Gouken Arcade/DLC Changes SSF4 update thread

Gouken’s air tatsu hits overhead, so j.mp xx air tatsu could be part of a mixup.

You mean Sounding pretty good :smiley:

we’ll have a look soon

Yeah, it’s do-able.

like someone mentioned before, the denjin was inadvertently(or not?) buffed. With the lp>palm links, the denjin will be easier to land in the corner than U1.

As much as i like U1, i’ll be using U2 from the moment AE hits the consoles. no more throw-tech headaches.

and with j.mp>EX-air-tatsu i can still do good damage after a back-throw. baiting jump-ins with fireballs is now even more fun.

We probably can’t punish Blanka’s EX Up Ball on block now because lp palm doesn’t move forwards. Or Condor Dive. Blanka’s horizontal ball got nerfed so that’s not that big of a deal probably.

why would you punish condor dive with palm?? sweep is much better since you can set up a flip dive & it beats any of his reversals

we may have just got an new denjin set up jmp mp (1 hit) xx lk air tatsu >> denjin.

Condor Dive has variable recovery depending on how high up T Hawk hits you. I don’t know if you can always sweep it.

can you do lk air tatsu -> Denjin? O.o

Also backthrow -> j.mp xx air EX tatsu will have the EX tatsu scaled to 80%

I don’t think that’s possible because of the retarded recovery time on his air tatsu…well pretty much any damn tatsu lol. As of now air tatsu is great and all but u always have to be careful because gouken lands about the same time as ur opponent wakes up (if they quick stand of course). Hence y ur suggested setup will not work now nor in AE (unless changes have been made to air tatsu that we are unaware of).

People keep saying this, but the dev blog did not mention it at all. You’d think a change like that would get mentioned, seeing as how it’s kind of a drastic change. At the very least they would have said “distance on LP palm decreased” or something. Until a Capcom representative says it or I play the new Gouken myself I refuse to believe that change.

I don’t think so, I like Denjin a lot, but now we have two more setups for Shin sho, tatsu fadc U1 and better DF Focus. U2 damage is so low that cr.lp cr.lp palm, denjin is still not enough reason to move from U1.

However, if now backthrow U1 gives grey damage, Gen style, then I would have to think twice which ultra to go for.

What I really hope is that lp.palm is a half decent wakeup reversal, I’m tired of using ex flip and now with tatsu fadc available I’ll have to be more meter conscious.

Can’t wait to play him.

what I’m almost sure that we lost though is kongo, fadc, lp palm. obviously it wont hit.

Probably. I was wondering if Gouken can kongo fadc j.mp 1st hit? Maybe we can now kongo fadc j.mp air tatsu

I think everyone is getting way over their heads at the moment. This seems like alot of speculation. The blog also says that these are not the all the changes, which means Gouken could have been nerfed, but the only thing besides the back throw nerf is the damage ex dashing palms. Thoughts on possible nerfs?

^ My only nerf concern is backthrow, I’m just hoping they didn’t “Gen” him b/c if they have it will change the way how we play with him completely, in fact if that’s true then you’ll see a lot more people either pick a new character b/c what happens after back throw would be so varied and dependent upon if you can land a hit or not. So then we’d be relying on resets after back throw and none of that shit is safe. This is primary concern at this point. Either that, or you won’t see back throw too often.

With all the other buffs, minor damage nerfs shouldn’t be a big deal with all the other ways he should be able to deal damage now.

That back throw thing is gonna bug me until I find out what the hell it really means

I am so entertaining the idea of gouken being top tier lol.
and I think the back grab change means that the backgrab now damage scales…which hurts me so much.

Look at all the buffs he (supposedly until the game is actually released) gets and the only real nerf is that the backthrow->U1 now loses 20%? If that is the only nerf then I am happy to give it up. So it will do 403 rather than 503…still a big chunk. The D. J. mp to tatsu is freaking awesome! I goof around sometimes finishing a combo with air tatsu just for fun…now it may be one of his B n B’s lol!

Just wanted to introduce myself. I main Gouken in SSF4 but I haven’t really played the game since launch mainly because I feel that Gouken got the short end of the stick as a character. He was the only reason I bought the game to begin with, but the tools they gave him IMHO don’t help him live up to his status. I’m sure a huge chunk of my grief comes from the fact that I didn’t put enough time to learn all the matchups and I’m trying to rectify that now. I’d like to play with some of the better Gouken mainers on this board (PSN only, I don’t have a 360) and hopefully learn a trick or two.

I looked on SRK for a Gouken thread, but the only one I found had its last posting in July. I guess Gouken isn’t getting much love, is he? So many people dropped him as a main, and so few people use him anymore.

In any case, drop me a line or add me on PSN. I’d love to learn from you guys.