Gouken Arcade/DLC Changes SSF4 update thread

Cool…can’t wait to read them. I’m gonna go to Austin one of these days for the arcade.

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No, we get j.MP (1st hit) xx air Tatsu. In other words, we get nice damage and good stun for air-to-air purposes.

Yeah it was possible to mid-air cancel a jumping normal into air tatsu in hyper fighting. Nice to see it coming back!

Its an honor they would bestow us with such a reward…! I been asqn for that since vanilla in this very forum…now ill have some legit air tatsu to go with my bacthrow nj.mid air tatsu finishes!

How come I cannot see j.MP xx HK Tatsu without getting punished by opponents on hit? Meh, I need to study air tatsu more.

? Diagonal Jumping Medium Punch can be Canceled into a Hurricane Kick after the first hit now. This wasn’t mentioned in the previous blog entry.
? There were no changes to his Ultra 1 or Ultra 2.

In the latest blog this was added. Thoughts?

If you can cancel j.MP first hit to Tatsu… I wonder if you can cancel it to dive kick too, if that is so, maybe that can be useful for some mix-ups or something.

But is sad to know that they didn’t gave him his Demon Flip Dive Kick overhead properties back. =/

Dj.mp > air tatsu > chip damage = old/ new frame trap from hyper…! Vs gief sag seth other tall characters

So now we can combo j.mp 1st hit + horizontal air hurricane, or simply that you can do the same combo we were doing only with the second hit, but now with the first hit also?

ya i’m confused about that one as well. But from the looks of it, it seems that u can cancel into air tatsu…not the ground one we can do now since technically we aren’t “cancelling” into tatsu now so much as following up. Its really all up in the air now but either way u look at it its another great buff for the old man.

Yeah I use a lot j.mp as AA so either way it’s a nice buff.

BTW no changes to U2 is really bad news, U1 ftw it seems.

ok so my question is is it easier to get the first hit or second hit of jumping mp?

Yeah no changes to U2 means its still useless, but I love Shin Sho no matter how badass they made his denjin. So I’m glad his ultra still takes off the same insane damage…despite the back throw setup being nerfed.

The 1st hit is much easier to hit and actually connect due to the weird timing on the second hit (when ur trying to just get that second hit). I’m assuming u’d have to hit confirm j. mp so basically the instant that first mp hits u are already buffering tatsu motion. It’s actually a pretty sweet setup if u think about it. His j.mp is going to be freakin AWESOME! It’s still his best tool right now for air-air but with better tools such as this supposed new air tatsu combo as well as EX tatsu connecting and locking.
Gouken is looking very good for a master. About damn time.

Ya know… this will let us jump in on blocking opponents with MP, and cancel to hurricane. Perhaps it will be an easy punish once people learn it, like pretty much all of Gouken’s moves, but hey… It’s still certainly awesome. But I wish the recovery of aerial hurricane was shortened. When it can be punished on hit, it’s not right…

Try to knock down Zangief with it, let him quick-stand and press the 3 magic buttons, and knock you down as thanks.

Is cancel to air tatsu… Not the ground tatsu…

Gouken is looking pretty good!

Looking forward to jumping mp, ex tatsu cancel back and forward to cross-up?

Sad that they didnt change denjin though, even though I’m assuming that the fact that you can link the palm off jabs will make it a very scary thing on the corner. I’m all for the new frame traps.

I wonder how much damage corner ex palm, hp fb, j.mp, air tatsu will do.

So many cool things…hoping for the patch soon!

They’ve buffed Denjin indirectly with “pursuit property” and mapping kongo to all punches will give you more tatsu > Ultra’s. Especially on those who like to neutral jump. Not to mention since lp palm can be canceled after a chain of lps for hit confirm, what is preventing someone from hit confirming tatsu with 7 - 13 Start Up frame. Even if the new palm has a 10 frame start up you could still land lk, mk, and ex provided they are in the proper range to hit.

The way it feels to play Gouken now is like you have one hand tied behind your back, depending on how your frame trapping and defense goes through out the match. All the opportunity in the world is there, but depending of if it’s counter hit or now your opponent gets a way out b/c he can only frame trap after leading with jabs. I really think Capcom tried to fix that this time around, with all the other nerfs I really think he’s gonna creep up a Tier or 2. He’ll definitely be in the top half of the roster now, that’s a MAJOR improvement.

I’m still not sure if they’ve nerfed back throw a bit by damage scaling or did then “Gen” him, and give him some grey damage bullshit for real to offset all of the buffs they’ve given us. Testing is only going to reveal that, it’s been translated both ways and I’m still not sure what to believe is correct.

I am ready!

Is cr. lp xx tatsu fadc shin sho doable on the corner as of now?

I’m really hoping denjin becomes more usable with the new setups and everything.

I doubt it though.

If you connect the 1st hit, then cancel into Tatsu. If you connect the 2nd hit, then use nj.HP or j.HK to slam em down to the ground. Either way Gouken has a choice.

I actually thought about jump-in MP -> cancel into Tatsu, but unless they removed the height restriction on his air Tatsu (yes, it’s there), it’ll not likely work.

If it’s possible, and if the opponent is standing and doesn’t crouch, then a huge chip damage I guess.

Btw, there’s still possibility that Demon flip dive kick got changed back to overhead (though I hugely doubt it). They never mentioned it in the dev blog when it lost its overhead status.