr.hp, hp palm for more less the same damage.
However some people are mentioning that cr.mp now links with palm or fireball, but I didn’t see this at the list of changes for AE Gouken, what gives?
Hey guys, what’s a similar character I can use to practice Gouken’s soon-to-be hit confirm combos? Being solely a Gouken player, I’ve had the fortune/misfortune of never having to learn link timing so I’d like get some practice in before AE.
Try doing Cammy’s s.MP c.MP and s.MP c.HP c.MK/MP hit confirms for Spiral Arrow. They’re the most similar thing I can think of.
Will it matter if japan gets a head start w AE?
Honestly though, it still won’t be 100% the same, I’d recommned trying out the counterhit Gouken combos instead as I feel it will be closer(though we don’t know if the move is going to have more hitstun or less recovery to get the +6).
Cammys sMP to link is an 18 frame wait after hit whereas Goukens CH is a 12 frame one with nigh identical timing if they increase histun(the only difference then is that the AE 2 framers are 3 framers with the counterhit practice, but you’ll be really close). The actual AE combo might be a 10 frame wait though if they just reduce recovery(I hope it’s the hitstun increase, makes hitconfirming slightly easier).
The headstart will matter a bit, but tourneys are likely to remain regular super so until the DLC comes out everyone will still be going to Super tourneys where the advantage won’t be present. When the DLC is finally released, it’ll depend how long it takes one to adjust to his new attributes to determine how long that advantage remains. (remember there was a reverse for a while as Japan players went abroad and had to play pro console charcter users when they only had arcade, heres hoping Capcom doesn’t let such a difference between the 2 formats exist for long)